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Lund Contemporary 2025

6 February 2025 19:00 to 9 October 2025 20:00 | Lecture/talk, Concert För femte gången bjuder Odeum in till festivalen Lund Contemporary, en biennal för samtida konstmusik som arrangeras i samverkan med en rad lokala och regionala aktörer. Vi ser fram emot ett varierat program där nyskriven musik varvas med samtal, föreläsningar och experimentella upplevelser. Festivalen kommer att vara en plattfo

https://www.staff.lu.se/calendar/lund-contemporary-2025-tema-visual - 2025-03-14

Salary-setting factors

Here you can find out about the university's salary-setting factors. Content on this page: General factorsSpecific salary-setting factors for teaching staffSpecific salary-setting factors for technical and administrative staffSpecific salary-setting for doctoral studentsSalary-setting is to be results-based, which means that it is influenced by your results and their significance for the Universit

https://www.staff.lu.se/employment/salary/salary-setting-factors - 2025-03-14

Research representatives

As a staff member at Lund University you have the option to consult a research representative on matters concerning good research practice. A research representative is to provide independent advice and support on matters concerning research activities, such as issues relating to publication, the responsibilities of authors or research collaborations. The research representatives are appointed by

https://www.staff.lu.se/research-and-education/research-support/research-ethics-and-animal-testing-ethics/research-representatives - 2025-03-14

Irregular working hours

This page provides information about irregular working hours. Content on this page:About irregular working hoursRules are regulated in local collective agreementsIrregular working hours with average working hours of 40 per weekIrregular working hours with average working hours of 38 per weekIf your manager asks you to work extra hours or overtimeAbout irregular working hoursWhen an organisation ne

https://www.staff.lu.se/employment/working-hours/irregular-working-hours - 2025-03-14

LU News 12

Published 21 June. Summer is here and LU News will be taking a break. The next edition will be published on 30 August. Have a wonderful summer!University-wide news Show more news On the University Management’s agenda Per Mickwitz, Pro Vice-Chancellor"Quotation: During my visit to the University of Gothenburg I was asked, “Why has Lund University performed so incredibly well in Horizon Europe?” It

https://www.staff.lu.se/category/lu-news-12-2023 - 2025-03-14

LU News 11

Published 8 June. University-wide news Show more news On the University Management’s agenda Lena Eskilsson, Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Ann-Kristin Wallengren, Pro Vice-ChancellorA new Strategy for Education is presented.See the film Strategy for Education 2023-2024. (Select settings and subtitle) Lundalopp T-shirt available for free Those interested can pick up a T-shirt from this year’s Lundalopp

https://www.staff.lu.se/category/lu-news-11-2023 - 2025-03-14

LU News 10

Published 24 May. University-wide news Show more news On the University Management’s agenda Kristina Eneroth, Pro Vice-Chancellor"International impact is crucial for the University’s continued development and the ability to recruit students and staff according to our own priorities – not those of others. We are now launching a number of targeted activities in order to increase our international im

https://www.staff.lu.se/category/lu-news-10-2023 - 2025-03-14

LU News 9

Published 10 May. University-wide news Show more news On the University Management’s agenda Susanne Kristensson, University Director"This money gives LU employees the chance to travel in Europe and learn from colleagues at other universities, organisations or companies within the EU/EEA."The University have received SEK 1.7 million for professional development activities in Europe Current updates

https://www.staff.lu.se/category/lu-news-9-2023 - 2025-03-14

LU News 8

Published 26 April. University-wide news Show more news On the University Management’s agenda Lena Eskilsson, Deputy Vice-Chancellor"We see the Annual Summit as a possibility to firmly establish the work of EUGLOH among LU’s staff and the hope is that many have an interest in this and the opportunity to take part! The theme for the meeting is Building bridges between education and research."Lund t

https://www.staff.lu.se/category/lu-news-8-2023 - 2025-03-14

LU News 7

Published 12 April 2023. University-wide news Show more news On the University Management’s agenda Ann Kristin Wallengren, Pro Vice-Chancellor"The work on acquisition of educational qualifications has made good progress and you can follow developments via a new blog. A working group has produced support for teaching staff for how the topical AI tool ChatGPT can be handled, and you can now access t

https://www.staff.lu.se/category/lu-news-7-2023 - 2025-03-14

LU News 6

Published 29 March. University-wide news Show more news On the University Management’s agenda Susanne Kristensson, University Director"All units within the central administration have been tasked with ensuring that their budgets are balanced. This may entail that prioritisation is needed and that a more prudent approach is required concerning costs, e.g. regarding new recruitment and business trip

https://www.staff.lu.se/category/lu-news-6-2023 - 2025-03-14

LU News 5

Published 15 March. University-wide news Show more news On the University Management’s agenda Jimmie Kristensson, Pro Vice-Chancellor"My hope is that the project will lead to greater clarity, visibility and security for the students who come to study in Lund. We are stronger together!"We are supporting the students in their work against sexual harassment Susanne Kristensson, University Director"Th

https://www.staff.lu.se/category/lu-news-5-2023 - 2025-03-14

LU News 4

Published 1 March. University-wide news Show more news On the University Management’s agenda Kristina Eneroth, Pro Vice-Chancellor"The aim is for the University to be able react faster and more proactively in our international work, while there is to be a more long-term approach to what we want to achieve."Global Dynamic Engagement will enhance our international presenceViktor Öwall, Pro Vice-Chan

https://www.staff.lu.se/category/lu-news-4-2023 - 2025-03-14

LU News 3

Published 15 February. University-wide news Show more news On the University Management’s agenda Kristina Eneroth, Pro Vice-Chancellor"Lund University’s strength lies in the fact that we conduct research in deep tech and have an innovation system in place that supports companies establishing in the field. Now it is time to make these efforts visible and more widely known, even internationally!"The

https://www.staff.lu.se/category/lu-news-3-2023 - 2025-03-14

LU News 2

Published 1 February. University-wide news Show more news On the University Management’s agenda Per Mickwitz, Pro Vice-Chancellor“I believe that a common vision, clear and explicit core values and systematic work on the priority issues can better enable the researchers at the University to conduct research of the highest international quality that helps people to understand, explain and improve ou

https://www.staff.lu.se/category/lu-news-2-2023 - 2025-03-14


This page provides information on benefits for employees at Lund University. On this page, you can find out more about your benefits:Annual leaveAdjustment agreementCompensation for parental leaveHealth promotion reimbursement and health promotion hourIllness/sickness benefitInsuranceOccupational injuriesPaid authorised leavePensionsPriority entitlement to a greater degree of employmentPriority en

https://www.staff.lu.se/employment/benefits - 2025-03-14

Operational Insurance

Lund University is covered by the Financial and Administrative Services Agency (Kammarkollegiet), which administers the state insurance system. The operational insurance consists of three main parts: property insurance, consequential damage insurance and liability insurance. In addition, there are some supplementary insurance policies. In the event of any damage, a claim must be submitted immediat

https://www.staff.lu.se/support-and-tools/security/operational-insurance - 2025-03-14

Global Dynamic Engagement (GDE)

Global Dynamic Engagement (GDE) is the working method on which Lund University bases its work to strengthen and further develop its international impact regarding research, education, networks and innovation. Democracy, human rights, academic freedom and taking responsibility are the cornerstones of this work. The world is changing rapidly and becoming increasingly complex and uncertain. Geopoliti

https://www.staff.lu.se/organisation-and-governance/vision-objectives-and-strategies/global-dynamic-engagement-gde - 2025-03-14

Career paths within research and teaching at Lund University

On this page you can learn more about possible career paths within research and teaching at Lund University. Click on the image to enlarge The image shows a possible career path within research and teaching at Lund University. Building an academic career Good, clear career paths are contingent upon there being a need within the organisation and funding in the relevant organisation. Opportunities f

https://www.staff.lu.se/employment/professional-and-careers-development/career-paths-within-research-and-teaching-lund-university - 2025-03-14