

Din sökning på "*" gav 532868 sökträffar

Aggestam and Bergman Rosamond on re-politicising the gender-security nexus

Published 4 March 2019 Karin Aggestam and Annika Bergman Rosamond have co-authored the article ”Re-politicising the Gender-Security Nexus: Sweden’s Feminist Foreign Policy”. The article is published in a special issue on the politicisation of security in the  journal European Review of International Studies. The article analyses the politicisation of the WPS- (Women, Peace and Security) agenda and

https://www.svet.lu.se/en/article/aggestam-and-bergman-rosamond-re-politicising-gender-security-nexus - 2025-03-07

Aggestam and Strömbom on peace building in the Middle East

Published 7 March 2019 Karin Aggestam and Lisa Strömbom have contributed with a chapter ”Peacebuilding in the Middle East” to Routledge Handbook on Middle East Security (eds. A. Jägerskog, et al) The chapter analyses peacebuilding in the Middle East with focus on four subdomains and regions: Security sector reforms in Tunisia; Women, peace, security in Iraq; youth and peace activism in Lebanon; an

https://www.svet.lu.se/en/article/aggestam-and-strombom-peace-building-middle-east - 2025-03-07

Bäck, Lindvall and Teorell on Sweden’s parliamentary democracy

Published 5 March 2019 Hanna Bäck, Johannes Lindvall and Jan Teorell have, together with Carl Dahlström and Elin Naurin, co-authored the article “Sweden’s Parliamentary Democracy at 100”, which has been published in the journal Parliamentary Affairs. The article assesses how Swedish parliamentary democracy works today, almost one hundred years into its history.Learn more on doi.org Personal pages:

https://www.svet.lu.se/en/article/back-lindvall-and-teorell-swedens-parliamentary-democracy - 2025-03-07

Authoritarian regime and democratic forms of government

Published 11 March 2019 Jan Teorell and Staffan Lindberg have written the article ”Beyond Democracy-Dictatorship Measures: A New Framework Capturing Executive Bases of Power, 1789-2016”, which has been published in the journal “Perspectives on Politics”. This article attempts to integrate the literatures on authoritarian regime types and democratic forms of government by proposing a theoretical fr

https://www.svet.lu.se/en/article/authoritarian-regime-and-democratic-forms-government - 2025-03-07

Need a bag?

Published 12 March 2019 Tobias Dan Nielsen, Karl Holmberg and Johannes Stripple have co-authored the article ”Need a bag? A review of public policies on plastic carrier bags – Where, how and to what effect?”, which has been published in the journal Waste Management. The plastic carrier bag epitomises many of the features that have transformed plastics into a material that defines our contemporary

https://www.svet.lu.se/en/article/need-bag - 2025-03-07

Gusic on how war and peace interplay with space

Published 18 March 2019 Ivan Gusic has published the article ”The relational spatiality of the postwar condition: A study of the city of Mitrovica”, which has been published in Political Geography. The article is about how postwar societies both shape and are shaped by postwar spaces, depicting this theoretical argument through the postwar city of Mitrovica (Kosovo). Read the article on sciencedir

https://www.svet.lu.se/en/article/gusic-how-war-and-peace-interplay-space - 2025-03-07

Teorell on measurement of institutions

Published 19 March 2019 Jan Teorell has authored the chapter “Measuring Institutions: What We Do Not Know“ in the book “A Research Agenda for New Institutional Economics” (the editors are C. Ménard and M. Shirley). This is a chapter in an edited volume issue by and, first and foremost, for economists. Its overarching theme is the future research agenda within the theoretical perspective called “Ne

https://www.svet.lu.se/en/article/teorell-measurement-institutions - 2025-03-07

What future for primates?

Published 22 March 2019 Tobias Nielsen and Fariborz Zelli have together with four other researchers co-authored the article ”What future for primates? Conservation struggles in the forests of Cross River State, Nigeria”, which has been published in the journal ”Sustainability Science”. In this article, the authors analyse the impacts of human-induced faunal loss and the associated multi-level gove

https://www.svet.lu.se/en/article/what-future-primates - 2025-03-07

Bäck on coalition agreements

Published 25 March 2019 Why do coalition parties settle some policy issues in great detail, whereas other issues are hardly mentioned in coalition agreements? Hanna Bäck has, together with Heike Klüver, studied this question in an analysis of over 200 agreements in 24 West and East European countries. The results in their analysis show that parties are clearly more likely to spend a lot of effort

https://www.svet.lu.se/en/article/back-coalition-agreements - 2025-03-07

Bartelson has received two awards

Published 29 March 2019 Jens Bartelson has received two awards by the International Studies Association. He is the recipient of the Distinguished Scholar Award and the ISA Theory Section Best Monograph Award. The last mentioned award has been given to Bartelson for his book ”War in International Thought”. Motivation for the Distinguished scholar awardJens Bartelson’s pioneering contribution to the

https://www.svet.lu.se/en/article/bartelson-has-received-two-awards - 2025-03-07

How quality of government shapes the provision of public goods in democracies

Published 27 March 2019 Ketevan Bolkvadze has, together with Marina Povitkina from University of Gothenburg, published the article "Fresh Pipes with Dirty Water: How quality of government shapes the provision of public goods in democracies" in the “European Journal of Political Research”. Using mixed methods design the authors investigate why democracy is not enough for the provision of basic publ

https://www.svet.lu.se/en/article/how-quality-government-shapes-provision-public-goods-democracies - 2025-03-07

Study of the government formation process

Published 28 March 2019 The speaker of the Swedish Parliament, Andreas Norlén. Photo: Melker Dahlstrand/The Swedish Parliament A study of the Swedish government formation process 2018-2019 aims to map the sequence of events and summarize what can be learnt from the process and the formal rules governing it. The study aims to answer three research questions: Why did the current government form? Why

https://www.svet.lu.se/en/article/study-government-formation-process - 2025-03-07

Was the Swedish extension of the suffrage early or late?

Published 2 April 2019 Jan Teorell has, together with Staffan Lindberg, co-authored the chapter ”Demokratins utveckling i världen: Tendenser under och efter rösträttens århundrade” in the book ”Rösträttens århundrade: Kampen, utvecklingen och framtiden för demokratin i Sverige”. This is a chapter in an edited volume that was issued to celebrate 100 years of Swedish democracy. Together with Staffan

https://www.svet.lu.se/en/article/was-swedish-extension-suffrage-early-or-late - 2025-03-07

Academic housekeeping

Published 8 April 2019 Sara Kalm has written the article ”On academic housekeeping and its allocation” (in Swedish), which was recently published in the journal ”Sociologisk Forskning”. Academic housekeeping denotes the type of work tasks within university departments that are low-status, time-consuming, largely invisible, and that nevertheless need to be done. This article discusses academic hous

https://www.svet.lu.se/en/article/academic-housekeeping - 2025-03-07

Immigration policy and the modern welfare state

Published 15 April 2019 Sara Kalm and Johannes Lindvall have co-authored the article ”Immigration policy and the modern welfare state, 1880–1920”, which has been published in the Journal of European Social Policy. In the article, Kalm and Lindvall describe the relationship between the size of the welfare state and the nature of national immigration policies in the first few decades of the history

https://www.svet.lu.se/en/article/immigration-policy-and-modern-welfare-state - 2025-03-07

Stripple on decarbonisation pathways in Malmö

Published 29 April 2019 Johannes Stripple has, together with Herriet Bulkeley, co-authored the article ”Towards a material politics of socio-technical transitions: Navigating decarbonisation pathways in Malmö”, which has been published in the journal ”Political Geography”. The authors write about how perspectives on material politics shape contribute to the understanding of decarbonisation pathway

https://www.svet.lu.se/en/article/stripple-decarbonisation-pathways-malmo - 2025-03-07

Mia Orange will defend her thesis on May 3

Published 30 April 2019 Mia Orange will defend her dissertation "Sustaining Authoritarianism: Clientelism and Repression in Kyrgyzstan, Kenya, Tanzania and Kazakhstan" on May 3 at 10:15 in Eden auditorium. Discussant is Professor Jonas Linde, University of Bergen. Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan and Tanzania share a past and present as authoritarian states. Dominant parties are in power in Tanzania

https://www.svet.lu.se/en/article/mia-orange-will-defend-her-thesis-may-3 - 2025-03-07

Ina Möller has defended her thesis

Published 10 May 2019 Ina Möller has defended her doctoral thesis "The Emergent Politics of Geoengineering" today at 10:00 in Eden auditorium. Discussant was Associate Professor Robert Falkner, The London School of Economics and Political Science. Her thesis studies the appearance of ‘geoengineering’ in the political discussion on climate change. The term describes a set of ideas on how to stabili

https://www.svet.lu.se/en/article/ina-moller-has-defended-her-thesis - 2025-03-07

Kinnvall with a new book chapter

Published 14 May 2019 Catarina Kinnvall has published a book chapter in “Routledge Handbook of Critical International Relations” (edited by Jenny Edkins), entitled “Racing to the bottom, squeezing through the cracks: Imagining unbordered space”. The chapter examines the possibility of an expanded imagination of space as unbordered. It details how immigration and refugee policies and bordering prac

https://www.svet.lu.se/en/article/kinnvall-new-book-chapter - 2025-03-07

Response to critique - new theory of corruption

Published 21 May 2019 Jan Teorell has, together with Anna Persson and Bo Rothstein, co-authored the article "Getting the basic nature of systemic corruption right: A reply to Marquette and Peiffer", which has been published in the journal Governance. This is a response to a critique of a previously published article (Persson, Rothstein & Teorell 2013), in which the authors launched a new theory of

https://www.svet.lu.se/en/article/response-critique-new-theory-corruption - 2025-03-07