

Din sökning på "*" gav 532077 sökträffar

Integrationsarbete inom Svenska kyrkan i Lund - En kvalitativ studie av språkcaféverksamheten

The purpose of this study is to do a qualitative investigation of a language café in the setting of the Swedish church in Lund. The aim is to find out how the process of integration is perceived by the migrants and the volunteers and if there is a qualitative difference between opinions on goals, determinant factors, result, and context. The selection was from the chosen study object and its popul

Private equity-finansiering och dess påverkan på underprissättning - En studie av IPO:s i Norden

Abstract Title: Private equity-finansiering och dess påverkan på underprissättning - En studie av IPO:s i Norden. Seminar date: 2019-06-05. Course: FEKH89, Corporate Finance Degree Project, Undergraduate level, 15 ECTS. Authors: Henrik Sundström, Fredrik von Plomgren and Sebastian Wigartz. Advisor: Maria Gårdängen. Key words: Initial Public Offering, Underpricing, Private equity, Informatio

Development of a Method to Quantify Stickiness of Filling Products in Tetra Recart

Vidhäftning är ett fenomen som naturligt uppstår i livsmedelsindustrin. Fenomenet uppstår främst då livsmedelsprodukter klibbar sig fast och fäster till ytor i processutrustning. I flera fall kan vidhäftning vara till god nytta till exempel som en sensorisk aspekt, men i livsmedelsindustrin kan fenomenet utgöra en nackdel. Tetra Pak har i ett projekt tillsammans med Lunds Tekniska Högskola utveckStickiness of different food products on surfaces can occur naturally during food filling in Tetra Recart form- and seal machines. The aim of this thesis was to develop a model and an adhesion test method for determining and understanding this stickiness. More specifically for the food products whole peeled tomatoes, sliced mushrooms, mandarin chops and peach halves on stainless-steel. Additionall

Jämförelse mellan olika certifieringssystem för byggnader

Uppförandet av nya byggnader och renoveringar av befintliga byggnader har lett till större intresse för certifieringssystem med hårdare krav än lagstiftningen. Ökad kunskap om hållbarhet och att brukandet av jordens resurser måste reduceras har lett till miljö- och hälsocertifieringar, bl a Miljöbyggnad 3.0 som är en nationell miljöcertifiering som ställer krav på byggnaden och WELL Building StandThe development of new buildings and renovations of existing buildings has led to greater interest in certification systems with more stringent requirements than the legislation. Increased knowledge about sustainability and how the use of the earth's resources led to an increased interest of environmental- and health-certifications. Miljöbyggnad 3.0, which is a national environmental-certifica

Tramadol - En studie om yrkesverksammas uppfattningar av ett växande problem bland ungdomar

Tramadol is a synthetic opioid which for the past 10 years have been on the rise as an abuseable drug in the adolescent and young adult group in Sweden. By conducting semistructured interviews with professionals at four different youth clinics focused on substance abuse, called Maria-clinics, this study aims to seek and discuss possible answers regarding why adolescents and young adults in Sweden

‘Chasing the middle-income status’ : Ethiopia’s quest for achieving the middle-income status by 2025 through their climate-resilient green economy strategy

The increasing pressure of climate change urges state leaders to transform economies to low-carbon alternatives on a local, national and global scale. The aim of this study is to analyze how effective the Climate-Resilient Green Economy (CRGE) strategy has been so far in fostering inclusive rural development in the agricultural sector in Ethiopia, by applying a Triple-Bottom-Line (TBL) approach th

Musik med ett högre syfte - En kvantitativ och kvalitativ studie om känslor kring prestation inom frikyrkan

Sedan jag började gå till kyrkan på eget initiativ har jag ofta fascinerats av musiken och hur stor del av gudstjänsten som ägnas till sång och musik. Under musikstudier på gymnasiet, folkhögskola och musikhögskola har jag också tyckt mig urskilja att många musiker har en bakgrund i kyrkan. Även de tidiga kompositörerna, såsom Bach, var själv kyrkomusiker. Denna studie syftar till att undersöka huSince I started attending church on my own initiative, I have often been fascinated by the music and the amount of space it gets in the service. During my music studies at the upper secondary school, folk high school and music college, I have also found myself distinguishing that many musicians come from a background in the church. Even the early composers, such as Bach, were church musicians. Thi

Governance and FDI Growth at Sub-national Level in Indonesia

Does governance play a role in determining FDI growth at sub-national level? A large literature highlights the importance of good governance as a key in attracting FDI at national level. Whether good governance at sub-national level is as important, however, is still in question. This paper attempts to find the answer by examining the relationship between governance and FDI growth at sub-national

Brandteknisk riskvärdering av Skärholmen Centrum

Den brandtekniska riskvärdering som presenteras i detta arbete har genomförts i utbildningssyfte i kursen Brandteknisk riskvärdering på brandingenjörsprogrammet vid Lunds Tekniska Högskola. Fokus för riskvärderingen är personsäkerhet på köpcentret Skärholmen Centrum, ingen hänsyn har tagits till andra konsekvenser som en brand kan medföra. Skärholmen Centrum är ett stort köpcenter beläget i sydväsThis report is a part of the course Fire Safety Evaluation at LTH and written in educational purposes. The intent of the report is to evaluate the fire safety and assess the risks of Skärholmen Centrum, located at Skärholmen, Stockholm. The risk assessment focuses mainly on occupant safety and does not regard any other protection values connected to fire incidents. Skärholmen Centrum is a shopping

Near detector simulation studies for CP violation discovery with ESSnuSB

The neutrino oscillation experiment ESSnuSB aims to measure the CP violation phase in the lepton sector with an intense neutrino beam produced at ESS. If the CP violation is discovered, then the matter-antimatter asymmetry of the Universe can be possibly explained. In order to do this, a design study of a water Cherenkov near detector was carried out, and its geometrical parameters such as the tan

Strandmorfologi, stranderosion och stranddeposition, med en fallstudie på Tylösand sandstrand, Halland.

Stranderosion är en process som präglar många av världens kuststräckor och kommer av att sediment som ligger på land sköljs ut i havet eller till andra områden. Idag bestäms erosionsbenägenheten genom att se på olika dynamiska och morfologiska egenskaper hos stranden och utifrån dessa sätta ett värde för erosionsbenägenhet. Dokumentation om hur man genom att se på morfologi och landformer kan avgöCoastal erosion is a process that characterises many of the world´s coastal areas and is a result of sedimentary fluctuations and the removal of sediments from beaches to other areas and out to sea. Today, the propensity for erosion is determined by looking at different dynamical and morphological properties of the beach and based on these, a value for coastal erosion propensity is set. Documentat

Exploring Deep Eutectic Solvent Pretreatment and Laccase Biobleaching on Oat Hulls in Efforts to Overcome Recalcitrance

Oat production produces an abundant side stream product called oat hulls, formally regarded as a waste product. These oat hulls are nutritionally packed, containing insoluble dietary fibres. The solubilization and subsequent enzymatic hydrolysis of insoluble fibres, i.e. xylan, can potentially be developed into prebiotic oligosaccharides. However, insoluble fibres are tightly bound, making it diff

Men vem frågade lärarna?

Det här arbetet undersöker hur SO-lärare upplever digitalisering av sin undervisning. Eftersom digitalisering som megatrend har förändrat hela samhället i sin kärna, precis som undervisningen, så ger den här studien läsaren en inblick i hur lärare upplever digitaliseringen. Studien tittar också på hur digitaliseringsprocessen påverkar eleverna. För att sätta upplevelserna i en kontext så analyseraThis study aims to look at how Social science teachers in Swedish upper secondary schools experience the digitalization of their teaching. As digitalization as a megatrend has changed society at its core, as well as it has teaching, this study wants to give the readers some insight into how it is experienced by the teachers themselves, as well as taking a look at how digitalization might affect st

ADHD och autism i skola

Den här studien undersöker hur elever med ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) och autism upplever skolan, samt vilka pedagogiska strategier som finns för att hjälpa dessa elever. Studien kommer innehålla fakta om ADHD och autism, samt information om vilka brister och svårigheter som finns inom skolan. Även tidigare forskning som har gjorts under det senaste decenniet inom ämnet ADHD ocIn this study, we investigate how students with ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) and autism experience the school and what facilities, methods and strategies that exist to help these students. The study will contain facts about ADHD and autism, as well as information about the shortcomings and difficulties that exist in the school. Previous research from the last decade, in the subj

Relationship Between Adults' creativity and Their Engagement in Restrictive and Non-restrictive Activities During Childhood

The current study aimed at investigating how restrictive and non-restrictive activities were related to adult creativity. Questionnaire assessments of self-reported creativity and level of engagement in 62 childhood activities were collected from 157 participants, mainly from South/East Asian and West European cultures. The findings indicate that there were positive correlations both between engag

En fråga om vem som beskylls i våldtäktsfall. ”Det framstår således som om hon i viss mån överdrivit det våld hon fått motta"

This study seeks to understand if and how Swedish judges use "victim blaming" in judgments of rape. In total eleven categories of "victim blaming" were included in the study and 81 cases was examined. The results show that in these 81 cases of rape "victim blaming" was present in six cases. The injured party got blamed based on their consumption of alcohol, consumptio

A Comparison of Option Pricing Models:Evidence from European Call Options on Hong Kong Hang Seng Index

Options play a significant role in the financial market. The pricing of the options is a prevailing topic in academia. The Black and Scholes (Black & Scholes, 1973) model, on the one hand, was applauded by its simplicity and ease of use, on the other hand, it was criticized by the practitioner and academics because of the over-idealized constant volatility and underlying distribution assumptio

Climate change and human trafficking: an investigation into how climate change and natural disasters increase the risk of human trafficking and how it can be intercepted in the future

Human trafficking is an exploitative crime occurring worldwide. According to the International Organization on Migration (IOM), research on human trafficking’s underlying causes is lacking; particularly the role of climate change and natural disasters. Environmentally displaced persons (EDPs) are vulnerable to human trafficking, but this connection is not widely understood. In order to contribute

Genomic data reveal shared ancestry between Neolithic hunter-gatherers from mainland Sweden and the Baltic Sea Island Gotland

The hunter-gatherer group of Neolithic Scandinavia, the Pitted Ware Culture (PWC), appeared when the initial farmer society, the Funnel Beaker Culture (FBC), had already existed for several hundreds of years. They lived side by side first with the FBC, and later with the Battle Axe Culture (BAC), without adopting the agricultural lifestyle. Although the PWC individuals from a Baltic Sea Island (Go

Some (just) like it hot: Apolitical politics in the Italian Cabinet

The current Italian Cabinet was composed in 2018 by two populist parties who had never been a relevant participant in the Government before. Social media play a significant role in the communication of both parties, who use Facebook and Twitter to directly reach the citizens. Members of the parties with relevant positions in the Cabinet are delivering an extremely uncommon and often apolitical onl