

Din sökning på "*" gav 533178 sökträffar

Clinical Utility of Tau Positron Emission Tomography in the Diagnostic Workup of Patients With Cognitive Symptoms

Importance: It is important to determine the added clinical value for tau positron emission tomography (PET) in the diagnostic workup of patients with cognitive symptoms before widespread implementation in clinical practice. Objective: To prospectively study the added clinical value of PET detecting tau pathology in Alzheimer disease (AD). Design, Setting, and Participants: This prospective cohort

En kvalitativ studie om socionomstudenternas upplevelser av sin verksamhetsförlagda utbildning. Upplevelser under VFU och påverkan på den professionella utvecklingen

The aim of this study is to understand social work students' experiences during their time at work-based learning and the impact it has on the students. The purpose is to research and acknowledge how theoretical knowledge and work-based learning impacts students' professional development. During a four-month period, social work students have a part of their education placed in a profession

A Continuous-time ODE Framework to Centrality in Dynamic Networks

The present study discusses and evaluates a novel continuous-time approach to network centrality, a fundamental concept in network analysis. Static methods based on discrete snapshots or time slices for measuring node interaction in networks that change over time do not fully capture the dynamical nature of network evolution. To address this issue, a dynamical system model driven by the continuous

Elitsatsande brottares perspektiv på underliggande faktorer, samt erfarenheter av konsekvenser efter främre korsbandsskada: En kvalitativ intervjustudie

En främre korsbandsskada (ACL-skada) är vanligt förekommande bland allvarliga skador inom elitidrott. ACL-skador har inom brottning setts uppstå vid nedtagning med viktbärande fot kvar i mattan under rotation med näst intill full extenderad knäled. Behandling sker genom rehabilitering alternativt genom ACL-rekonstruktion (ACLR) med efterföljande rehabilitering. Rekommenderad rehabiliteringstid av

Förändrade fysiska aktivitets- och träningsvanor under menstruation. En kvantitativ enkätstudie.

Bakgrund: Många kvinnor upplever problem i samband med menstruation som kan påverka träning och fysisk aktivitet. Idag finns begränsad forskning inom detta område. Därför är syftet med vår studie att påbörja att fylla denna kunskapslucka. Syfte: Syftet med vår studie var att undersöka om och eventuellt hur fysisk aktivitet och/eller träning upplevs ändras under menstruation för en grupp universit

Zwitterionic poly(terphenylene piperidinium) membranes for vanadium redox flow batteries

Over recent years, non-fluorinated ion exchange membranes based on poly(terphenylene) backbones carrying different functional groups have shown potential application for vanadium redox flow batteries (VRFBs). Generally, the ion exchange membrane in VRFBs is a critical component in terms of the output power, long-term stability and cost. Yet, the shortcomings of commercial membranes (e.g., Nafion)

Future generations as subjects of rights? A content analysis of rights of future generations in Swedish climate law

The objective of this thesis is to examine Swedish climate law to discuss and examine the concept of “rights of future generations”. Global warming is inevitable causing the world to change rapidly, thus future generations will be faced with monumental environmental challenges. Recently, states around the world are being sued by the younger generations claiming their rights have been violated. As

Räcker de Mänskliga Rättigheterna för att hantera Klimatkrisen? En kritisk analys av Simon Caneys argument för ett Människorätts-perspektiv på klimatförändringarna

Klimatförändringarnas farliga effekter på människor är ett faktum. Det är emellertid viktigt att notera att klimatförändringarnas effekter inte endast påverkar oss människor. Normativa ramverk har etablerats för olika tillvägagångssätt på klimatförändringarna, där uppfattningen om människans roll i förståelsen av klimatförändringarna och den rådande krisen är splittrad. Syftet med denna kandidatAnthropogenic climate change's harmful effects on human beings, especially the most disadvantaged, are widely acknowledged. However, the impact extends beyond humans, resulting in species extinction and biodiversity loss. Consequently, climate change poses a significant threat to the survival of both humans and multispecies. This thesis critically examines Simon Caney's approach on anthro

Forskaren och ministern om matfattigdomen och kyrkornas roll

Elin Leo Sandberg, diakon och doktorand, samt socialminister Jakob Forssmed om kyrkornas roll och vilka insatser som är nödvändiga när hushållen drabbas av det ekonomiska läget.Elin Leo Sandberg, deacon and doctoral student, and Minister of Social Affairs Jakob Forssmed about the role of the churches and what interventions are necessary when households are affected by the economic situation.

Revisiting Motivational Reasons

This paper considers a novel way of understanding motivational reasons, and to what extent it challenges a Humean theory of motivation.

Challenging patient communication in a medical education curriculum - Perspectives on learning with simulated patients

En viktig del av en läkares yrkesliv är att hantera svåra patientsamtal. Alla läkarekommer någon gång under yrkeslivet medverka i sådana samtal. Brister ipatientkommunikation har visat sig vara en bidragande orsak till att patienter fårsämre vård. Utbildning i patientkommunikation är därför en central del i enläkarutbildning. I följande licentiatavhandling undersöktes hur studenter och lärareser pBeing able to manage challenging patient communication and the associated emotional burden is a vital skill for physicians that is regularly utilized in clinical work. Therefore, it is reasonable that medical students get the opportunity to acquire and develop the relevant knowledge and skills related to challenging patient communication during their education. Simulated patient scenarios are usef

Towards an Ecotopia – Digital Utopia or Dystopia?

The paper embarks on an exploration of how technological advancements are poised to reshape the landscape of future consumption and marketing practices and extend our understanding of whether this trajectory is potentially leading toward a future digital utopia or a dystopia. Drawing upon the theoretical understanding from Marshall McLuhan, this research investigates the metaverse as a novel techn

Spara, laga, bo : Husdrömmar i mäklarreklam från 1960-, 70- och 80-talet

I denna artikel ställer jag frågor till arkivmaterial ur vardagstrycket: ett antal mäklarbroschyrer och reklamutskick analyseras med fokus på husdrömmar. Vilka husdrömmar gestaltas? Vem antas bo här, hur, var och varför? Vem är husdrömmaren, vilken värld, tid, människa och bostadskultur framträder i materialet? Jag jämför material från 1970- och 1980-tal med slutsatser jag dragit i min forskning o

Intraductal papillary neoplasms of the bile duct : a European retrospective multicenter observational study (EUR-IPNB study)

BACKGROUND/PURPOSE: Intraductal papillary neoplasm of the bile duct (IPNB) is a rare disease in Western countries. The main aim of this study was to characterize current surgical strategies and outcomes in the mainly European participating centers. METHODS: A multi-institutional retrospective series of patients with a diagnosis of IPNB undergoing surgery between 1 January 2010 and 31 December 2020

Effects of mutant huntingtin in oxytocin neurons on non-motor features of Huntington's disease

Background: Early non-motor features including anxiety, depression and altered social cognition are present in Huntington's disease (HD). The underlying neurobiological mechanisms are not known. Oxytocin (OXT) is involved in the regulation of emotion, social cognition and metabolism, and our previous work showed that the OXT system is affected early in HD. The aim of the study was to investigate t

Article an internet of things approach for water efficiency : A case study of the beverage factory

There is a lack of knowledge among food manufacturers about adopting the Internet of Things (IoT)-based water monitoring system and its ability to support water minimisation activities. It is therefore necessary to investigate the applicability of IoT-based real-time water monitoring systems in a real food manufacturing environment to pursue water-saving opportunities accordingly. This article aim

Internal displacement in the context of disasters and climate change in Asia and the Pacific: Introduction to the volume

This introduction presents an overview of the key concepts discussed in the subsequent chapters of this book. The book focuses on internal displacement in the context of disasters and climate change in Asia and the Pacific. It brings the role of disaster risk reduction and management authorities, as well as legal and policy frameworks that regulate their conduct, more into focus than the role of o

Markers of Atrial Myopathy in the General Population : Prevalence, Predictors, and Inter-Relations

BACKGROUND: Atrial myopathy refers to structural and functional cardiac abnormalities associated with atrial fibrillation and stroke, but appropriate diagnostic criteria are lacking.OBJECTIVES: This study aimed to assess prevalence, clinical correlates, and overlap between potential atrial myopathy markers.METHODS: The population-based SCAPIS (Swedish CArdioPulmonary bioImage Study) prospectively