

Din sökning på "*" gav 529706 sökträffar

Disease progression modelling reveals heterogeneity in trajectories of Lewy-type α-synuclein pathology

Lewy body (LB) diseases, characterized by the aggregation of misfolded α-synuclein proteins, exhibit notable clinical heterogeneity. This may be due to variations in accumulation patterns of LB neuropathology. Here we apply a data-driven disease progression model to regional neuropathological LB density scores from 814 brain donors with Lewy pathology. We describe three inferred trajectories of LB

Forskare: Skapa inte mer polarisering mellan människa och natur, Moderaterna

Viljan att skydda växter och djur får ibland orimliga effekter. Det skriver flera företrädare för Moderaternas arbetsgrupp för en kommande miljöpolitik på DN debatt.Farlig polariseringDe tar bland annat upp viktiga frågor om ”människans plats i naturen”. Men konflikten mellan utveckling och miljö är en återkommande missuppfattning. Frågan om naturvården främst bör utgå från människans eller nature

Microplastics in Latin America Ecosystems : A Critical Review of the Current Stage and Research Needs

The ubiquity of microplastics ecosystems has gained global attention. In this context, Latin America, which is responsible for 8% of the world's consumption of plastic material and has a small recycling rate (4.5%), does not have enough data on microplastics contamination in its environmental matrices. This systematic review analyzed 196 studies from 16 territorials in Latin America and provided i

Photodegradation of Emerging Contaminant 2-(tiocyanomethylthio) Benzothiazole (TCMTB) in Aqueous Solution : Kinetics and Transformation Products

Direct photolysis of the emerging contaminant 2-(thiocyanomethylthio) benzothiazole (TMCTB) was performed in aqueous solution at different concentrations with high-pressure mercury lamp (5.0, 8.0, 13.0, 16.0, 20.0, 23.0, 27.0, 35.0, 40.0, 45.0, and 50.0 mg L− 1) and with natural sunlight radiation (6.0, 30.0, and 60.0 mg L− 1). TCMTB underwent rapid degradation by direct photolysis with a high-pre

Consortium of microalgae for tannery effluent treatment

Wastewater generated in tanneries have essential elements for microalgae growth, but it has also some toxic compounds that may hinder or restrain the growth of microalgae in this environment. This work tested microalgae consortium growth originating from a deactivated effluent treatment decanter of a complete tannery (beamhouse to finished leather) for the treatment of wastewater of a tannery proc

MiDAS 5 : Global diversity of bacteria and archaea in anaerobic digesters

Anaerobic digestion of organic waste into methane and carbon dioxide (biogas) is carried out by complex microbial communities. Here, we use full-length 16S rRNA gene sequencing of 285 full-scale anaerobic digesters (ADs) to expand our knowledge about diversity and function of the bacteria and archaea in ADs worldwide. The sequences are processed into full-length 16S rRNA amplicon sequence variants

Orchidopexy for undescended testis—rate and predictors of re-ascent

Purpose: This study aimed to investigate the rate of re-ascent requiring re-operation after primary orchidopexy and to investigate eventual differences between the inguinal and scrotal approach as well as other potential predictors for re-ascent. Methods: A retrospective cohort study of children treated for undescended testis (UDT) with orchidopexy between 2018 and 2022 was conducted. The primary

Trans och queer i fältet : Förhandlingar om kön, genus och sexualitet

Finns det sätt att forska som är queer- eller transfeministiska? Det korta svaret är nej. Och ja. Och nej igen. Jag landar i ett rungande nja. Och försöker utforska frågan med fler frågor: När anser vi att en studie är trans eller queer? Gäller det forskningsfrågorna? Deltagarna? Teorierna? Forskarens position? Eller just metoderna? Med denna text vill jag bekräfta dig som är nyfiken på att bedriv

Light-Matter Interactions in a Single Josephson Junction Microwave Resonator

Mikrovågsresonatorer används inom supraledande kvantsystem för avläsning och manipulation av kvantkomponenter. I avhandlingen analyseras en sådan där gränsdragningen mellan foton och exciterad ’atom’ börjar suddas ut i dessa system. De senaste decennierna har supraledande kretsar och komponenter haft stort intresse inom forskningen. Det finns flera orsaker till detta; bland annat tack vare att deThis thesis models a superconducting device, known as a Transmon, from the perspective of a microwave resonator. The work is motivated by Ref. 1, where such a device was realised and characterised by its resonator properties, showing that it can be viewed as a high-impedance resonator. In the thesis, the resonator is symmetrically connected to two transmission lines: one input port and one output

Prevalence of multidrug-, extensive drug-, and pandrug-resistant commensal Escherichia coli isolated from healthy humans in community settings in low- and middle-income countries : a systematic review and meta-analysis

Background: The majority of existing studies aimed at investigating the incidence and prevalence of multidrug-resistance by bacteria have been performed in healthcare settings. Relatively few studies have been conducted in community settings, but these have consistently shown a high prevalence of multidrug-resistant bacteria in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). Objectives: To provide an ap

Interventions to improve outdoor mobility among people living with disabilities: A systematic review

BackgroundAround 15% of the global population live with some form of disabilities and experience worse health outcomes, less participation in the community and are part of fewer activities outside the home. Outdoor mobility interventions aim to improve the ability to move, travel and orient outside the home and could influence the number of activities outside the home, participation and quality of

Associations of psychological factors with atherosclerosis and cardiovascular health in middle-age : the population-based Swedish CArdioPulmonary bioImage study (SCAPIS)

Background: Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is a major global health issue, primarily caused by atherosclerosis. Psychological factors may play a role in the development and progression of CVD. However, the relationship between psychological factors and atherosclerosis is complex and poorly understood. This study, therefore, aimed to examine the association of psychological factors with (i) coronary

Battery Energy Storage System Size Optimization for Energy Shifting and Constant Power Delivery - the Benefits of the System Integration with Solar Farms in Sweden

This master's thesis, in collaboration with Comsys AB, examines the optimal size of a Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) for two services - energy shifting and constant power delivery across the four price areas SE1, SE2, SE3, and SE4 in Sweden. For energy shifting applications, the optimal storage capacities were found to be 20 MWh (2 MWh/MW) in SE1, SE2, and SE4. However, a 0.5 MWh/MW stor

Determination of the pH dependency of chemical shifts

NMR (nuclear magnetic resonance) spektroskopi, är en omfattande teknik som har många applikationer inom kemin. Det kan användas inom organisk kemi som stöd och underlag till strukturbestämning av molekyler, men framför allt finns det många tillämpningar inom biokemi och molekylärbiologi där tekniken utnyttjas; NMR är mycket användbart för att studera biomolekylers strukturer och biologiska processThis study aims to present a protocol for pH determination in biomolecular NMR samples by evaluating the pH dependence of chemical shifts in the most commonly reported buffer molecules in the BioMagResBank (BMRB). Whilst there exists multiple methods and protocols for intrinsic NMR pH determination and various molecules have been proposed as pH indicators, there is no method to determine the actua

Digitalized Social Services : Formation of "new" street-level relations and professional compensation

This paper investigates social workers' perceptions of their relationships with clients across three Swedish different municipalities. By selecting three municipalities at varying stages of digitalization, the study facilitates a comparison of social workers' accounts. The comparison highlights differences in the descriptions of the relationship between social workers and clients, shedding light oThis paper investigates social workers' perceptions of their relationships with clients across three Swedish different municipalities. By selecting three municipalities at varying stages of digitalization, the study highlights differences in the descriptions of the relationship between social workers and clients, shedding light on whether, and if so, how, digital tools influence this relationship.

The use of protective hearing devices and perceived noise disturbance and social climate in open office environments

Open office environments are architectural solutions that are believed to economize the use of office space and facilitate social interactions at work. However, research has shown that employees in open office environments may experience lower job satisfaction, stress reactions, and exhibit poorer performance. Exposure to noise in open office environments may prompt avoidance behaviours such as wo