

Din sökning på "*" gav 532880 sökträffar

Testing Factors in CCE

One of the most popular estimators of interactive effects panel data models is the common correlated effects (CCE) approach, which uses the cross-sectional averages of the observables to estimate the unobserved factors. The present paper proposes a simple test statistic that is suitable for testing hypotheses about these factors. The statistic can be used to test if a subset of the averages is eno

Utvärdering av ankomstprognoser för tåg

I detta examensarbete görs en utvärdering av ankomstprognoser för tåg för att se hur de olika prediktionskällorna står sig mot varandra och hur pass väl dessa efterspeglar verkligheten. Vidare är detta examensarbete en sprint av ett forskningsprojekt som genomförs och bedrivs på Lunds Tekniska Högskola på uppdrag av Trafikverket. Till skillnad från forskningsprojektet bygger detta examensarbetIn this master thesis, an evaluation of arrival forecasts for trains is made to see how various prediction sources compare to each other and how well these reflect reality. Furthermore, this thesis is a sprint of a research project that is carried out and conducted at Lund University of Technology on behalf of the Swedish Transport Administration. Unlike the research project, this thesis is based

Climate risk and vulnerability assessment methodology: an investigation into the improvement of Northvolt’s existing methodology

The increasing frequency, duration and intensity of climate hazards is causing organisations and their assets to become more exposed and vulnerable to climate change. Numerous regulations, legislations and policies have emerged, mandating that organisations include climate risk and vulnerability assessments into their business operations. In response, various methodologies have emerged from the co

Patient experience and repeatability of measurements made with the Pentacam HR in patients with keratoconus

BACKGROUND: To investigate whether the repeatability of measurements with the Pentacam HR in patients with keratoconus is improved by patients gaining more experience of the measurement situation. Such an improvement could enhance the accuracy with which progressive keratoconus can be detected. METHODS: Four replicate measurements were performed on Day 0 and on Day 3. Parameters commonly used in t

Opinion on Democracy in the digital age

Recent years have seen profound challenges to democracy, including grave populist and autocratic shifts. In the Opinion, the EGE examines how certain configurations of digital technologies can contribute to a weakening of democratic institutions, even if they may not be its sole cause. Among these are the spread of harmful information, an unduly narrow understanding of privacy, algorithmic surveil

Bakom kulisserna i Edens lustgård : Antika fiendebilder och behovet av den Andre

I mötet med människor som avviker från normen sker något viktigt med oss. Det ärmycket tack vare »den Andre« de som inte är som vi som vi får reda på vilka vi egentligen är.I västerlandet har kristendomen varit norm i tusen år, och det var under kristendomenstidiga historia som många av vår kulturs traditionella fiendebilder föddes. De har spelat en viktig roll för framväxten av vårt moderna samhä

The modern folkhem

”Most of Sweden’s surface is covered by forest, 68 percent is woodland; the built-up and landscaped land does not make up more than 3 percent of Sweden’s total land area. About 50% of the forest land is made of pine (Pinus sylvestris), making it the most common tree species in the country’s forests.” In the 70s, a design movement was established in Swedish homes “ Svensk fur”. It was cheap, hones

Stakeholder and Economic Valuation Dynamics of Land-based Biological Carbon Sequestration Activity

With a deforestation rate of 599,232 ha/year, the Indonesian government is pressured to bootstrap its ecosystem restoration process. The pressure also receives by the private sector to accelerate the process of their decarbonization, with the 2050 net-zero target as the main goal. Consequently, regulation stringency on corporate environmental responsibility and national environmental goals is risi

Pupil dilation reflects the dynamic integration of audiovisual emotional speech

Emotional speech perception is a multisensory process. When speaking with an individual we concurrently integrate the information from their voice and face to decode e.g., their feelings, moods, and emotions. However, the physiological reactions—such as the reflexive dilation of the pupil—associated to these processes remain mostly unknown. That is the aim of the current article, to investigate wh

Ferricyanide photo-aquation pathway revealed by combined femtosecond Kβ main line and valence-to-core x-ray emission spectroscopy

Reliably identifying short-lived chemical reaction intermediates is crucial to elucidate reaction mechanisms but becomes particularly challenging when multiple transient species occur simultaneously. Here, we report a femtosecond x-ray emission spectroscopy and scattering study of the aqueous ferricyanide photochemistry, utilizing the combined Fe Kβ main and valence-to-core emission lines. Followi

Food insecurity experience during climate shock periods and farmers’ aspiration in Ethiopia

Research on climate change impact focuses on biophysical and economic dimensions. This paper seeks to unveil the association between smallholder farmers' food insecurity experience (FIE) during climate shock periods and their subsequent aspiration level. To this end, our analysis relied on data collected in rural Ethiopia following an unprecedented climate shock the country faced in 2016. We measu

International Opinions on Grading of Urothelial Carcinoma : A Survey Among European Association of Urology and International Society of Urological Pathology Members

Background: Grade of non–muscle-invasive bladder cancer (NMIBC) is an important prognostic factor for progression. Currently, two World Health Organization (WHO) classification systems (WHO1973, categories: grade 1–3, and WHO2004 categories: papillary urothelial neoplasm of low malignant potential [PUNLMP], low-grade [LG], high-grade [HG] carcinoma) are used. Objective: To ask the European Associa

Paternity through use of assisted reproduction technology in male adult and childhood cancer survivors : A nationwide register study

STUDY QUESTION: How does a history of cancer affect the likelihood of using assisted reproduction in order to achieve paternity? SUMMARY ANSWER: As compared to men with no history of cancer, use of assisted reproduction to achieve paternity was more frequent in fathers with a history of cancer, mainly those with testicular, prostate, and hematological and lymphatic malignancies. WHAT IS KNOWN ALRE

Exploring Circular BESS for the Commercial and Industrial Sector: A customer-centric perspective

In recent years, battery energy storage systems (BESS) have gained prominence as a key technology enabling much needed electricity grid flexibility while simultaneously providing distinct value to its end-users. With the anticipated increase of residual value holding used batteries from mobility applications entering the market, more and more companies are looking to construct BESS offers around t

MYCN Amplification Is Associated with Reduced Expression of Genes Encoding γ-Secretase Complex and NOTCH Signaling Components in Neuroblastoma

Amplification of the MYCN oncogene is found in ~20% of neuroblastoma (NB) cases and correlates with high-risk disease and poor prognosis. Despite the plethora of studies describing the role of MYCN in NB, the exact molecular mechanisms underlying MYCN’s contribution to high-risk disease are not completely understood. Herein, we implemented an integrative approach combining publicly available RNA-S

Measurement report : Atmospheric fluorescent bioaerosol concentrations measured during 18 months in a coniferous forest in the south of Sweden

Biological aerosol particles affect human health, are essential for microbial and gene dispersal, and have been proposed as important agents for atmospheric processes. However, the abundance and size distributions of atmospheric biological particles are largely unknown. In this study we used a laser-induced fluorescence instrument to measure fluorescent biological aerosol particle (FBAP) concentra

Allergen Immunotherapy Enhances Airway Epithelial Antiviral Immunity in Patients with Allergic Asthma (VITAL Study) : A Double-Blind Randomized Controlled Trial

Rationale: Allergic asthma is linked to impaired bronchial epithelial secretion of IFNs, which may be causally linked to the increased risk of viral exacerbations. We have previously shown that allergen immunotherapy (AIT) effectively reduces asthma exacerbations and prevents respiratory infections requiring antibiotics; however, whether AIT alters antiviral immunity is still unknown. Objectives: