

Din sökning på "*" gav 526776 sökträffar

SADC - en människorättsligt tandlös organisation? En fallstudie av SADC:s politiska kapacitet att ge upprättelse till landreformens offer i Zimbabwe

This thesis examines the humanitarian situation that has unfolded in Zimbabwe during the ZANU-PF fast track land reform. It attempts to; 1) analyze whether the SADC has the necessary political capacity to redress the Zimbabwean human rights victims during the land reform. In order to do this it seeks to; 2) determine whether the land reform is in breach with the SADC Treaty and the SADC Protocol o

Determinants of Women's Empowerment in Rural India: An Intra-Household Study

Using household level data from the Survey on the Status of Women and Fertility provided by the Rockefeller Foundation and the Population Studies Centre of University of Pennsylvania, the purpose of this thesis is to investigate the determinants of women’s empowerment and the presence of gender-related constraints within the household in rural India. Households from two states of different demogra

Leverage and Volatility

This paper attempts to contribute to existing knowledge through an explicit threefold purpose. Initially, the importance of leverage in explaining equity return volatility is determined through two fixed effects panel data estimations. The panel dataset runs from 1990-2009 and includes 20 years worth of observations for the 45 firms on the Stockholm stock exchange for which data is available. The

Empowered or Enfeebled? A Comparative Study of Communist Land Policies in China, 1945-56

This thesis inquires into the land policies carried out by the Chinese Communist Party during the 1940’s and 50’s. Using contemporary research and original sources, the land policies of the two periods are described and compared. It is concluded that the land movements of the two periods were different in terms of both aims and outcomes. The “land reform movement” of the 1940s was launched in a co

Storytelling: Hur medarbetare skapar mening utifrån organisationsberättelser

Title: Storytelling – How employees make sense of organizational stories. Subject: The master thesis explores employees processes of sensemaking when reading and discussing stories about their organisation. The subject for this study is thereby called storytelling, but it also focuses strongly on the process of sensemaking. Purpose: The purpose is to contribute to an understanding of storytelling

The Oresund Bridge and the commuting trends

Ten years ago a giant infrastructure named Oresund Bridge has been created connecting two regions, Scania and Zealand, as well as two nations, Sweden and Denmark; since the date of this spatial union, different trends related to economic, cultural and social issues have been under the investigation of the academic work. The present research has the purpose to analyze the main characteristics and t

Bokförings- och redovisningsrådgivning som självgranskningshot

Revisorns granskning skall bl.a. tjäna till att kvalitetssäkra den finansiella information som ett bolag lämnar ifrån sig. En av förutsättningarna för detta är att revisorn är oberoende. Det är inte ovanligt att en revisor uppträder i dubbla roller mot sin revisionsklient. Dels som granskare och dels som rådgivare. Revisorn får och är i visa fall skyldig att lämna råd till sin revisionsklient.

Nä, så går det nog inte till – En kritisk granskning av Systembolagets anti-langningskampanjer

Problem och syfte: Ökade krav på företagens kommunikation resulterar i ökade krav på allmänheten att vara kritisk till den information vi möter. Hälsokampanjer blir allt vanligare och i ett samhälle med ett informationsöverflöd kan det bli lätt att förlita sig på experter. Frågan är om vi kan lita på de explicita budskapen som kommuniceras? Vad är det egentligen som kommuniceras? Syftet med upps

Definitioner av våld i överlevandes berättelser efter kriget i Bosnien

Tidigare forskning som berör våldet under kriget i Bosnien och Hercegovina presenterar en ensidig bild av fenomenet ”krigsvåld.” Forskare har uppmärksammat betydelsen av efterkrigsberättelser, men de har inte uppmärksammat berättelser om krigsvåld, eller analyserat berättelserna om krigsvåld som en produkt av mellanmänsklig interaktion. Denna artikel försöker fylla denna kunskapslucka genom att anPrevious research on violence during the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina presents a one-sided picture of the phenomenon ”war violence.” Researchers have emphasized the importance of narratives but they have not focused on stories about war violence, nor have they analyzed the stories of war violence being a product of interpersonal interaction. This article tries to fill this knowledge gap by analyz

Normal aging reduces motor synergies in manual pointing

Depending upon its organization, movement variability may reflect poor or flexible control of a motor task. We studied adult age-related differences in the structure of postural variability in manual pointing using the uncontrolled manifold (UCM) method. Participants from 2 age groups (younger: 20-30 years; older: 70-80 years; 12 subjects per group) completed a total of 120 pointing trials to 2 di

Prebiotic and synbiotic effects on rats fed malted barley with selected bacteria strains.

Butyric acid, one of the key products formed when β-glucans are degraded by the microbiota in the colon, has been proposed to be important for colonic health. Glutamine bound to the fibre may have similar effects once it has been liberated from the fibre in the colon. Both β-glucans and glutamine are found in high amounts in malted barley. Lactobacillus rhamnosus together with malt has been shown

A novel method for direct measurement of complement convertases activity in human serum.

Complement convertases are enzymatic complexes that play a central role in sustaining and amplification of the complement cascade. Impairment of complement function directly or indirectly leads to pathologic conditions including higher infection rate, kidney diseases, autoimmune- or neurodegenerative diseases and ischemia-reperfusion injury. An assay for direct measurement of activity of the conve

Direct summation of dipole-dipole interactions using the Wolf formalism

We present an expanded Wolf formalism for direct summation of long-range dipole-dipole interactions and rule-of-thumbs how to choose optimal spherical cutoff (R-c) and damping parameter (alpha). This is done by comparing liquid radial distribution functions, dipole-dipole orientation correlations, particle energies, and dielectric constants, with Ewald sums and the Reaction field method. The resul

Site-level model intercomparison of high latitude and high altitude soil thermal dynamics in tundra and barren landscapes

Modeling soil thermal dynamics at high latitudes and altitudes requires representations of physical processes such as snow insulation, soil freezing and thawing and subsurface conditions like soil water/ice content and soil texture. We have compared six different land models: JSBACH, ORCHIDEE, JULES, COUP, HYBRID8 and LPJ-GUESS, at four different sites with distinct cold region landscape types, to

Robust Estimation of Diffusion-Optimized Ensembles for Enhanced Sampling

The multicanonical, or flat-histogram, method is a common technique to improve the sampling efficiency of molecular simulations. The idea is that free-energy barriers in a simulation can be removed by simulating from a distribution where all values of a reaction coordinate are equally likely, and subsequently reweight the obtained statistics to recover the Boltzmann distribution at the temperature

Exploring the resource logic of student entrepreneurs

This study responds to the call in recent research for comparative studies examining whether student entrepreneurs are different to other kinds of entrepreneurs. Based on institutional theory, the specific question we ask in this study is whether student entrepreneurs who start up their firms in close relation to the university have a different resource logic compared to entrepreneurs who start th