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En reflektion over forfatterens mormors historie og det dengang begynde folkemord i Gaza.

Sexually divergent selection, allometric constraints, and the evolution of sexual dimorphism in cichlids from Lake Tanganyika

The evolution of sexual dimorphism is widely acknowledged as a manifestation of sex-specific genetic architecture. Although empirical studies suggested that sexual dimorphism evolves as a joint consequence of constraints arising from genetic architecture and sexually divergent selection, it remains unclear whether and how these established microevolutionary processes scale up to the macroevolution

Shuffling Active Site Substate Populations Affects Catalytic Activity : The Case of Glucose Oxidase

Glucose oxidase has wide applications in the pharmaceutical, chemical, and food industries. Many recent studies have enhanced key properties of this enzyme using directed evolution, yet without being able to reveal why these mutations are actually beneficial. This work presents a synergistic combination of experimental and computational methods, indicating how mutations, even when distant from the

Cooperativity and flexibility in enzyme evolution

Enzymes are flexible catalysts, and there has been substantial discussion about the extent to which this flexibility contributes to their catalytic efficiency. What has been significantly less discussed is the extent to which this flexibility contributes to their evolvability. Despite this, recent years have seen an increasing number of both experimental and computational studies that demonstrate

Similar Active Sites and Mechanisms Do Not Lead to Cross-Promiscuity in Organophosphate Hydrolysis : Implications for Biotherapeutic Engineering

Organophosphate hydrolases are proficient catalysts of the breakdown of neurotoxic organophosphates and have great potential as both biotherapeutics for treating acute organophosphate toxicity and as bioremediation agents. However, proficient organophosphatases such as serum paraoxonase 1 (PON1) and the organophosphate-hydrolyzing lactonase SsoPox are unable to hydrolyze bulkyorganophosphates with

Extending the Nonbonded Cationic Dummy Model to Account for Ion-Induced Dipole Interactions

Modeling metalloproteins often requires classical molecular dynamics (MD) simulations in order to capture their relevant motions, which in turn necessitates reliable descriptions of the metal centers involved. One of the most successful approaches to date is provided by the "cationic dummy model", where the positive charge of the metal ion is transferred toward dummy particles that are bonded to t

Simulating the reactions of substituted pyridinio-N-phosphonates with pyridine as a model for biological phosphoryl transfer

Phosphoryl transfer reactions can proceed through several plausible mechanisms, and the potential for both solvent and substrate-assisted pathways (involving proton transfer to the phosphoryl oxygens) complicates both experimental and computational interpretations. To avoid this problem, we have used electronic structure calculations to probe the mechanisms of the reactions of pyridinio-N-phosphon

DNA Polymerase λ Active Site Favors a Mutagenic Mispair between the Enol Form of Deoxyguanosine Triphosphate Substrate and the Keto Form of Thymidine Template : A Free Energy Perturbation Study

Human DNA polymerase λ is an intermediate fidelity member of the X family, which plays a role in DNA repair. Recent X-ray diffraction structures of a ternary complex of a loop-deletion mutant of polymerase λ, a deoxyguanosine triphosphate analogue, and a gapped DNA show that guanine and thymine form a mutagenic mispair with an unexpected Watson-Crick-like geometry rather than a wobble geometry. He

Blocking IL1RAP on cancer-associated fibroblasts in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma suppresses IL-1-induced neutrophil recruitment

Background Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) represents a major clinical challenge due to its tumor microenvironment, which exhibits immune-suppressive properties that facilitate cancer progression, metastasis, and therapy resistance. Interleukin 1 (IL-1) signaling has been implicated as a driver in this process. Mechanistically, both IL-1α and IL-1β bind to the IL-1 receptor type 1, forming

Nanoscale imaging and control of altermagnetism in MnTe

Nanoscale detection and control of the magnetic order underpins a spectrum of condensed-matter research and device functionalities involving magnetism. The key principle involved is the breaking of time-reversal symmetry, which in ferromagnets is generated by an internal magnetization. However, the presence of a net magnetization limits device scalability and compatibility with phases, such as sup

De novo active sites for resurrected Precambrian enzymes

Protein engineering studies often suggest the emergence of completely new enzyme functionalities to be highly improbable. However, enzymes likely catalysed many different reactions already in the last universal common ancestor. Mechanisms for the emergence of completely new active sites must therefore either plausibly exist or at least have existed at the primordial protein stage. Here, we use res

På tvärvetenskapliga stigar : Tankar och hågkomster

”Flertalet av dessa essäer handlar helt eller åtminstone delvis om Oceanien, den del av världen där jag rest och forskat mest. Men under de gångna decennierna har jag även intresserat mig för mycket annat längs tvärvetenskapens stigar. Kanske har jag därmed likt apan i en av kapitelrubrikerna tagit mig vatten över huvudet – men roligt har det varit!” Så skriver Thomas Malm i inledningen till denn

Från kontor till köksbord - En undersökning om arbetsgivarens roll i den nya arbetsmiljön i det privata hemmet

The increased prevalence of remote work, particularly quickened by the COVID-19 pandemic, has impacted employers' responsibilities regarding workplace safety within employees' homes. This thesis explores how the shift to remote work has redefined the legal and practical boundaries of a secure work environment. Special focus is given to the role of safety representatives in ensuring a safe

Dodging Responsibility? Not on EU’s watch -Threading the Needle: Collective Bargaining in Sweden and Bangladesh under the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive

Abstract This thesis examines the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive focusing on the obligations on human rights due diligence and the directives’ protection of the right of collective bargaining. It accounts for the national legal framework regarding the right to collective bargaining in Sweden and in Bangladesh. It illustrates the collective bargaining practices within these respe

Arbetsgivarens rehabiliteringsansvar vid alkoholmissbruk - Vilka skyldigheter har arbetsgivaren att genomföra rehabilitering då arbetstagaren har alkoholmissbruk och i vilken utsträckning behöver arbetstagaren delta i dessa?

Synen på alkoholmissbruk har skiftat genom tiderna. Till en början sågs missbruket som en samhällsfara där lösningen var att isolera individen från övriga samhället. Detta synsätt skiljer sig från det nuvarande där det finns ett samhällsintresse för en arbetstagare som lider av alkoholmissbruk för att denne ska få tidiga stödinsatser och förhoppningsvis med hjälp av dessa åtgärder kvarbli i arbetsThe perception of alcohol abuse has evolved over time. Initially, abuse was seen as a societal threat, with the solution being to isolate the individual from the rest of society. This perspective differs from the current approach, where there is a societal interest in supporting an employee suffering from alcohol abuse through early interventions, The aim is to support the employee to remain in th

Kön och lön - hur kommer svenska arbetsgivare påverkas av det kommande lönetransparensdirektivet? - En analys av vilka rättsliga krav lönetransparensdirektivets införlivande i svensk rätt medför och vad dessa praktiskt kan komma att innebära för svenska arbetsgivare

Denna uppsats behandlar det nya lönetransparensdirektivets och dess införlivande i svensk rätt samt hur det kan komma att påverka svenska arbetsgivare. I uppsatsen används en rättsanalytisk metod för att finna svar på frågeställningarna. Lönetransparensdirektivet har till syfte att förhindra lönediskriminering via insyn i lönesättning för arbetstagare, företrädare och tillsynsmyndighet. Uppsatsen This thesis covers the new Pay Transparency Directive and its implementation in Swedish law, as well as how it may affect Swedish employers. In this essay, a legal analytical method is used to answer the research questions. The Pay Transparency Directive aims to prevent wage discrimination via transparency in the pay system for employees, trade unions and supervisory authorities. The paper recites

Economisation as boundary work: Integrating climate change into IMF surveillance

In 2021, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) moved to integrate climate risks into its Article IV surveillance of member states. While the IMF has not traditionally been at the forefront of climate change efforts, this decision involved defining climate change as a risk to macro-economic stability. I argue that the integration of climate change into IMF surveillance can be understood as a case o

Barriers to establishing teledermatoscopy in primary health care in Sweden

Introduction: Teledermatoscopy (TDS) has proven to be effective and reliable for diagnosis of skin malignancies. The factors that determine the success of implementation of TDS are largely unknown. Objectives: To investigate barriers to implementation of TDS in primary health care (PHC) at center and individual level. Methods: Following introduction of TDS, cross-sectional quantitative data and fr

Complex Genomic Landscape of Inversion Polymorphism in Europe’s Most Destructive Forest Pest

In many species, polymorphic genomic inversions underlie complex phenotypic polymorphisms and facilitate local adaptation in the face of gene flow. Multiple polymorphic inversions can co-occur in a genome, but the prevalence, evolutionary significance, and limits to complexity of genomic inversion landscapes remain poorly understood. Here, we examine genome-wide genetic variation in one of Europe’