

Din sökning på "*" gav 532866 sökträffar

ALICE luminosity determination for Pb-Pb collisions at √ s NN= 5.02 TeV

Luminosity determination within the ALICE experiment is based on the measurement, in van der Meer scans, of the cross sections for visible processes involving one or more detectors (visible cross sections). In 2015 and 2018, the Large Hadron Collider provided Pb-Pb collisions at a centre-of-mass energy per nucleon pair of √s NN= 5.02 TeV. Two visible cross sections, associated with particle detect

Tree species, mycorrhizal associations, and land-use history as drivers of cohesion in soil biota communities and microbe-fauna interactions

Community cohesion is a recent concept in ecology referring to the varying levels of connectivity and integration between populations of different taxonomic or functional groups within ecosystems. Positive cohesion denotes positive interactions such as mutualism or facilitation, while negative cohesion implies negative interactions such as competitive exclusion or a preference for different habita

European consumer price indices since 1870

Artikeln presenterar en databas med förmodligen de mest aktuella och tillförlitliga konsumentprisindexen (KPI) för ett stort urval av europeiska länder sedan 1870. Databasen utgör i huvudsak en sammanställning av existerande index men är ett bidrag genom att gå tillbaka till ursprungliga eller ignorerade källor. För vissa länder, där KPI saknats, konstrueras nya provisoriska index och vissa index This article presents a database with the probably most up-to-date and reliable consumer price indices for a large sample of European countries since 1870. The database is a compilation but a contribution by going back to original or ignored works. For some countries, where CPIs have been missing, new provisional indices are constructed, and some are reconstructed for critical periods. The article

Epigenetic modulators link mitochondrial redox homeostasis to cardiac function in a sex-dependent manner

While excessive production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) is a characteristic hallmark of numerous diseases, clinical approaches that ameliorate oxidative stress have been unsuccessful. Here, utilizing multi-omics, we demonstrate that in cardiomyocytes, mitochondrial isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH2) constitutes a major antioxidative defense mechanism. Paradoxically reduced expression of IDH2 asso

Evolutionary model for glacial lake-outburst fans at the ice-sheet front : Development of meltwater outlets and origins of bedforms

Large-scale landforms originated from jökulhlaups or glacial lake-outburst floods (GLOFs), and their small-scale components help in recognising the sedimentary environment of the flood. The GLOF fans that developed along the Pleistocene ice-sheet margin have not been investigated in detail, and north-eastern Poland, with its Megaflood Landform System and Bachanowo and Szeszupka fans, seems ideal f

Modelling changes in vegetation productivity and carbon balance under future climate scenarios in southeastern Australia

Australia, characterized by extensive and heterogeneous terrestrial ecosystems, plays a critical role in the global carbon cycle and in efforts to mitigate climate change. Prior research has quantified vegetation productivity and carbon balance within the Australian context over preceding decades. Nonetheless, the responses of vegetation and carbon dynamics to the evolving phenomena of climate cha

Väsentligen Negativ Inverkan i företagsförvärv

Förvärvsavtal är en omfattande process som ofta inkluderar många jurister. Avtalet är tänkt att reglera parternas samtliga åtagande och fördela risken de emellan. Trots detta återfinns i många företagsförvärv den mycket vaga avtalsbestämmelsen kallad MAC eller MAE. Förkortningarna står för material adverse change eller material adverse effect, vilket översatt till ett svenskt avtal ofta skrivs somMerger and Acquisition agreements are an extensive process that often include multiple lawyers. The agreement is intended to regulate all the parties' commitments and distribute the risk between them. Despite this, in many business acquisitions the very vague contractual provision called MAC or MAE is found. The abbreviations stand for material adverse change or material adverse effect and has

Riparian buffer zones in production forests create unequal costs among forest owners

Riparian buffer zones (RBZs) are an important instrument for environmental policies for water and biodiversity protection in managed forests. We investigate the variation of the cost of implementing RBZs within different property size classes across the size range of non-industrial forest owner properties in Southern Sweden. Using the Heureka PlanWise decision support system, we quantified the cos

Constructing Saint Birgitta : Birgittine Preaching and the Cult of Saint Birgitta in Vadstena Abbey, 1397–c. 1510

The aim of this study is to examine the construction of Birgitta Birgersdotter (1303–1373) as a saint in sermons from Vadstena Abbey 1397–c. 1510 and the role of sermons in her cult. Even though the cult of Saint Birgitta in Vadstena Abbey has been studied, the sermons on her feast days have received comparatively little attention, even though Saint Birgitta was the founder and patron saint of Vad

A blood-based biomarker workflow for optimal tau-PET referral in memory clinic settings

Blood-based biomarkers for screening may guide tau positrion emissition tomography (PET) scan referrals to optimize prognostic evaluation in Alzheimer’s disease. Plasma Aβ42/Aβ40, pTau181, pTau217, pTau231, NfL, and GFAP were measured along with tau-PET in memory clinic patients with subjective cognitive decline, mild cognitive impairment or dementia, in the Swedish BioFINDER-2 study (n = 548) and

Development of combined operando diagnostics : Applications in heterogeneous catalysis and electrochemistry

With the aim to bridge the pressure gap between traditional surface science and industrial applications, heterogeneous catalytic reactions on model catalysts are increasingly studied at near-ambient pressures. Under those conditions, the gas phase has been shown to play an important role during the interaction at the gas-surface interface making it complex to study. This complexity can be capturedWith the aim to bridge the pressure gap between traditional surface science and industrial applications, heterogeneous catalytic reactions on model catalysts are increasingly studied at near-ambient pressures. Under those conditions, the gas phase has been shown to play an important role during the interaction at the gas-surface interface making it complex to study. This complexity can be captured

Hearing impaired persons' experiences with the online Swedish Individualized Active Communication Education (I-ACE) program : A feasibility study

Even with optimally fitted hearing aids, many individuals with hearing impairment struggle to hear in situations with difficult listening conditions. Active Communication Education (ACE) is an interactive group rehabilitation program aimed at helping people with hearing loss communicate more effectively using communication strategies to better cope with everyday life. To increase accessibility and

Why does urban Artificial Intelligence (AI) matter for urban studies? : developing research directions in urban AI research

New digital technologies and systems are being extensively applied in urban contexts. These technologies and systems include algorithms, robotics, drones, Autonomous Vehicles (AVs) and autonomous systems that can collectively be labelled as Artificial Intelligence (AI). Critical debates have recognized that these various forms of AI do not merely layer onto existing urban infrastructures, forms of

Adaptation to water-induced disaster : exploring local knowledge and Indigenous knowledge-led strategies

The magnitude of water-induced disasters is projected to increase in the coming decades. Yet, there is a substantial gap in the understanding of how local knowledge and Indigenous knowledge are employed to respond to climate change water-induced disasters. We examine this gap through a meta-review of literature published between 2014 and 2019 yielding 39 scholarly papers. The meta-review indicates

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Abstract in GermanIn dieser ausführlichen Rezension wird die Hermeneutik nicht-religiösen und religiösen Vertrauens rekonstruiert, die die von Ingolf U. Dalferth und Simon Peng-Keller herausgegebene »Vertrauenstrilogie« prägt. Ich analysiere die Studienbände zur »Kommunikation des Vertrauens« sowie zum »Gottvertrauen« und zum »Grundvertrauen«, bevor ich die Vor- und Nachteile der darin entwickelteThis extensive review explores the hermeneutics of religious and non-religious trust which is characteristic for the ›trilogy on trust‹ edited by Ingolf U. Dalferth and Simon Peng-Keller. I analyze the three compilations which investigate the constitution and communication of trust, trust in God, and trust in one’s life or life-world (basic trust). Finally, I discuss the advantages and disadvantag

Interplay of α-synuclein with Lipid Membranes : Cooperative Adsorption, Membrane Remodeling and Coaggregation

α-Synuclein is a small neuronal protein enriched at presynaptic termini. It is hypothesized to play a role in neurotransmitter release and synaptic vesicle cycling, while the formation of α-synuclein amyloid fibrils is associated with several neurodegenerative diseases, most notably Parkinson’s Disease. The molecular mechanisms of both the physiological and pathological functions of α-synuclein re

Preoperative beta blockers and other drugs in relation to anastomotic leakage after anterior resection for rectal cancer

Aim: Previous research has indicated that preoperative beta blocker therapy is associated with a decreased risk of complications after surgery for rectal cancer. This is thought to arise because of the anti-inflammatory activity of the drug. These results need to be reproduced and analyses extended to other drugs with such properties, as this information might be useful in clinical decision-making