

Din sökning på "*" gav 533093 sökträffar

Marknadsmanipulation – Förtroendet på svenska finansmarknaden

Examensarbetet undersöker de utmaningar som finns vid tillämpning av marknadsmanipulationsbestämmelserna. Marknadsmanipulation är ett brott som kräver uppsåt, men det saknas specifika krav på vilken typ av uppsåt som krävs. Detta gör uppsåtsbedömningen svår, speciellt vid mindre allvarliga överträdelser. Enligt "direktivet" MAD II ska marknadsmanipulation vara straffbart, men det finns vThis thesis examines the challenges in applying the provisions of market manipulation. Market manipulation is a crime that requires intent, but there are no specific requirements for the type of intent required. This makes the assessment of intent difficult, especially in cases of less serious violations. According to the "Market Abuse Directive" (MAD II), market manipulation should be p

Circumventing censorship : a multimodal critical discourse analysis of the Bulgarian satirical newspaper Pras Press

This thesis examines the role of political satire in the Bulgarian public sphere through the case of the satirical newspaper Pras Press. The bi-weekly publication is centered around political cartooning and reports on public affairs issues from pop culture to current events. It relies on online dissemination as its print editions have been, and continue to be, the object of censorship for the news

Polygenic risk of type 2 diabetes is associated with incident vascular dementia : a prospective cohort study

Type 2 diabetes and dementia are associated, but it is unclear whether the two diseases have common genetic risk markers that could partly explain their association. It is also unclear whether the association between the two diseases is of a causal nature. Furthermore, few studies on diabetes and dementia have validated dementia end-points with high diagnostic precision. We tested associations bet

Predicting Soil Saturated Water Conductivity Using Pedo-Transfer Functions for Rocky Mountain Forests in Northern China

Soil physicochemical properties and macropore spatial structure affect saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ks). However, due to regional differences and long measurement time, Ks is tedious to quantify. Therefore, it is of great importance to find simplified but robust methods to predict Ks. One possibility is to use pedo-transfer functions (PTFs). Along this line, stratified sampling was carried ou

Theorising teaching and learning : pre-service teachers’ theoretical awareness of learning

We examine pre-service teachers’ theoretical learning during one five-week training module, and their educators’ learning about better lecture design to foster student learning. The study is iterative: interventions (one per group) were implemented sequentially in student groups A–C, the results of the previous intervention serving as the baseline for the design developed for the next. These learn

Unlocking the Potential of Sustainability in SMEs within the Pharmaceutical Industry: The Role of Managers in Fostering Sustainability for Organizational Long-term Success

Sustainable development requires companies to do their part. Managers are central to the partaking of sustainability in their organizations, having responsibility towards internal and external stakeholders to ensure the organization's long-term survival while being mindful of other things than maximizing profit. SMEs face additional challenges than their multinational counterparts making it mo

Quantitative myocardial perfusion should be interpreted in the light of sex and co-morbidities in patients with suspected chronic coronary syndrome - a cardiac positron emission tomography study

Diagnosis and treatment of patients with suspected chronic coronary syndrome (CCS) currently relies on the degree of coronary artery stenosis and its significance for myocardial perfusion. However, myocardial perfusion can be affected by factors other than coronary stenosis. The aim of this study was to investigate to what extent sex, age, diabetes, hypertension and smoking affect quantitative myo

Heavy Metal Transport in Different Drip-Irrigated Soil Types with Potato Crop

Heavy metal (HM)-polluted soil is a serious concern, especially as brackish water is widely used for irrigation purposes in water-scarce countries. In this study, the HYDRUS-2D model was used to simulate HM (copper (Cu), lead (Pb), and zinc (Zn)) transport through agricultural land cultivated with potato crops under surface drip irrigation to explore the potential groundwater contamination risk. T

Transforming new curriculum objectives into classroom instruction with the aid of learning studies

Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to report a case study that qualitatively describes and analyses teachers’ discussions when planning and evaluating lessons under supervision, and what is described is the focus on their reasoning, the activities decided upon and how they decided to assess the pupils’ learning outcomes when transforming formal curriculum objectives for English as a foreign la

The path towards sustainable retailing and consumption - A dual perspective of environmental practices from both transnational European supermarkets and consumers in the 21st century

Purpose: This thesis aims at understanding the relationship between regular transnational European supermarkets and their consumers regarding environmental expectations. Theoretical Perspective: This study gathers several theories, from the stakeholder’s perspective to the Say-Do gap, particularly for consumers. The constructed theoretical framework involves four angles such as CSR, retail sector

Swish? Går det bra att betala med kontanter?

The aim of the studies is to contribute to increased knowledge regarding older people's attitudes to mobile banking services and how digital exclusion is affected by psychological barriers. In this way, we check whether there is a significant connection with the psychological factors to whether an older individual uses mobile banking services or not.

"Motherhood Means Business: a motivational factor behind entrepreneurship?” A qualitative study of what can motivate a mother to become an entrepreneur

Title: Motherhood Means Business: a motivational factor in entrepreneurship Seminar date: 1 June 2023 Course: FEKH99, Bachelor Degree Project in Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management, Business administration, 15 University Credit Points Authors: Molly Eklund, Isa Stinger & Stina Svensson Advisor: Ziad El-Awad Keywords: Mother entrepreneurship; motivational factors; Push and Pull theory; O

Methods to study device induced aggregation of proteins

Läkemedel som består av skräddarsydda proteiner används idag för att behandla bland annat diabetes. De ges traditionellt som injektioner och detta misstänks vara kopplat till skapandet av skadliga partiklar. Sprutan och nålen är ofta silikoniserade för att underlätta hantering och deras användning utsätter det känsliga proteinet för mekaniska krafter. Detta tros leda till bildandet av partiklar i This work developed a method for the investigation of how medical devices, such as syringes and needles, affect the formation of subvisible particles in a protein drug without excipients. Protein-based pharmaceuticals are well known to be sensitive to different kinds of stress, and exposure to stress during the use of this device is unavoidable. To study this phenomenon, an in-house built probe fo

Reading from multimedia materials : Benefits of non-congruent pictures on reading comprehension for dyslexic readers

Pictures are often integrated in digital learning materials with the purpose of enhancing learning. This mixed methods study uses quantitative eye-tracking data and qualitative data such as oral answers to discover whether characteristics of pictures influence patterns of text–picture transition in readers with (n=10) and without (n=14) dyslexia, and how reading comprehension is affected. Most par

Learning study in pre-school : teachers’ awareness of children's learning and what they actually learn

Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to describe pre-school children's learning during a learning study, and their teachers’ awareness of each child's learning possibilities in relation to what they actually learned. The paper's aims are twofold; first, to focus on how to design learning study in pre-school settings; and second, to study young children's (aged 4-5) learning. Design/methodology/ap

Properties of international legal subjects - Are there any in common?

Den här kandidatplatsen syftar till att kartlägga de tre egenskaperna definition, erkännande och självständighet, vilka är gemensamma för juridiska folkrättssubjekt. Egenskaperna utgör en del av de underliggande uppfattningarna om vem eller vilka vi accepterar utgöra juridiskt folkrättssubjekt. De underliggande uppfattningarna utvecklas genom händelser, erfarenheter, behov etcetera inom det internThis thesis aims to uncover the three properties of definition, recognition and independence shared by international legal subjects. These properties are included in the underlying conceptual scheme of who or what we accept as an international legal subject. The conceptual scheme is developed through the events, experiences, needs etc. within the international community. By uncovering the properti

The Effects of Aid on Fiscal Capacity: An econometric analysis on African countries (1960-2015)

Low tax revenues in many African countries are hindering sustained economic development and aid could have an inhibiting effect on the development of fiscal capacity. This paper will use newly published high-quality data on tax revenues to dive deeper into the effects of aid on hard-to-collect taxes in Africa between 1960-2015. Previous aid literature has mostly focused on short-term effects on re

Diffusive intracellular interactions : On the role of protein net charge and functional adaptation

A striking feature of nucleic acids and lipid membranes is that they all carry net negative charge and so is true for the majority of intracellular proteins. It is suggested that the role of this negative charge is to assure a basal intermolecular repulsion that keeps the cytosolic content suitably ‘fluid’ for function. We focus in this review on the experimental, theoretical and genetic findings

Den levda erfarenheten som kunskap - En kvalitativ intervjustudie om det erfarenhetsbaserade kunskapsanvändandet hos peer supportrar

The evidence-based practice in the field of social work is leaning on science, professional expertise, and the client's wishes and experiences, with the latter two tending to be of less value. With the implementation of peer support in psychiatric care and social support, there is room for this tendency to be challenged. This study aimed to explore how the peer supporters experience and view t