Din sökning på "*" gav 535464 sökträffar
Involvement of nonarticular cartilage, as demonstrated by release of a cartilage-specific protein, in rheumatoid arthritis.
Analysis of human cartilage extracts by radioimmunoassay showed that the noncollagenous 148-kd cartilage matrix protein was present in extracts of tracheal cartilage but was undetectable in normal or arthritic joint cartilage, corroborating previous results with bovine cartilage samples. Concentrations of the protein in the circulation, as studied by radioimmunoassay, were greatly elevated in pati
High-accuracy localization for assisted living : 5G systems will turn multipath channels from foe to friend
Asisted living (AL) technologies, enabled by technical advances such as the advent of the Internet of Things, are increasingly gaining importance in our aging society. This article discusses the potential of future high-accuracy localization systems as a key component of AL applications. Accurate location information can be tremendously useful to realize, e.g., behavioral monitoring, fall detectio
Serum concentrations of hyaluronan and proteoglycan in joint disease. Lack of associaton.
Increased release of bone sialoprotein into synovial fluid reflects tissue destruction in rheumatoid arthritis
Objective. Bone sialoprotein (BSP) was quantified in synovial fluids and sera from rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients to elucidate whether its release from bone relates to the degree of joint tissue destruction. Osteocalcin was assayed for comparison. Methods. BSP and osteocalcin levels were determined by immunoassays of knee synovial fluids and of sera from RA patients who were selected on the
Cartilage macromolecules and the development of new methods for the assessment of joint disease
Increased serum levels of cartilage oligomeric matrix protein and bone sialoprotein in rats with collagen arthritis
Cartilage macromolecules in knee synovial fluid. Markers of the disease course in patients with acute oligoarthritis
OBJECTIVE To investigate the development of chronic joint symptoms in patients presenting with acute oligoarthritis including knee joint synovitis with effusion and explore whether prognostic information can be derived from initial synovial fluid concentrations of aggrecan and cartilage oligomeric matrix protein (COMP) for development of chronic joint symptoms. METHODS Retrospective follow up of
Serum concentrations of cartilage oligomeric matrix protein and bone sialoprotein in hip osteoarthritis: A one year prospective study.
Protection against cartilage and bone destruction by systemic interleukin-4 treatment in established murine type II collagen-induced arthritis
Glukosamin hjälper inte mot smärta vid knäartros
När förpackade idéer möter organisatoriska villkor
A Full Space-Time Convergence Order Analysis of Operator Splittings for Linear Dissipative Evolution Equations
The Douglas-Rachford and Peaceman-Rachford splitting methods are common choices for temporal discretizations of evolution equations. In this paper we combine these methods with spatial discretizations fulfilling some easily verifiable criteria. In the setting of linear dissipative evolution equations we prove optimal convergence orders, simultaneously in time and space. We apply our abstract resul
A ten-year development of accessibility in the outdoor environment : Municipal challenges and older people’s perception
Denna avhandling undersöker utvecklingen av en tio års engagemang av tillgänglighet i utemiljön. Denna undersöks från två perspektiv; samhällets utmaning och användarens uppfattning. Äldre personer och personer med funktionshinder ska ha lika möjligheter att använda transportsystemet som andra människor. Deras tillgång till transportsystemet är dock ofta begränsad på grund av fysiska hinder i utemIn an inaccessible outdoor environment, older people and people with disabilities can experience environmental barriers. The environmental barriers can restrict them and their abilities to walk. Environmental barriers can be avoided by designing the outdoor environment to meet the needs of older people and people with disabilities. This thesis focuses on accessibility in Sweden from two perspectiv
Fuktskadeorsaker i golv & grunder : vad har vi lärt av historien?
Det senaste decennierna har byggbranschen uppvisat en stor skara skadefall och problem i hus som på ett eller annat sätt är fuktrelaterade. Många skade- och problemtyper har funnits under hela perioden och återkommer mer eller mindre ständigt. Andra skadetyper har uppkommit "plötsligt" och blivit en ny typ av skador. Så småningom har man lärt sig hur man skall undvika och åtgärda dessa, men snart
Universitet bör engagera sig för flyktingarna
Japanska försök avseende hållfasthet och E-modul i väggar av vibreringsfri betong
Helhetsprojektering - resultatet av ett forskningsarbete
Med anledning av artikelförfattarens avhandling Integrated life cycle design : applied to Swedish concrete multi-dwelling buildings.
Högpresterande betong ger fuktsäker platta på mark
Betongens beständighet under 85 år
"Reglerna för beständighet av betong har varierat genom åren ; tillåtet täckskikt i karbonatiseringsmiljö är till exempel mindre än det var 1926 och krav på luftinblandning i frostutsatt betong infördes 1965 ; Göran Fagerlund gör för våra läsare en överblick över 85 års regelutveckling."