

Din sökning på "*" gav 530339 sökträffar

Bortom ”första, bästa person”: En enkätundersökning om användning av och attityder till systematiska urvalsmetoder

Syftet med studien var att deskriptivt och explorativt undersöka hur man inom rekryterande yrkesbefattningar använder sig av systematiska rekryteringsmetoder vilka diskuteras i den samtida arbetspsykologiska forskningen. De centrala verktygen för studien var arbetsanalys och verktyg för prediktion som kompetensmodellering och personlighetstestning. Ett ytterligare syfte var att undersöka attityder

Människohandel för sexuella ändamål - föreligger det konsensus mellan fenomenet och den straffrättsliga regleringen?

Människohandel för sexuella ändamål är ett komplext fenomen och ett globalt problem som både berör och upprör. Människohandel är gärningar som syftar till ett efterföljande utnyttjande av offret och ett brott där skyddssyftet är personlig frihet och frid. Det är också ett sammansatt problem, det vill säga att det innefattar bland annat brott mot mänskliga rättigheter, organiserad brottslighet, migHuman trafficking for sexual purposes is a complex phenomenon and a global problem that upsets. Human trafficking is an acts aimed to subsequent exploit the victim and a crime which aim the protection of personal liberty and peace. It is also a complex problem, that includes human rights violations, organized crime, migration, gender, poverty and social, economic and political differences between

Den mirakelgörande Messias: En undersökning av underverkens roll i Matteus skildring av Jesus som den judiske Messias

For the early Jesus movement Jesus' messianic identity was of great importance. This description of Jesus as the Messiah is something that permeates the whole Gospel of Matthew. In Mt 8-9, Matthew has a massive depiction of Jesus' immense power through the stories of nine miracles. It is the portrayal of this miracle-working Messiah I examine in this essay. It is generally accepted that a

Köparens undersökningsplikt och säljarens upplysningsplikt

Sammanfattning Fastighetsköpet och de bestämmelser som blir tillämpliga i samband med detta har historiskt sett utgjort ett regelverk separerat från det som gäller vid köp av lös egendom. En av de främsta anledningarna bakom denna uppdelning är att fastighetsköpet typiskt sett betraktas som ett så kallat specieköp. För många människor utgör fastighetsköpet sannolikt en av de största och mest betydHistorically, real property law has been separated from the rules applicable to movables. One of the main reasons for legislatively separating the two is that the real property purchase is regarded a typical example of a non-generic purchase (specieköp). To many people, the real property purchase is one of the most important and major business deals they will ever make in their life. Considering t

The Role of Education in Agricultural Productivity: The Case of Village Institutes in Turkey, 1940-1966

This study examines the relationship between education and agricultural productivity through the Turkish phenomenon of Village Institutes (VIs). Having emerged as the fourth step of the agrarian reform in 1937, the VIs provided a 5 year secondary education and 3 optional years of higher education to successful graduates of 5 year elementary village schools. Based on the principles of “learning by

Inequality of Opportunity Determinants of Access to Education – With a Special Focus on Income Inequality

In this study the concept of inequality of opportunity is applied to access to education and investigation is made over what determines this. A particular focus is set on income inequality and the role it plays for access to education. Several hypotheses regarding the relationship between income inequality and inequality in education, used as a proxy for access to education, can be thought of. Fou

Betydelsen av en ADHD-diagnos - En studie av sex självbiografiska berättelser

Title: The meaning of an ADHD-diagnosis Supervisor: Tabitha Wright Nielsen Assessor: Carina Tigervall The aim of our study was to examine how it affects people to get an ADHD/DAMP-diagnosis. We have studied six self-biographies, written by people that have received an ADHD/DAMP-diagnosis as adults. The purpose of the cur-rent study was to see if a person’s self-image is affected by getting an A

Pedagogik för att levandegöra historia : en jämförelse av musei- och arkivpedagogik med hänsyn till historieförmedling

The pedagogic purposes and ambitions of both museums and archives are in many ways alike. Their intentions and purposes as institutions in our society are also in many ways very similar to each other, not at least when it comes to the fact that they are both working towards preserving and communicating our cultural heritage and our history. Still though the museums are much better known, recognize

Corruption in Conditional Cash Transfer Programs CCTPs. Policy implications from an actor based analysis of the CCTP Mi Familia Progresa in Guatemala

Based upon data obtained through participatory workshops, structured interviews and ethnographic observations in three communities of the municipality of Livingston in Guatemala, the thesis explores the current corruption risks present at micro level in the Conditional Cash Transfer Program (CCTP) Mi Familia Progresa. Results from research indicate a high risk of corruption due to the deficient de

The Internet Giant : en diskursteoretisk analys av mediedebatten i USA kring Google Search

Search engines have become a starting point to the Internet, and for the large majority, Google Search is the preferred choice. Research shows that users perceive search engines as neutral tools, or neutral platforms of information, when in fact search results per definition are ranked according to many different principles and regulations. Therefore, search engines are important gatekeepers of th

Måste man samtycka till samlag? - En studie av en samtyckesreglerings för- och nackdelar med en medial utblick

Sexualbrotten i svensk rätt kräver idag att gärningsmannen har använt någon typ av våld eller hot, eller har utnyttjat ett hjälplöst tillstånd. År 2003 kom emellertid Europadomstolens avgörande i Bulgariendomen, i vilken kan utläsas att varje sexuell handling som begås utan samtycke ska vara straffbar. Sedan dess har det i Sverige livligt debatterats om huruvida domen innebär att den svenska lagenThe sexual offences in Swedish law of today require that the perpetrator has used violence or threats, or that he has exploited a helpless state. However, in 2003 the European Court of Human Rights delivered a judgment in the case of M.C v. Bulgaria, which stated that any non-consensual sexual act must be punishable. There has been a legal discussion in Sweden ever since, regarding whether this ju

From Tradition to Transition: Entrepreneurship, competition, and marketization in China’s early reform process

Economic theory predicts a positive relationship between competition and innovation. Competition both forces and enables firms to innovate. On competitive markets firms are forced to innovate to avoid shrinking profit margins. At the same time competition also helps firms to innovate: On competitive markets information is dispersed among decentralized economic agents through price signals, informa

Impact of Remittances on Economic growth in selected Asian and Former Soviet Union countries

Recent increase in the international remittance transfers from developed to developing countries has caught great attention among academic scholars and policymakers. This paper investigates the potential impact of these workers’ remittances on the long-term economic growth of recipient countries. The results of the empirical regression analysis indicate that remittances have positive effect on the

A return system in need of refurnishing at IKEA - Identifying improvement potentials

The purpose of this master thesis is to explore IKEA’s return system and to suggest potential areas of improvement. The master thesis shall describe and identify the problems regarding handling material of the present return system, in order to suggest potential areas of improvement. This master thesis is an explorative study. Wide ranges of interviews were made and are the base of the study. Ob

Dominobrickan som inte föll - Kuba och regimförändring efter Kalla kriget

Det här arbetet handlar om att belysa den kommunistiska regimen på Kuba efter Kalla kriget och varför den överlevde. Uppsatsen kretsar kring centrala statsvetenskapliga begrepp, som legitimitet och regim. Arbetet är metodlogiskt upplagt som en teorikonsumerande fallstudie, då vi använder oss av teorier för att belysa vilka faktorer som är de mest relevanta för att beskriva den kubanska regimens öv

In the world of flying toilets - Perceived health benefits of improved environment. A case study of Nairobi slums.

This study explores how community members in Nairobi slums perceive the health benefits of improvements of the physical environment with focus on water and sanitation, how it can be obtained, further sustained and how the community members can be involved. Location and socioeconomic status variations were also explored. A comparative, qualitative case study was done inspired by the theories of soc

Amartya Sen's Notion of Freedom: A Conceptual History of a Universalist Presumption

Amartya Sen argues that the overarching goal of development is expanding people’s choices. Yet, freedom as a goal is ambiguous as the notion is clouded by idioms of freedom dating as far back as Ancient Greece. Thus, since Sen claims to have universalist presumptions, this thesis discusses and analyzes Sen’s notion of freedom from a classical philosophical perspective – mainly drawing from Leo Str

Employer branding och framtidens medarbetare - En kvalitativ studie i företags arbete med employer branding i samband med 80-talisternas intåg på arbetsmarknaden

Det har idag blivit allt viktigare för företag att kunna profilera sig som en attraktiv arbetsgivare för att vara med i kampen om framtidens arbetskraft och employer branding är ett begrepp som vuxit fram utifrån detta arbete. Arbetsmarknaden står inför stora förändringar då en ny generation kommer är på väg in i arbetsmarknaden, 80-talisterna, och äldre generationer är på väg ut. Jag har valt att

Debatten kring studieavgifter för utomeuropeiska studenter i Sverige. En idéanalytisk studie av värden.

Från och med hösten 2011 kommer utomeuropeiska studenter att behöva betala avgifter för att studera vid svenska universitet och högskolor (SFS 2010:298). Även om detta inte innebär att svenska studenter behöver betala för högre utbildning bryts med detta en lång tradition av avgiftsfrihet inom det svenska utbildningsväsendet. Avsteget från principen om offentligt finansierad utbildning i Sverige h