

Din sökning på "*" gav 532897 sökträffar

The Dynamics of Nerve Degeneration and Regeneration in a Healthy Milieu and in Diabetes

Appropriate animal models, mimicking conditions of both health and disease, are needed to understand not only the biology and the physiology of neurons and other cells under normal conditions but also under stress conditions, like nerve injuries and neuropathy. In such conditions, understanding how genes and different factors are activated through the well-orchestrated programs in neurons and othe

Learning classical instruments in a group setting: Swedish art and music school teachers' strategies for collective and individual progression

For centuries, teaching classical instruments has exclusively relied on one-to-one tuition also when teaching young children. While this form of teaching has dominated Swedish Art and Music Schools (SAMS), lately there has been an increasing political, economic, and educational interest in group tuition. SAMS are publicly funded by the municipalities to be affordable also for children whose parent

Artificial synaptic characteristics of PVA:ZnO nanocomposite memristive devices

Computational efficiency is significantly enhanced using artificial neural network-based computing. A two-terminal memristive device is a powerful electronic device that can mimic the behavior of a biological synapse in addition to storing information and performing logic operations. This work focuses on the fabrication of a memristive device that utilizes a resistive switching layer composed of p

Sexuell hälsa under klimakteriet hos kvinnor i Sverige-En kvalitativ studie om kvinnors upplevelser, en enkätundersökning

Abstrakt Bakgrund: Sexuell hälsa kräver att alla människors sexuella rättigheter respekteras och skyddas. I klimakteriet är det inte ovanligt att kvinnor upplever att sexualiteten påverkas. Hur klimakteriet påverkar kvinnor är individuellt och mångfacetterat. Att vara förberedd, att få information samt vid behov att få behandling är av betydelse för hur kvinnor upplever klimakteriet. Prioriterade

Band terminations in the valence space of 86Zr

High-spin states in 86Zr up to 30+ and 27- were observed via the 58Ni(32S,4p) reaction at 135 MeV beam energy using the combined GAMMASPHERE and MICROBALL systems. Calculations performed with the configuration-dependent shell-correction approach show that these states are built from six g9/2 neutrons and at most four protons excited from the p1/2,p3/2,f5/2 subshells to the g9/2 subshell at small d

Artificial nanophotonic neuron with internal memory for biologically inspired and reservoir network computing

Neurons with internal memory have been proposed for biological and bio-inspired neural networks, adding important functionality. We introduce an internal time-limited charge-based memory into a III-V nanowire (NW) based optoelectronic neural node circuit designed for handling optical signals in a neural network. The new circuit can receive inhibiting and exciting light signals, store them, perform

Oxidised IL-33 drives COPD epithelial pathogenesis via ST2-independent RAGE/EGFR signalling complex

Background Epithelial damage, repair and remodelling are critical features of chronic airway diseases including chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Interleukin (IL)-33 released from damaged airway epithelia causes inflammation via its receptor, serum stimulation-2 (ST2). Oxidation of IL-33 to a non-ST2-binding form (IL-33ox) is thought to limit its activity. We investigated whether IL-33

Smooth band termination at high spin in 113I

The 113I nucleus has been studied using the 58Ni(58Ni,3p) reaction at 250 MeV with the Gammasphere/ Microball facility. Gamma-ray three-and four-fold data gated by charged particle combinations were analyzed. Multipolarities of the γ rays were assigned following the angular correlation measurements. The present study is focused on the high spin properties, where the structure is dominated by 2p-2h

Clinical use of an emergency manual by resuscitation teams and impact on performance in the emergency department : A prospective mixed-methods study protocol

Introduction Simulation-based studies indicate that crisis checklist use improves management of patients with critical conditions in the emergency department (ED). An interview-based study suggests that use of an emergency manual (EM) - a collection of crisis checklists - improves management of clinical perioperative crises. There is a need for in-depth prospective studies of EM use during clinica

Periodontitis and NAFLD-related diseases : A bidirectional two-sample Mendelian randomization study

Background: Epidemiological studies have shown an association between periodontitis and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD)-related diseases. However, a causal relationship between these two diseases remains unclear. To examine the causal relationship between these two diseases, we conducted a bidirectional two-sample Mendelian randomization (MR) analysis using genetic markers as proxies. Met

“If the Kingdom be Ruled According to the Tao” : Politics as “Eastern Wisdom” in Aleister Crowley’s Reception of the Daodejing

The fascination with the “Eastern Wisdom” exhibited among esoteric movements in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century is often understood as an interest in spirituality. Existing research has focused on how these movements took an interest in beliefs in doctrines like karma and reincarnation, as well as in practices of meditation and divination. Although this characterization is broadly

Cervix cytology samples revealed increased methylation of the human markers FAM19A4/miR124-2 up to 8 years before adenocarcinoma

Introduction: Methylation analysis of the promoter region of tumor-suppressor genes has previously shown high sensitivity for detection of high-grade cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) and cancer. HPV-testing has a high sensitivity to identify women at risk to develop cancer, and has been implemented in cervical screening programs in several countries. But in most HPV-positive women the infe

Microbial Resource Limitation and Terrestrial Ecosystem Ecology

Soil microbes function as decomposers in terrestrial ecosystems. They break down the organic matter, which plays a significant role in supplying nutrients to plants, but also in regulating biogeochemical cycling which feeds back to climate change. Like other organisms, soil microbes can be limited by the availability of essential resources, which could consequently affect their ability to decompos

vNOTES – en ny minimalinvasiv metod för gynekologisk kirurgi

vNOTES hysterectomy is a scarless minimally invasive method with a vaginal approach to the abdominal cavity combined with endoscopic overview. Studies have shown that patients who underwent vNOTES hysterectomy had less pain and shorter hospital stay than after laparoscopic hysterectomy.

Sources and sinks of carbonyl sulfide inferred from tower and mobile atmospheric observations in the Netherlands

Carbonyl sulfide (COS) is a promising tracer for the estimation of terrestrial ecosystem gross primary production (GPP). However, understanding its non-GPP-related sources and sinks, e.g., anthropogenic sources and soil sources and sinks, is also critical to the success of the approach. Here we infer the regional sources and sinks of COS using continuous in situ mole fraction profile measurements

Detailed measurements of the four extraocular rectus muscles’ contribution to the perfusion of the anterior segment of the eye

Background/aims Anterior segment ischaemia (ASI) is a rare but serious complication of strabismus surgery, which may be caused by damage to the anterior ciliary arteries that run along the rectus muscles. To avoid ASI, clinical praxis is to operate on a maximum of two rectus muscles at a time. The aim of this study was to perform a detailed study of the contribution of the four ocular rectus muscl

Investigating the Effects of MWE Identification in Structural Topic Modelling

Multiword expressions (MWEs) are common word combinations which exhibit idiosyncrasies in various linguistic levels. For various downstream natural language processing applications and tasks, the identification and discovery of MWEs has been proven to be potentially practical and useful, but still challenging to codify. In this paper we investigate various, relevant to MWE, resources and tools for