

Din sökning på "*" gav 532841 sökträffar

Silent or silenced? A critical analysis of the Swedish media’s representation of Romani legal culture

In 2021 the Swedish media started investigating Romani trials, a supposed ‘parallel legal system’ that is practiced by some Romanies. Before 2021 the reportage on the phenomena is minimal. In general, academic research on Romani legal culture in Sweden is absent, similar goes for Romani representation in Swedish media. This thesis explores how Romani legal culture is represented in the Swedish med

Understanding Gender Equal Conflict Resolution – A Sociology of Law Perspective of Inclusive Education as One Pathway to Sustainable Peacebuilding

The significance of access to education has, like women’s role in peacebuilding, previously been examined in various studies. However, the relationship between these two has rarely been touched upon. Particularly the discipline of Sociology of Law has been observed to discuss the topics in separate academic discussions. Hence, findings in accordance with my study have revealed that there is no res

Att förstå destruktiv manlighet: En analys av incelrörelsen och dess konsekvenser

Incels är en subkultur som består av främst unga män som känner sig sexuellt avvisade av kvinnor och som anser att samhället diskriminerar dem på grund av deras utseende eller status. Flera fall av våldsamheter och massmord har kopplats till personer som identifierar sig som incels. I denna uppsats undersöks incelrörelsen som en form av våldsbejakande extremism i relation till hegemonisk maskulini

Enbart avstånd och handhygien räcker inte

I denna debattartikel lyfter sex forskare frågan att myndigheter och branschorganisationer delvis gav olika råd kring åtgärder för att begränsa risken för smittspridning inomhus. För att klara nästa pandemi krävs bättre samordning av riktlinjer kring ventilation och luftkvalitet.

Dynamics and Rheology of Colloidal Ellipsoids

We present an experimental investigation of the dynamics of near-to-sphere colloidal ellipsoids in which we deploy a recently developed technique differential dynamic microscopy (DDM). Inherently opaque systems as well as progressively dense dispersions exhibit multiple scattering and as conventional techniques such as dynamic light scattering (DLS) suffer from this effect, studies probing their d

Rapid expansion of roof mounted PV systems in commercial facilities - How can they be insured?

PV system components that are exposed to unmanageable strain can be overheated, which subsequently results in a fire ignition. Common failure factors are poor component quality, mechanical exposure due to natural phenomena and poor craftmanship. The underlying problem is that PV regulations are lacking in quality or are non-existent. The rapid expansion of roof mounted PV system installation on co

Creating a High-Throughput Workflow for Automated Peptide Characterization using LC-MS

In the early stage of a drug discovery project, there is a need for efficient methods that can analyse peptides in short time. This includes methods that confirm the peptide’s identity and estimates its relative purity in an efficient and reliable way. The aim was to create a workflow for peptide characterization for AstraZeneca’s in-house peptides that was applicable for a high-throughput analysi

Fuel or fire: An exploration of psychological detachment in the entrepreneurial context

Entrepreneurs face challenging work-related stressors inherent to their occupation. Prolonged exposure to such stressors can have negative consequences on well-being and job satisfaction, which highlights the need for recovery from work-related stressors. This thesis focuses on psychological detachment (PD) as an impactful recovery process. Due to the characteristics of the entrepreneurial profess

Using LSTM for predictions of the regulating direction on the Swedish electricity intraday market

Electricity price prediction is increasingly important as the prices become more volatile due to the expan- sion of weather-dependent renewable electricity sources. The electricity market of focus in this thesis is the Nord pool intraday market and the regulating prices occurring on it. For actors trading on the intra- day market increased volatility implies greater risks since the regulating pric

Development of a new spatially complete and daily continuous lake surface water temperature dataset for Lake Vänern, Sweden

Development of a new spatially complete and daily continuous lake surface water temperature dataset for Lake Vänern, Sweden Keywords: Physical Geography, Ecosystem Analysis, Remote Sensing, Data Fusion, Reanalysis Product, Lake Surface Water Temperature, Hydrology Lake Surface Water Temperature (LSWT) is an important indicator to monitor changes due to climate change on a regional scale. Changes

Bygga möbler och kundbaserat varumärkeskapital - En undersökning av konsumenters uppfattning av IKEAs hållbarhet och dess roll i varumärkesbyggandet

Syftet med studien är att öka kunskapen kring samspelet mellan varumärkens hållbarhetsuppfattning hos konsumenter och deras kundbaserade varumärkeskapital. Undersökningen bygger på en kvalitativ studie i form av semistrukturerade intervjuer med nio respondenter i varierat åldersspann. Ett abduktivt angreppssätt har tillämpats för att möjliggöra en mer flexibel arbetsprocess vid insamling av empiri

Barriers Preventing Chinese Male Consumers from Purchasing Green Beauty Products

Thesis purpose: The purpose of this research is to investigate the barriers to purchasing green beauty products in the Chinese male beauty market, and analyze how ethical concerns moderate the influence of these barriers on purchase intention. Methodology: This study utilized a cross-sectional research design and a quantitative methodology to investigate the association between barriers and Chine

Building Blocks for a Better Buyer Experience: Consumer Perceptions of Blockchain Authentication Methods in Second-Hand Luxury E-Commerce

Title: Building Blocks for a Better Buyer Experience: Consumer Perceptions of Blockchain Authentication Methods in Second-Hand Luxury E-Commerce Date of the Seminar: 2nd of June, 2023 Course: BUSN39: Degree Project in Global Marketing Authors: Lisa Alm, Amanda Gerth & Katie Fajer Supervisor: Burak Tunca Keywords: Second-hand luxury e-commerce, Blockchain technology, Authentication, Perce

Exploring Corporate Brand Orientation in a Retail Setting – A Qualitative Case Study in the Swedish Grocery Retail Industry

Thesis Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to explore what may facilitate or inhibit a stronger corporate brand orientation in a retail organization. We explore the factors of internal corporate brand identity elements, internal corporate brand image and internal branding, while also considering retail-specific characteristics. To do so, we investigate the internal perspective of the corporate

Should we do it ourselves or should we let somebody else do it?

Title: Should we do it ourselves or should we let somebody else do it? An exploratory study of in-house agencies and external agencies in marketing and brand management Course: BUSN39 - Degree project in Global Marketing Authors: Nicholas-Joel Kisling & Julia Herma Cornée Dorothée Bosveld Keywords: In-House Agency, Make-or-Buy, Insourcing, Outsourcing, External Agencies, Marketing, Brand Ma

An analysis of how video advertising factors influence consumers' impulse purchase intentions — In the context of short-form video

Online shopping is gradually becoming a daily behavior in people's lives, and advertising marketing methods based on short videos are also playing an increasingly important role in this trend. Different from pictures and texts, it combines sound and picture, is easy to spread, and contains a lot of information, which conforms to people's habit of using fragmented information. In this case,

Vill du eller inte? - En analys av vad som utgör grov oaktsamhet vid oaktsam våldtäkt

Den 1 juli 2018 ändrades svensk sexualbrottslagstiftning i grunden då bedömningen för vad som utgör ett sexuellt övergrepp förändrades till att definieras utifrån huruvida deltagandet i sexuell kontakt sker frivilligt. Ändringarna som infördes i brottsbalken brukar gemensamt kallas samtyckeslagen. Förändringen innebar även att ett nytt brott, oaktsam våldtäkt som regleras i 6 kap. 1 a § brottIn July 2018, the Swedish legislation regarding sexual assault fundamentally changed in terms of which criminal acts are considered to be a violation of the law. Among these changes was the implementation of the new criminal offence of negligent rape, found in the sixth chapter of the Swedish penal code, which opposedly to the previous ruling that only included intentional acts, now criminali

The Impact of Marketing Channels on Customer Perceived Brand Values in Omnichannel Retailing: Moderating Role of Cultural Differences

Recently, the notion of omnichannel retailing and marketing attracted widespread interest in academia, complemented by miscellaneous efforts of retailers to establish omnichannel brand communication. Following these attempts, global retailers face the risks related to brand communication failure and misrepresentation of brand values. However, the research is still limited in terms of differences i

When Social Media Hits the Fan - How Customer Value is Influenced by a Brand Crisis on Social Media

Keywords: Brand Crisis on Social Media, Customer Judgements, Customer Feelings, Customer Brand Resonance, Customer Value. Purpose: The purpose of this master thesis is to investigate how a brand crisis on social media influences customer value of a brand. This is done by exploring the underlying key factors that influence customers’ perceptions during such crises. Theoretical Perspective: The t