

Din sökning på "*" gav 533093 sökträffar

In-Situ Investigation of Particle Assisted GaSb Nucleation Using Environmental TEM

Under de senaste 30 åren har all elektronik fått allt mindre storlek. Detta beror på att man har lyckats skala ned de komponenter som bygger upp dagens elektronik till nanoskalan. En av de allra viktigaste strukturerna som har bidragit till den här utvecklingen är nanotrådar, som är i storlek av en miljarddels meter. Nanotrådar är små avlånga strukturer som är kristallina och kan användas att byggIII-V semiconductor material based nanowires have been extensively studied and shown to be a very exciting building block for future electronics. Material systems such as GaSb show a lot of promise in optoelectric and thermoelectric generation applications because of its high electron mobility and small bandgap. Although there is a lot of research about III-V nanowires, a gap in understanding anti

En guide till Apostlagärningarna

Bibelguiden ger vägledning in i Nya testamentets böcker. Serien är en hjälp för den som vill utveckla sin relation till Bibeln – till djupare förståelse för vad texten betydde för de ursprungliga mottagarna och djupare efterföljelse i det egna livet. Utformningen med korta kärnfulla kapitel och ett omfångsrikt frågematerial gör att den lämpar sig väl både för bibelstudiegrupper och enskild bibellä

Är det skillnad på flykting och flykting? En kvalitativ diskursanalys av medias användning av begreppet flykting efter invasionen av Ukraina

Kriget i Ukraina har drivit upp flyktingantalet till ett högre antal än någonsin tidigare. Syftet med denna studie är att med hjälp av en kritisk diskursanalys och den postkoloniala teorin analysera hur ukrainska flyktingar framställs i svensk media idag. Framställningen kontrasteras mot tidigare forskning kring framställningen av flyktingar i media. Syftet operationaliseras i följande frågeställn

An interpretation of the Nazi legal system according to the Sociology of Law of Eugen Ehrlich

Neither did Hitler abhor the law, nor the legal profession. What Hitler abhorred was the law and legal profession that were not aligned to his worldview. So critical was the law, the legal order, the legal profession to Hitler that he himself, for instance, commenced to construct his regime thanks to the Article 48 of the Weimar Constitution. This work is both an examination and an interpretation

Covid 19 guidance for the Swedish construction and real estate sectors : results from a survey study

Buildings Post Corona is a Swedish collaborative research project between Chalmers, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Lund, and Umeå Universities. The project intends to provide knowledge related to designing, maintaining and operating sustainable buildings with a healthy and good indoor environment.The project aims to contribute to the knowledge and processes needed for the construction and real

Swedish Historical National Accounts : 2023 Update, Revision and Underlying Principles

Since the most recent edition of the SHNA only stretches as far as 2010, the main purpose of the current edition has been to update the accounts using more recent data from Statistics Sweden (SCB). However, little attention has been paid in previous publications to precisely how this should be done. While it is noted that most of the accounts use data from Statistics Sweden from various points dur

Real and perceived feet orientation under fatiguing and non-fatiguing conditions in an immersive virtual reality environment

Lower limbs position sense is a complex yet poorly understood mechanism, influenced by many factors. Hence, we investigated the position sense of lower limbs through feet orientation with the use of Immersive Virtual Reality (IVR). Participants had to indicate how they perceived the real orientation of their feet by orientating a virtual representation of the feet that was shown in an IVR scenario

Characterization of SLC40A1 in Acute Myeloid Leukemia by CRISPRi Gene Editing

Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is characterized by an accumulation of immature blast cells, which outgrow the bone marrow and suppress normal blood formation. The condition is associated with poor survival, mainly caused by relapsed and refractory disease. Hence, new therapeutics are needed. Recently, SLC40A1 was identified as potentially important for AML cells in a pooled CRISPR interference scree

COVID-19, livestock systems and food security in developing countries : a systematic review of an emerging literature

In this paper, we carried out a systematic literature review to document the emerging scientific knowledge about COVID-19 impact on livestock systems and food security in developing countries to identify gaps and possible avenues for future research undertakings. Specifically, we systematically reviewed 68 peer-reviewed articles extracted based on rigorous selection criteria fromScopus, PubMed and

Systems Evolution via Communicative Transference: An Examination of Legal Adaptivity to Neurology Within the District Courts of Sweden

The purpose of this paper was, via broad application, to empirically test and examine the theoretical framework of communicative transference, as proposed by Broström (2023a). The paper aimed at studying the transfer of communication taking place between medical and legal systems, with a specific focus on the defendants' neurological circumstances within the district courts of Sweden, during t

Problematizing Security in Education: A poststructural policy analysis of Swedish school security

During the last few years several violent school attacks have taken place in Sweden, leading to a debate in both the media and in politics concerning school security. There is pressure from the public to “make schools safer”, with some steps being taken on a legislative level. This thesis aims to understand how security is represented as a problem in the Swedish Education Act’s preparatory work, a

Efficiency of light harvesting in a photosynthetic bacterium adapted to different levels of light

In this study, we use the photosynthetic purple bacterium Rhodobacter sphaeroides to find out how the acclimation of photosynthetic apparatus to growth conditions influences the rates of energy migration toward the reaction center traps and the efficiency of charge separation at the reaction centers. To answer these questions we measured the spectral and picosecond kinetic fluorescence responses a

Avtalsbrott mot flerstegsklausuler - I gränslandet mellan process- och civilrätten

Flerstegsklausuler anger att avtalsparter ska lösa tvister i olika steg. Fler-stegsklausulens försteg kan exempelvis ange att parterna i första hand ska lösa tvister genom medling. Klausulen avslutas alltid med ett slutsteg som föreskriver att parterna antingen får lösa tvister genom allmän domstol eller skiljeförfarande. Denna uppsats undersöker om civilrättsliga påföljder kan aktualiseras om en Multi-tiered clauses state that the parties shall resolve disputes in certain steps. For example, the first step of the multi-tiered clause may state that the parties should first resolve disputes through mediation. The last step of the clause always stipulates that the parties may either resolve disputes through general court or arbitration. This essay examines whether civil law sanctions can be

Silent or silenced? A critical analysis of the Swedish media’s representation of Romani legal culture

In 2021 the Swedish media started investigating Romani trials, a supposed ‘parallel legal system’ that is practiced by some Romanies. Before 2021 the reportage on the phenomena is minimal. In general, academic research on Romani legal culture in Sweden is absent, similar goes for Romani representation in Swedish media. This thesis explores how Romani legal culture is represented in the Swedish med

Understanding Gender Equal Conflict Resolution – A Sociology of Law Perspective of Inclusive Education as One Pathway to Sustainable Peacebuilding

The significance of access to education has, like women’s role in peacebuilding, previously been examined in various studies. However, the relationship between these two has rarely been touched upon. Particularly the discipline of Sociology of Law has been observed to discuss the topics in separate academic discussions. Hence, findings in accordance with my study have revealed that there is no res

Att förstå destruktiv manlighet: En analys av incelrörelsen och dess konsekvenser

Incels är en subkultur som består av främst unga män som känner sig sexuellt avvisade av kvinnor och som anser att samhället diskriminerar dem på grund av deras utseende eller status. Flera fall av våldsamheter och massmord har kopplats till personer som identifierar sig som incels. I denna uppsats undersöks incelrörelsen som en form av våldsbejakande extremism i relation till hegemonisk maskulini

Enbart avstånd och handhygien räcker inte

I denna debattartikel lyfter sex forskare frågan att myndigheter och branschorganisationer delvis gav olika råd kring åtgärder för att begränsa risken för smittspridning inomhus. För att klara nästa pandemi krävs bättre samordning av riktlinjer kring ventilation och luftkvalitet.

Dynamics and Rheology of Colloidal Ellipsoids

We present an experimental investigation of the dynamics of near-to-sphere colloidal ellipsoids in which we deploy a recently developed technique differential dynamic microscopy (DDM). Inherently opaque systems as well as progressively dense dispersions exhibit multiple scattering and as conventional techniques such as dynamic light scattering (DLS) suffer from this effect, studies probing their d