

Din sökning på "*" gav 528293 sökträffar

Blood Perfusion in Human Eyelid Skin Flaps Examined by Laser Speckle Contrast Imaging-Importance of Flap Length and the Use of Diathermy

PURPOSE: It is well known that blood perfusion is important for the survival of skin flaps. As no study has been conducted to investigate how the blood perfusion in human eyelid skin flaps is affected by the flap length and diathermy, the present study was carried out to investigate these in patients.METHODS: Fifteen upper eyelids were dissected as part of a blepharoplastic procedure, releasing a

Large Eyelid Defect Repair Using a Free Full-Thickness Eyelid Graft

Large eyelid full-thickness defects are traditionally repaired using flaps with a blood-supplying pedicle, for the reconstruction of the anterior or posterior lamella or both. This is a 2-stage procedure involving occlusion of vision in the affected eye for 4-8 weeks, as the flap pedicle is not divided until vascularization is deemed adequate. However, the importance of using a flap with a pedicle

The role of RANK-ligand inhibition in cancer : the story of denosumab

The diagnosis of bone metastases is an event with certain consequences for the patient. They often mean pain and can also mean pathological fractures, hypercalcemia, and spinal cord compression, all synonymous with a diminished quality of life and often also hospitalization. Since the advent of the intravenous bisphosphonates, things began to look a bit brighter for patients with bone metastases-b

Stuck in tradition-A qualitative study on barriers for implementation of evidence-based nutritional care perceived by nursing staff

Aims and objectives: To explore the barriers for nutritional care as perceived by nursing staff at an acute orthopaedic ward, aiming to implement evidence-based nutritional care. Background: Previous studies indicate that nurses recognise nutritional care as important, but interventions are often lacking. These studies show that a range of barriers influence the attempt to optimise nutritional car

Differentiation of Brain Metastases due to Primary Malignancy and Glioblastomas using Dynamic Susceptibility Contrast-Enhanced MR at 3T

Purpose:To find out differences in cerebral blood volume (CBV) maps derived from dynamic susceptibility contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (DSCE-MRI) in glioblastomas and cerebral metastases. The main purpose was to compare CBV maps between metastases with different primary malignancies. Furthermore the metastasis group was compared with the glioblastoma group.Method:Conventional imaging

Vitamin D In Older Women - Fractures, Frailty and Mortality

Vitamin D (25OHD) is essential for maintaining calcium homeostasis and inadequate levels have been associated with negative musculoskeletal as well as extraskeletal effects. Individuals at especially high risk of developing hypovitaminosis D are the elderly. The aim of this thesis was to investigate the association between 25OHD insufficiency (25OHD

Att äga framtiden : Perspektiv på kommunal utveckling

Centrum för kommunstrategiska studier (CKS) har i två decennier verkat som ett centrum för forskning och samverkan vid Linköpings universitet. CKS bedriver forskning med målet att fördjupa strategiskt relevant kunskap för en långsiktigt hållbar samhällsutveckling. Det gör vi genom akademiska fora och genom samverkan med kommuner och regioner. Genom det långsiktiga stödet från Linköpings universiteThe municipalities of Sweden are in motion. Some are growing strongly, while others shrink. The population's composition changes. The municipalities are becoming more different, which raises questions about structure and self-government. Climate and sustainability issues will be more central and how should the municipalities be governed in order to meet future demands for financial stability,democ

Att vädja till sinnena

Beskrivningen, (gr ekfrasis, lat descriptio) är den tolfte av de fjorton övningarna i de retoriska övningarna progymnasmata. Beskrivningen är en mycket avancerad övning och den kommer därför sent i övningsserien. I denna övning vädjar talaren till åhörarnas fem sinnen: syn, hörsel, lukt, smak och känsel. Syftet är att för åhöraren ”tydligt bringa det åskådliggjorda för ögonen”. Den stildygd som ef

Risk Preferences and Gender Differences in Union Membership in Late Nineteenth-Century Swedish Manufacturing

Women are generally seen as less inclined to join trade unions. This study matches firm–worker data from the Swedish cigar and printing industries around 1900 and examines information on men and women holding the same jobs; such data are rare but important for understanding gender gaps. The results explain the gender gap in union membership among compositors, but not among cigar workers. Differenc

Åldrande hos personer med intellektuell funktionsnedsättning - ur ledares perspektiv

Det har skett en markant ökning av medellivslängden för personer med intellektuell funktions-nedsättning under de senaste decennierna och allt fler uppnår pensionsåldern och hög ålder. Ökningen är ett direkt resultat av medicinska och sociala framsteg. Samtidigt är det en grupp som har svårigheter att uttrycka sina behov och där forskning visat att deras åldrande ter sig annorlunda än för befolkni

Scientific analyses of Sösdala objects

Scientific analyses of objects from Sösdala I are presented. Punch marks on 57 gilt silver mounts were examined under microscope, revealing a high quality of craftsmanship. In all, 27 different punched motifs have been described. By comparative studies, objects with punch marks made by the same tools have been identified. By interlinking the objects, three different sets of tools have been identif

Internationalisation of higher education: drivers, rationales, priorities, values and impacts

This special issue follows on from a special call for contributions to the ECER 2016 conference in Dublin on the need to rethink and reconceptualise internationalisation in higher education (HE). The papers in this special issue contribute to a critically reflective interdisciplinary discussion on the phenomena ofinternationalisation in terms of the evolution of the structures, systems, and functi

Exciting on Facebook or competent in the newspaper? : Media effects on consumers’ perceptions of brands in the fashion category

Media investments are continuously shifting from traditional media like newspapers to digital alternatives like websites and social media. This study investigated if and how media choice between the two rival channels can influence consumers’ perceptions of a novel brand. 504 Swedish retail fashion customers participated in an experiment to evaluate the identical advertisement placed either in a n

Fetishistic Causation

In this lecture I argue that anthropology can grasp the cultural peculiarity of modernity by critically scrutinizing its foundational categories of “economy” and “technology” and its particular ways of detaching exchange and production from morality. Economic and technological developments in nineteenth-century Britain are interpreted as local manifestations of global processes of unequal exchange