

Din sökning på "*" gav 533093 sökträffar

Hostile Sexism and The Acceptance of Rape Myths: The Role of Masculinity Threat in Two Salient Predictors of Sexual Violence

This thesis aimed to investigate the association between masculinity threat and two salient predictors of sexual assault: hostile sexism and rape myth acceptance. The thesis comprised two studies. Study 1 focused on the correlational relationships between three measures of masculinity threat (masculine contingency, gender role discrepancy stress, and status threat) and the two predictors of sexual

The Meridian S03E02 : The Hunt for Dark Matter

We are on a hunt for the invisible in this second episode of the third season of The Meridian. Ruth Pöttgen is a senior lecturer at the Department of Physics where she is studying fundamental particles. She is especially interested in finding that mysterious and elusive Dark Matter particle.In this third season we are also including some Cosmic Curiosities. These are some ideas, events or trivia f

The Potential Use of Degradable Starch Microspheres as a Carrier for Nasal Drug Administration

Nasal administrering är en administeringsmetod där läkemedel inhaleras genom näsan. Metodens huvudsakliga syfte är att snabbt och effektivt behandla lokala symtom. Men på senare tid har det även ökats intresse för att uppnå en systemisk effect, där läkemedlet når blodomloppet och därigenom påverkar hela kroppen. Näshålan är ungefär 15-20 ml, med en yta på cirka 150 cm2 och är uppdelad i två symmIntranasal drug delivery is a practical and accessible method for treating localized symptoms as well as achieving systemic drug absorption. The approach takes advantage of the permeability, vascularization, and limited enzymatic activity of nasal tissue, leading to enhanced drug absorption. Moreover, drugs can bypass the blood-brain barrier and directly reach the brain through the olfactory route

Learning from social outreach workers- A study of crime prevention among children in the county of Stockholm

Currently, there is an increased societal focus on youth criminality and also a growing popularity of municipal social outreach work as a countermeasure of it. The purpose of this study is therefore to elucidate social outreach workers' experience of their work with children through a crime preventative perspective, to expound upon their role in crime prevention and to highlight the emotional

Who is Adapting to a New Culture? Unmasking How Personality Traits Predict Acculturation Among Non-Western Immigrants in Sweden

Using data from 159 participants (Mage = 27.11 years; SD = 6.47; 55% men), we investigate the relationships between personality traits, acculturation towards heritage and mainstream culture, and sociocultural adaptation among non-Western immigrants in Sweden. A series of regression analyses have shown conscientiousness and agreeableness significantly related to heritage culture identification, whi

Novel and unusual genes for nitrogen and metal cycling in Planctomycetota- and KSB1-affiliated metagenome-assembled genomes reconstructed from a marine subsea tunnel

The Oslofjord subsea road tunnel is a unique environment in which the typically anoxic marine deep subsurface is exposed to oxygen. Concrete biodeterioration and steel corrosion in the tunnel have been linked to the growth of iron- and manganese-oxidizing biofilms in areas of saline water seepage. Surprisingly, previous 16S rRNA gene surveys of biofilm samples revealed microbial communities domina

“Head Over Heels in Love”: Infatuation and Companionate Love - The Role of Attachment, Emotion Regulation, and Relationship Satisfaction

While some individuals experience romantic relationships as overwhelming and intense, others experience their relationship as more secure and stable. Previous research has shown that individual differences in attachment account for various characteristics of romantic relationships. The present study (N = 280) investigates why romantic relationships are experienced differently, proposing infatuatio

Parianfiguriner - bruk, funktion, betydelser

Parian ware figurines – use, function, meanings This essay examines the parian ware figurines produced in Sweden between 1861 and 1900. Its primary concern is the use and function of the figurines, and the meanings attached to them by societal ideals and ideas. This has not been priorly investigated. Parian ware is a white unglazed porcelain, resembling white marble. Parian ware figurines were p

Terahertz Time-Domain Spectroscopy Measurements as a Process Monitoring Approach for Blending with Magnesium Stearate

In tablet manufacturing, the addition of lubricant to the formulation is of high importance as it ensures smooth compression and ejection of tablets and thereby tablet quality. This study focused on lubrication of tablet formulation using magnesium stearate (MgSt) as a lubricant and microcrystalline cellulose (MCC) as bulk material. Powder blends were analysed to investigate whether an effect of v

Pain and function in patients with chronic low back pain and leg pain after Zhineng Qigong : a quasi-experimental feasibility study

BACKGROUND: Qigong includes training for body and mind, one method is Zhineng Qigong. Scientific literature on qigong for chronic low back pain (LBP) is sparse. This study aimed to investigate feasibility including evaluation of a Zhineng Qigong intervention for pain and other lumbar spine-related symptoms, disability, and health-related quality of life in patients with chronic LBP and/or leg pain

Investeringsstöd, en investering i framtiden? - Hur värderas hyreshus med investeringsstöd i jämförelse med andra hyreshus?

Investeringsstödet, eller Förordning om statligt investeringsstöd för hyresbostäder och bostäder för studerande (SFS 2016:881), är ett långsiktigt stöd som syftar till att få lönsamma och långsiktigt hållbara investeringar mot främst en lägre hyra hålls under 15 år. Att veta hur stödet värderas är viktigt sett ur, bland annat, fastighetsvärderares och investerares perspektiv. Detta för att kunna vThe Swedish legislation, SFS 2016:881, provides investment support for rental properties. It is a long-term support aimed to achieve profitable and sustainable investments, primarily for a lower rent over 15 years. It is important to understand how the investment support is appraised from the perspective of appraisers and investors. This is to set the value correctly and to make profitable investm

The role of different dopants of Spiro-OMeTAD hole transport material on the stability of perovskite solar cells : A mini review

Perovskite solar cells (PSCs) have demonstrated rapid advancements in power conversion efficiency (PCE) in recent years, reaching 25.7% within a decade. However, the stability of PSCs lags behind in comparison, with short lifetimes being a major obstacle to commercialization. The various layers and interfaces within PSCs play a significant role in both PCE and stability. Spiro-OMeTAD is the most c

“Oh Villanelle, My Baby…”: The serial engagement of Killing Eve digital queer female fans

The present thesis conducts a case study that focuses on the complex TV drama Killing Eve and digital queer female fans of Killing Eve regarding their understanding of identities and queer relations represented in the series and their (dis)engagement with the series. This study draws on the tripartite frameworks of complex TV drama, LGBTQ+/queer studies, and digital fandom. The main objective of t

Spectral broadening of 4 mJ femtosecond pulses using a bulk multi-pass cell

Ultrakorta laserpulser är bara några femtosekunder(10−15s) långa. De är alltså över på några miljondels miljardels sekunder. Många avändningsområden kräver ännu kortare pulser. Det kan röra sig om materialmodifiering på nanoskalan, ögonoperationer, datalagring, eller mätning av händelseförlopp som är över på bara några femtosekunder - eller mindre! Det finns olika tekniker för att ta en laserpulsNonlinear optical effects can be used for spectral broadening, which the basis of the field of post-compression of laser pulses. When the intensity of light becomes high enough the refractive index becomes intensity dependent, and as the intensity often varies both with position and time so does the refractive index. The consequence of the position dependence is self focusing, an often unfavorable

Strengthening the Sustainable Development Goals through integration with human rights

This paper discusses the relationship between the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the long-standing human rights system of the United Nations. Thematically, these two modes of global governance strongly overlap. Several SDGs are in line with human rights obligations. At the same time, the SDGs and human rights are based on divergent logics and constructed very differently. After capturing

Hållbarhetsredovisning som marknadsföringsverktyg – En undersökning av de marknadsföringsrättsliga konsekvenserna av företagens hållbarhetsredovisning

Miljö- och klimatfrågor blir alltmer aktuella i samhället. Såväl konsumenter som företag och internationella organisationer lägger större fokus på dessa frågor. Exempelvis använder företag ofta miljöpåståenden i sin marknadsföring, det vill säga påståenden som skapar intrycket att en produkt har en positiv inverkan, saknar inverkan eller har en mindre inverkan på miljön än andra produkter. DärtillEnvironmental and climate issues are becoming increasingly relevant in society. Both consumers and companies, as well as international organizations are placing greater focus on these issues. For example, companies often use environmental claims in their marketing, making statements that create the impression that a product has a positive impact, no impact or a lesser impact on the environment com

En folkrättslig konvention men en unionsrättslig förpliktelse - 2019 års Haagkonvention ur ett svenskt perspektiv

Den 2 juli 2019 antogs konventionen om erkännande och verkställighet av utländska domar på privaträttens område. Konventionen har förhandlats fram inom ramen för Haagkonferensen för internationell privaträtt, vars uttalade syfte är en successiv harmonisering av staters internationella processrättsliga regelverk. Mot bakgrund av avsaknaden av ett internationellt instrument avse-ende erkännande och The Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments in Civil or Commercial Matters was adopted on 2 July 2019. The convention has been negotiated within the framework of the Hague Conference on Private International Law, whose purpose is to work for the progressive unification of the rules of private international law. Seeing that a global instrument regarding recognition and en