

Din sökning på "*" gav 533340 sökträffar

Präster och gester. Korstecknandets utveckling inom Svenska kyrkan.

I denna uppsats undersöker jag hur korstecken har framställts i Svenska kyrkans liturgiska historia från 1529 till idag. En historisk översikt som främst bygger på handböcker från perioden och liturgihistorisk litteratur ligger till grund för förståelsen av den litteratur som idag är i bruk vid pastoralinstituten i Lund och Uppsala. Syftet med denna uppsats är också att försöka utröna trender i ut

Vårdnadshavares motiv för att vaccinera sitt barn – ur BVC-sjuksköterskans perspektiv

I Sverige väljer de flesta vårdnadshavarna att vaccinera sina barn enligt barnhälsovårdens vaccinationsprogram. Internationella studier visar att det till stor del beror på tillit till BHV-personalen. Syftet med studien var att beskriva vårdnadshavares motiv till att vaccinera sina barn sett ur BVC-sjuksköterskans perspektiv. Datainsamlingen var tre fokusgruppsintervjuer inkluderande nio BVC-sjuks

Dags- och kvällspressens framställningar av hemlöshetens orsaker – En kvalitativ innehållsanalys av fyra tidskrifter

The aim of this study was to see how some of Sweden’s leading newspapers explained the causes of homelessness. The study reveals a variety of explanations to homelessness told by the newspapers. To do so the method of content analysis has been used, this is a method to reveal categories and themes in the subjected material. This study also tries to discuss how medias explanations to homelessness c

Energy and hydrology modeling for the Paraná basin

Hydropower in Brazil stands for 64.5% of all energy sources in the country. The largest number of hydropower plants are located in the Paraná basin, which together have an installed capacity of approximately 40 GW including the world’s largest producing hydropower plant, Itaipu. The wet season during Brazilian summer (January-March) is the most important for hydropower. Occasionally, extreme, su

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Measuring results and outcome in social work: A casestudy on the application of the outcome measurement tool Forandringskompasset in the homelessness services in the municipality of Copenhagen [translated title] The aim of this study was to examine how New Public Management inspired outcome measurement tools is applied and understood by respectively the administrative management and the professio

Människohandel för sexuella ändamål - en analys av den svenska regleringen i teori och praktik

Människohandel är ett globalt fenomen som förekommer över i stort sett hela världen. Sverige är på intet sätt förskonat från denna cyniska verksamhet, utan har tvärt om visats sig utgöra en lukrativ marknad för människohandlare. Detta då det finns en efterfrågan på de tjänster som verksamheten tillhandahåller, framför allt de av sexuell karaktär. I denna framställning undersöks den svenska konstruHuman trafficking is a global phenomenon that occurs all over the world. Sweden is by no means spared from this cynical practice. On the contrary, the country has shown to be a lucrative market for traffickers. A reason for this is the major demand for the services that trafficking provides, especially those of a sexual nature. This presentation examines the legal construction of the human traffic

Method development for serial-extraction of contaminants in fish followed by species comparison of PCB 153 levels in Tench and Roach from Källby waste water treatment pond

Two studies were performed in this paper. The first study was a method development examining the possibilities to do a serial extraction of lipids, PCB 153, NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) from a single sample. Five different treatments were tested with three replicates from each individual fish. All samples were first freeze-dried


What you see is the result of everything you cannot see As a designer you are expected to design objects. But why do we design these objects and what value do the objects have to their owners and other viewers? Why do humans need to possess objects at all, and how are the objects chosen? Starting this project with poaching in Africa ending up with a 110 kg’s cabinet made out of concrete and ste

Evaluation of a sustainable spare part distribution at Tetra Pak

Purpose The purpose of the report is to look into the effect of changing from air shipments to sea shipments at Tetra Pak Technical Service AB and the economical and environmental impact of such a change on the supply chain. Methodology The report is carried out by collecting the data regarding the different transportation modes in interviews with responsible persons within Tetra Pak and the trans

Voluntary Environmental Disclosure: A study of the Carbon Disclosure Project

Events, such as increased risks of drought and flooding, that scientist have associated with climate change can have serious impacts on the physical environment, society, and the economy. In the past companies, despite their significant contribution to greenhouse gas emissions were largely excluded in the search for solutions. However, increasing awareness among politicians and civil society has r

Making heads throb heartlike - Om utvecklingen av David Foster Wallaces författarskap

I denna kandidatuppsats behandlas David Foster Wallaces författarskap och hur han reflekterade kring skrivandet. Syftet att undersöka en författares synpunkt på relationen mellan litteraturen och filosofin, samt det privata och det offentliga. Detta görs genom att utforska Wallaces uttalanden kring ämnet i olika skeden utav hans författarskap. Då vissa filosofiska teorier framträder i detta samman

Forskare, jägare, kolonisatör

Forskare, jägare, kolonisatör examines Tierleben, German naturalist Alfred Brehm's magnum opus, with the purpose of discussing the work's relationship to colonial attitudes towards Africa prevalent in Europe at the time of its writing. The focus has been in examining how the nature of Africa, the European colonial presence and the relationship between European, African and animal are depic

Streamlining Internal Supply Chain, based on mapping processes

Context Background Globalisation, increasing product complexity, volatile demand, and financial crisis all put strains on the supply, processing, and distribution of goods. That’s why supply chain management has become the area to focus on to gain competitive advantages and reduce costs. Saint-Gobain Sekurit Scandinavia (SGSS) is part of a large global French enterprise, Saint-Gobain that’s a worl

Dom står ju för rätt och fel och vi står ju för vård och stöd - en kvalitativ studie om samverkan mellan polis och socialtjänst som arbetar med ungdomar i kriminalitet

The aim of this study is to highlight how the collaboration regarding youth criminals works between the police organization and the human service organization in a county in southern of Sweden. We have noticed that collaboration between organizatons can be difficult in our society because of things such as the organizations have different point of views on how they should collaborate, they have di

The Alcyone CZT SPECT camera. Evaluation of performance using phantom measurement and Monte Carlo simulations

Background Coronary artery disease is one of the most common causes of death. A common cardiac examination is to give a visualization of the myocardial blood flow by injecting a radio pharmaceutical and detect the radiation with a camera. The camera has for decades been using thallium doped sodium iodide (NaI(Tl)) as the detector material. New detector materials have been developed because of the

Löperska på löpet- En studie av identitetskonstruktioner

The purpose of this essay is to look into how collective identities are constructed and rapidly shifts in the discourse of Abeba Aregawi winning the gold medal for Sweden in the World Championship in Moscow 2013. To investigate how two opposing identities are being constructed I apply discourse analysis and the thesis of Torben Bech Dyrberg on my case. The essence of Dyrbergs theory is that identi