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Mycket mat, men lite måltider : En studie av arbetsplatsen som måltidsarena

Popular Abstract in Swedish Många människor tillbringar en stor del av dygnet på en arbetsplats, vilket innebär att det är en plats och en tid inte bara för arbete utan också för sociala relationer samt för mat och dryck. Maten, vare sig det handlar om lunchen klockan tolv, eftermiddagsfikan klockan tre eller chokladbiten under nattskiftet, bidrar till att skapa pauser i arbetet. Arbetsplatsen kanMany people spend hours in a workplace every week and food and drink play a central role in providing nutrition and energy and help to create breaks during the working day. However, meals are something more than the food consumed. This dissertation focuses on the meal at work, where the meal is surrounded by special circumstances when it comes to time, place and social relations, as well as the fo

Vascular mechanical properties and endothelial function in pre-eclampsia with special reference to bilateral uterine artery notch.

OBJECTIVES: To assess whether women with pre-eclampsia (PE) have different properties of the blood vessel wall compared to healthy pregnant controls. Further, to evaluate endothelial function and vascular mechanical properties in women with PE with special regard to its association with bilateral uterine artery notch and placental histopathology. PARTICIPANTS: Some 57 Caucasian pregnant women: 23

Rho-kinase signalling mediates endotoxin hypersensitivity after partial hepatectomy.

BACKGROUND:: Excessive loss of functional liver mass results in hepatic dysfunction and is associated with an increased sensitivity to infection. This experimental study investigated the role of Rho-kinase in hepatectomy-induced sensitization to endotoxin. METHODS:: Male C57BL/6J mice underwent 68 per cent hepatectomy and were injected 24 h later with 100 microg Escherichia coli lipopolysaccharide

Clinical translation of stem cells in neurodegenerative disorders.

Stem cells and their derivatives show tremendous potential for treating many disorders, including neurodegenerative diseases. We discuss here the challenges and potential for the translation of stem-cell-based approaches into treatments for Parkinson's disease, Huntington's disease, and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.

Physiological functions and clinical implications of sphingolipids in the gut.

Studies of sphingolipids have become one of the most rapidly advancing fields in the last two decades. These highly diverse lipids have been known to have multiple physiological functions and clinical implications in several diseases, including tumorigenesis, inflammation, atherosclerosis and neural degenerative diseases. Unlike other organs, sphingolipids in the intestinal tract are present not o

Health, growth and psychosocial adaptation of immigrant children.

The increasing population diversity in Europe demands clarification of possible ethnic influences on the growth and health of immigrant children and their psychosocial adaptation to the host countries. This article assesses recent data on immigrant children in Europe in comparison to European natives by means of a systematic review of the literature on growth patterns and data on children's health

Coping strategies in daily occupations 3 months after a severe or major hand injury.

Coping strategies used in performing daily occupations 3 months after a severe or major hand injury were explored. A semi-structured interview was performed with 13 participants with hand injuries based on Hand Injury Severity Scoring System and analysed using content analysis. Six groups of strategies were identified: 'Changing performance of daily occupations', 'Actively processing trauma experi

"I need to lead my own life in any case"-A study of patients in dialysis with or without a partner.

OBJECTIVE: To elicit psychological and psychosocial problems existing in patients in dialysis and their partners, its being felt that the diversity involved has important implications for how service in dialysis units is delivered to patients and their partners. METHODS: The results of a series of interviews of 39 patients in dialysis and 21 partners of theirs, each interview individual, concernin

Topical negative pressure therapy of a sternotomy wound increases sternal fluid content but does not affect internal thoracic artery blood flow: assessment using magnetic resonance imaging.

OBJECTIVE: Topical negative pressure therapy has excellent healing effects in poststernotomy mediastinitis. Topical negative pressure therapy reduces bacterial counts, increases wound edge microvascular blood flow and granulation tissue formation, and facilitates healing. No study has yet been performed to examine the effect of topical negative pressure on the blood and fluid content in the sterna

Lifting the Veil of Morality: Choice Blindness and Attitude Reversals on a Self-Transforming Survey

What exactly are opinions? What does it mean to express an attitude? Given the ubiquitous use of surveys, polls and rating scales, it seems we ought to have firm answers to these fundamental questions, but we do not. Here we present a novel approach to investigate the nature of attitudes. We created a self-transforming paper survey of moral opinions, covering both foundational principles, and curr

Pathogenic Autoreactive B Cells Are Not Negatively Selected toward Matrix Protein Collagen II.

We have addressed the importance of B cell tolerance to collagen type II, a matrix protein, which is a target in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and its mouse models. We generated a germline-encoded anti-collagen type II (CII) IgH replacement anti-C1 B cell mouse strain (ACB) to investigate how B cell tolerance to CII, a matrix protein, is subverted and to further understand pathogenesis of RA. Phenotyp

Two strands of rhetoric in advertising discourse

There are two interpretations of rhetoric that are backed by a long tradition: as the theory of argumentation and persuasion, which is how it was born in Antiquity, and as the taxonomy of rhetorical figures, which is the form in which it reigned supreme from the 16th century onwards. In both of these senses, advertising discourse today is the favoured, and in fact almost exclusive, domain of rheto