

Din sökning på "*" gav 533961 sökträffar

Anxiety reduction through obstetric consultation combined with ultrasound examination in women after cesarean section

Background: Women are at increased risk of developing anxiety or depression disorders after Cesarean section (CS). This study aims to evaluate whether an appointment with a senior obstetrician combined with an ultrasound examination reduces levels of anxiety in women after CS. Methods: A prospective observational study was conducted in Sweden. Women underwent an appointment with an obstetrician 6–

Elevating the Role of the Outdoor Environment for Adolescent Wellbeing in Everyday Life

In light of concerns about adolescent mental health, there is a need to identify and examine potential pathways to wellbeing in their daily lives. Outdoor environments can offer multiple pathways to wellbeing through opportunities for restoration, physical activity and socialising. However, urbanisation and new lifestyles revolving around the home and the internet are changing young people’s acces

Making the Argument for Intact Cord Resuscitation : A Case Report and Discussion

We use a case of intact cord resuscitation to argue for the beneficial effects of an enhanced blood volume from placental transfusion for newborns needing resuscitation. We propose that intact cord resuscitation supports the process of physiologic neonatal transition, especially for many of those newborns appearing moribund. Transfer of the residual blood in the placenta provides the neonate with

Manual Placenta Removal is Associated with Increased Postpartum Prescriptions of Antibiotics: a Retrospective Cohort Study of Data from the Anti-Infection Tool

PurposeNo consensus exists whether to administer prophylactic antibiotics in conjunction with manual placenta removal. This study aimed to investigate the postpartum risk of a new prescription of antibiotic treatment, a possible indirect variable for infection, after manual placenta removal.MethodsObstetric data were merged with data from the Anti-Infection Tool (Swedish antibiotic registry). All PurposeNo consensus exists whether to administer prophylactic antibiotics in conjunction with manual placenta removal. This study aimed to investigate the postpartum risk of a new prescription of antibiotic treatment, a possible indirect variable for infection, after manual placenta removal.MethodsObstetric data were merged with data from the Anti-Infection Tool (Swedish antibiotic registry). All

High resolution mapping of vegetation dynamics from Sentinel-2

The aim of this work is to develop and test a method for generation of information on vegetation dynamics from high-spatial resolution data, such as Sentinel-2. In order to accomplish this, Sentinel-2 data were simulated from existing SPOT HRG and HRVIR scenes over Sweden. We used TIMESAT, a well-tested computer package for generating smooth seasonal profiles and generation of seasonality paramete

Den högre utbildningens professionella fält

Från början utbildade universiteten kyrkans prästerskap och från 1600-talet även statens ämbetsmän. Den högre utbildningens fält etablerades under 1800-talet. Då skapades en rad institut vars uppgift var att utbilda det framväxande industrisamhällets expertis i teknik, farmaci, ekonomi m.m. Institutens yrkesinriktade utbildningar byggde på den tidens vetenskaper. När instituten och universitet när

DN Debatt. ”Pandemi-appar kan bli hot mot personliga integriteten”

Tre digitaliseringsforskare: Dataspårning måste vara transparent och ha nödvändiga ramar för ansvarsutkrävande och nedmontering efteråt.När myndigheter i en kris vill samla in spårningsdata om medborgare måste vi säkerställa nivåerna och omfattningen på ett tydligt och demokratiskt försvarbart sätt.

Being Met as marked – patients’ experiences of being infected with community-acquired methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)

Background: It is known that patients who acquired methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) in hospitals suffer and feel as plague. Moreover, the patient interaction with nurses and physicians is described as frightening. Little is known about patient experiences after having acquired CA-MRSA concerning care and everyday life. Aim: To reveal and interpret otherwise healthy patients’ live

On the running-in of brake pads and discs for dyno bench tests

Running-in process of low metallic brake pads and cast iron discs are investigated using full scale inertia brake dynamometer designed for particle emission studies. The airborne particles are measured using ELPI+ and collected on filters. The pads and disc contact surfaces are studied using microscopy techniques. It is observed that the particle emissions from the new pads and discs are significa

Simulation of airborne wear particles from disc brakes

During braking, both the rotor and the pads are worn in disc brakes. This wear process generates particles which may become airborne. In passenger car field tests it is difficult to distinguish these particles from others in the surrounding environment. It may therefore be preferable to use laboratory test stands and/or simulation models to study the amount of airborne wear particles generated. Th

Are most Cataclysmic Variables in Globular Clusters dynamically formed

We have been investigating populations of cataclysmic variables (CVs) in a set of more than 300 globular cluster (GC) models evolved with themoccacode.[-120pt] One of the main questions we have intended to answer is whether most CVs in GCs are dynamically formed or not. Contrary to what has been argued for a long time, we found that dynamical destruction of primordial CV progenitors is much strong

Assessment of an Evolution Equation for the Displacement Speed of a Constant-Density Reactive Scalar Field

The displacement speed that characterises the self-propagation of isosurfaces of a reaction progress variable is of key importance for turbulent premixed reacting flow. The evolution equation for the displacement speed was derived in a recent work of Yu and Lipatnikov (Phys Rev E 100:013107, 2019a) for the case where the flame is described by a transport equation for single reaction progress varia