

Din sökning på "*" gav 533093 sökträffar

Market Intelligence within Software Procurement

With the dawn of the digital era, software solutions are becoming of increasingly strategic importance for corporations, and due to the complexity of the products and the huge lock-in effects which they often give rise to, software-procurement is growing into a critical activity. However, due to the phenomena of information overload, finding and making use of the right information when making stra

Towards sustainable communities - An analysis of permaculture initiatives in Scania, Sweden

I tider av klimat- och miljökris måste vi förändra vårt sätt att leva för att bli mer motståndskraftiga och hållbara. Hållbara initiativ är viktiga för denna omställning och bör uppmuntras och stöttas av våra politiker och samhällsledare. Permakultur är ett av de lovande hållbarhetsinitiativ, som trots sin potential står inför flera hinder från kommunen för att kunna utvecklas. Den här studien undIn current times of climate crisis, we need to transform our way of living to be more resilient and sustainable. Sustainable initiatives are important for this transformation and should be encouraged and supported by our politicians and leaders. Permaculture is one of the promising sustainability initiatives, which despite its potentials, are facing multiple barriers from the municipality to devel

Protecting animals, until dinner? Investigating the existence of Meat-Related Cognitive Dissonance among veterinary students in Sweden

Even though animal farming is one of the leading causes of climate change and more people in the west are raising concerns over animal welfare, meat consumption here is high and expected to rise. This thesis examines the reasoning and tensions that arise when omnivores’ dietary choices clash with their love for animals by studying how the concept of the meat paradox and cognitive dissonance theory

Long-time variations of radionuclides and metals in the marine environment of the Swedish west-coast studied using brown algae : (Fucus serratus and Fucus vesiculosus)

The support from SSM has made it possible to continue collecting brown algaefrom the place on the Swedish west coast where regular collections began asearly as 1967. The support has also enabled more extensive analyses ofpreviously collected material than was possible before. This applies to bothsupplementary analyses of previously reported radionuclides and analysis ofnew ones. The project has al

Collider signatures of vector-like fermions from a flavor symmetric model

We propose a model with two Higgs doublets and several SU(2) scalar singlets with a global non-Abelian flavor symmetry Q6× Z2. This discrete group accounts for the observed pattern of fermion masses and mixing angles after spontaneous symmetry breaking. In this scenario only the third generation of fermions get their masses as in the Standard Model (SM). The masses of the remaining fermions are ge

Kvarteret Ithaka: A proposal for a new housing district in Lund’s northern university area.

Matters of housing are an often-discussed topic within architecture these days. As a subject, it is often recurring in architectural media, such as books, debates, podcasts, videos, and others. Sweden, like large parts of the developed world, faces right now a multitude of unique issues related to housing. It has become an expensive commodity, especially for younger people. Most of the existing ho

Motkulturens gemenskap prestige och social hierarki bland institutionaliserade ungdomar.

Denna uppsats kretsar kring prestigeskapande och formandet av social hierarki bland unga män inom den statliga institutionsstyrelsens (sis) omvårdnad. Metoden för detta arbete utgörs av kvalitativa intervjuer med institutionens personal såväl som litteratur baserat kring kulturellt, symboliskt och ekonomiskt kapital och dess förhållande till individ, kollektiv och sociala fält.

What is the language of sound like?

While sensory perception is currently receiving quite a lot of attention across disciplines, little empirical research has focused on how people describe auditory experiences. Research on the representation of sound in fiction narratives has shown that sounds are frequently conceptualized as events whose descriptions are instantiated in domains other than sound proper, as in strong men banging the

A planetesimal orbiting within the debris disc around a white dwarf star

Many white dwarf stars show signs of having accreted smaller bodies, implying that they may host planetary systems. A small number of these systems contain gaseous debris discs, visible through emission lines. We report a stable 123.4-minute periodic variation in the strength and shape of the Ca II emission line profiles originating from the debris disc around the white dwarf SDSS J122859.93+10403

Evaluation of stance annotation of Twitter data

Taking stance towards any topic, event or idea is a common phenomenon on Twitter and social media in general. Twitter users express their opinions about different matters and assess other people’s opinions in various discursive ways. The identification and analysis of the linguistic ways that people use to take different stances leads to a better understanding of the language and user behaviour on

From rain to famine: assessing the utility of rainfall observations and seasonal forecasts to anticipate food insecurity in East Africa

East Africa experiences chronic food insecurity, with levels varying from year-to-year across the region. Given that much can be done to prevent this level of suffering before it happens, humanitarian agencies monitor early indicators of food insecurity to trigger early action. Forecasts of total seasonal rainfall are one tool used to monitor and anticipate food security outcomes. Factors beyond r

Short-term lingonberry feeding is associated with decreased insulin levels and altered adipose tissue function in high-fat diet fed C57BL/6J mice

Intact adipose tissue function is essential to maintain glucose and lipid homeostasis. To study the impact of altered adipose tissue function on whole-body metabolism, diet-induced obesity in mice is frequently used as a model organism. In the current study, we have examined health-promoting effects of a lingonberry supplemented diet. We found C57BL/6J mice fed a high-fat diet supplemented with li

Consumer-Led Screening for Atrial Fibrillation : Frontier Review of the AF-SCREEN International Collaboration

The technological evolution and widespread availability of wearables and handheld ECG devices capable of screening for atrial fibrillation (AF), and their promotion directly to consumers, has focused attention of health care professionals and patient organizations on consumer-led AF screening. In this Frontiers review, members of the AF-SCREEN International Collaboration provide a critical apprais

Milankovitch theory and monsoon

The widely accepted “Milankovitch theory” explains insolation-induced waxing and waning of the ice sheets and their effect on the global climate on orbital timescales. In the past half century, however, the theory has often come under scrutiny, especially regarding its “100-ka problem.” Another drawback, but the one that has received less attention, is the “monsoon problem,” which pertains to the