Din sökning på "*" gav 526610 sökträffar
Multifunctional Polymer Materials: From Synthesis to Disinfection
Polymer materials have wide applications in many industries, such as the food, pharmacy, construction, textile, and cosmetics industries. For the past few years, polymer materials have drawn the attention of scientists and engineers as a good disinfectant due to their advanced manufacturing methods, large surface areas, good stability, and lowcost. More importantly, polymer materials can be functi
Motion event descriptions in Swedish, French, Thai and Telugu : a study in post-Talmian motion event typology
Motion-event typology has moved into a “post-Talmian” terrain of approaches focusing on an open-ended number of patterns across languages and construc- tions. Following a proposal to distinguish between four typological clusters, we systematically compared the motion event descriptions in four languages suggested to exemplify these clusters: Swedish, French, Thai and Telugu, with the help of an el
Use of failure-to-rescue to identify international variation in postoperative care in low-, middle- and high-income countries: a 7-day cohort study of elective surgery
Background. The incidence and impact of postoperative complications are poorly described. Failure-to-rescue, the rate ofdeath following complications, is an important quality measure for perioperative care but has not been investigated acrossmultiple health care systems.Methods. We analysed data collected during the International Surgical Outcomes Study, an international 7-day cohort studyof adult
First ptychographic X-ray computed tomography experiment on the NanoMAX beamline
Ptychographic X-ray computed tomography is a quantitative three-dimensional imaging technique offered to users of multiple synchrotron radiation sources. Its dependence on the coherent fraction of the available X-ray beam makes it perfectly suited to diffraction-limited storage rings. Although MAX IV is the first, and so far only, operating fourth-generation synchrotron light source, none of its e
Dielectron production in proton-proton and proton-lead collisions at sNN =5.02 TeV
The first measurements of dielectron production at midrapidity (|ηe|
Adaptable design-towards smart one-of-a-kind product development
The smart factories that are already beginning to appear employ a completely new approach to product creation. Smart products are uniquely identifiable, know their current status and alternative routes to achieving their target state. The embedded manufacturing systems are vertically networked with business processes and horizontally connected to disperse value networks that can be managed in real
Global Genes, Local Concerns: Legal, Ethical and Scientific Challenges in International Biobanking
Publication Date: 2019 ISBN: 978 1 78811 618 3 Extent: 304 pp.Global Genes, Local ConcernsLegal, Ethical, and Scientific Challenges in International BiobankingEdited by Timo Minssen, Janne R Herrmann and Jens SchovsboWith interdisciplinary chapters written by lawyers, sociologists, doctors and biobank practitioners, Global Genes, Local Concerns identifies and discusses the most pressing issues in
How much is too much?- Defining the Metes and Bounds of Excessive Pricing in the Pharmaceutical Sector
Excessive pharmaceutical pricing represents one of the most contentious issues in legal and political discourse and has recently gained renewed attention by courts, competition authorities and political forces on both sides of the Atlantic. Balancing the public demand for affordable and accessible health-care with the need for sufficient incentives and a sustainable innovation system in the field
Will the EPO’s Enlarged Board of Appeal hear the Broad's CRISPR case?
As the Broad Institute faces a formidable task in defending its revoked CRISPR patent claims in a pending appeal at the EPO, European academics Jakob Wested, Timo Minssen, and Esther van Zimmeren are wondering whether some of the issues might be referred to the Enlarged Board of Appeal.
Tight control management of early RA achieves more patients in remission at 6 months and improves pain, function and Fatigue at 24 months compared to a control group
A New Java Runtime for a Parallel World
Parallelism is here to stay. Unfortunately, today’s mainstream programming languages (such as Java) are not designed for easy parallelisation. We thus propose to extend Java with primitives for parallel queries, using a radically redesigned Java runtime system.
HiggsSignals-2 : probing new physics with precision Higgs measurements in the LHC 13 TeV era
The program HiggsSignals confronts the predictions of models with arbitrary Higgs sectors with the available Higgs signal rate and mass measurements, resulting in a likelihood estimate. A new version of the program, HiggsSignals-2, is presented that contains various improvements in its functionality and applicability. In particular, the new features comprise improvements in the theoretical input f
Passing laws is not enough to change staff practice : The case of legally mandated “incident” reporting in Sweden
Background: It is mandatory for staff in Swedish community services for people with intellectual disabilities to report incidents of error or malpractice. Aim: The aim is to study if incident reports contribute to developing quality in services for people with intellectual disabilities who present with challenging behaviours. Method: 159 reports on incidents from group homes and daily activities s
The Askö Laboratory : The Field Station as a Place for Fostering Scientific Collaboration and Development
Miljöforskare: ”Industrins klimatomställning måste gå snabbare”
DEBATT. Svensk industri tar flera lovande initiativ, men omställningen går alldeles för långsamt – och i vissa branscher märks den knappt alls, skriver sju miljöforskare.
Svenska stormakten var en ekonomisk dvärg
Hur kan den lokala kulturpolitiken möta dagens och framtidens utmaningar? : Ny kulturstrategi för Malmö 2014-2020
Abstract: Sedan 1990-talet finns en till synes motstridig rörelse inom kulturområdet. Dels en tendens att kultursektorn, i dess nuvarande kulturpolitiskt mer traditionella avgränsning, uppfattas som alltmer marginaliserad. Dels att kultur i bredare bemärkelse efterfrågas i allt högre grad och inom allt fler områden. Rörelsen hänger samman med övergripande samhällsförändringar som globaliseringens Since the 1990s, there has been a seemingly contradictory movement in the field of culture. On the one hand, there is a tendency for the cultural sector, in its current cultural-political more traditional demarcation, to be perceived as increasingly marginalized. Secondly, that culture in a broader sense is in increasing demand and in more areas. The movement is connected with overarching societal
Compensation and Socio-Economic Status of Borrowers in Foreclosure : Evidence from Swedish Micro-data
Proper compensation during foreclosure is essential to any effort to protect borrowers as consumers. However, the effectiveness of consumer protection and other safety nets during foreclosure has been debated within academia. This study contributes to this debate by exploring socio-economic group differences related to the compensatory potential of foreclosure proceedings. It employs micro-level d
Tragedin i Telavåg : Norge 1942
De tyska ockupationsmyndigheternas totalförintelse av kustbyn Telavåg. Fiskeby förintades i tysk hämndaktion