

Din sökning på "*" gav 536422 sökträffar

Assessment of Commonly used Tool Life Models in Metal Cutting

In this work, eleven different combinations of work piece materials and tool grades have been evaluated in wear test when turning with cemented carbide insert. The most commonly used tool life models such as the Taylor model, the Extended Taylor model, the Coromant Turning model version 1 and the Colding model have been tested on the data and their accuracy is presented. The well-known Taylor mode

Tissue specificity in nerve regeneration

In 1944 Weiss & Taylor presented experimental evidence against "neurotropism" in nerve regeneration. We used a silicone Y-chamber system to repeat some of those experiments. The proximal stump of transected rat sciatic nerve was introduced into the proximal inlet of the Y. One of the distal outlets was left empty, plugged or occupied by a tendon graft, the other outlet being occupied by a nerv

Reorganization and orientation of regenerating nerve fibres, perineurium, and epineurium in preformed mesothelial tubes - an experimental study on the sciatic nerve of rats

Regeneration of severed peripheral nerves is unfortunately often incomplete, due to loss of nerve fibers and neuroma formation. A new approach is presented with the intention of improving the conditions for nerve repair. In the first of the two stages, a pseudosynovial tube is formed around a silicone rubber rod, surrounded by a stainless steel spiral, which was placed in the backs of rats. This t

Possible patterns of marine primary productivity during the Great Ordovician Biodiversification Event

Following the appearance of numerous animal phyla during the 'Cambrian Explosion', the 'Great Ordovician Biodiversification Event' (GOBE) records their rapid diversification at the lower taxonomic levels, constituting the most significant rise in biodiversity in Earth's history. Recent studies suggest that the rapid rise in phytoplankton diversity observed at the Cambrian-Ordovician boundary may h

On Author, Copyright and Originality: does the unified EU originality standard correspond to the digital reality in Wikipedia?

This article is contributing to the future of copyright law debate by exploring the recently harmonised originality standard in the EU copyright law and its suitability to a creative sharing community of Wikipedia. It shows that the “free creative choices” and “author’s personal” touch criteria established by the CJEU might be unsuitable not only because of practical concerns, but also because the

Multiple stressors in rotifer communities: : Effects of predation, climate change, and brownification

De flesta vattenlevande organismer på Jorden lever i en miljö där de samtidigt måste hantera flera olika hot och stressituationer, såsom t.ex. predation, klimatförändringar och brunifiering. Trots relativt god kunskap om varje stressfaktor för sig, vet man förvånansvärt lite om hur synergier av samtidigt förekommande hot påverkar organismer. Därför har jag i min avhandling undersökt hur predation,Most organisms on Earth live in an environment where they are exposed to multiple pressures, including predation and climate change. In many aquatic ecosystems, organisms have to handle additional challenges such as brownification, co-occurring with climate warming. Despite the growing recognition of impacts of climate warming or brownification on the freshwater communities, little is known on how

Foreign Networks and Exports : Results from Indonesian Panel Data

Most firms and plants in developing countries produce only for the domestic market and few are able to export. One plausible hypothesis is that foreign networks decrease export costs and that plants with large amounts of such networks will be relatively likely to start exporting. We focus on two types of foreign networks: foreign ownership and imports of intermediate products. Our results suggest

Treatment with the WNT5A-mimicking peptide Foxy-5 effectively reduces the metastatic spread of WNT5A-low prostate cancer cells in an orthotopic mouse model

Prostate cancer patients with high WNT5A expression in their tumors have been shown to have more favorable prognosis than those with low WNT5A expression. This suggests that reconstitution of Wnt5a in low WNT5A-expressing tumors might be an attractive therapeutic approach. To explore this idea, we have in the present study used Foxy-5, a WNT5A mimicking peptide, to investigate its impact on primar

Age does not affect the outcome after digital nerve repair in children – A retrospective long term follow up

Background Digital nerve injuries in children are not common, but they are considered to have an excellent prognosis, compared to adults, after nerve injury and repair. In studies including both children and adults age have been found to have an effect on outcome after nerve repair. Methods We investigated in a retrospective follow up study the long-time result after digital nerve injury and repai

Survival in individuals with severe alpha 1-antitrypsin deficiency (PiZZ) in comparison to a general population with known smoking habits

Knowledge about the natural history of severe alpha 1-antitrypsin (AAT) deficiency (PiZZ) is limited. Our aim was to compare the survival of PiZZ individuals with randomly selected controls from the Swedish general population. The PiZZ subjects (n=1585) were selected from the Swedish National AATD Register. The controls (n=5999) were randomly selected from the Swedish population register. Smoking

Socialt arbete i civilsamhället - aktörer, former och funktioner

Antologin ger en bred bild av socialt arbete i civilsamhället, som både ”röst” och ”service”, och i olika grad av organiserade former. Här synliggörs både vad vi kallar ”Vi- för-dem”- organisationer som har hemlöshet, vård och arbetsträning på sin agenda, liksom ”Vi-för-oss”- organisationer såsom kvinnojourer och verksamheter som samlar människor med psykisk skörhet eller annan funktionsvariation.

Optimal adaptive sequential calibration of option models

Option models needs to be recalibrated as new data becomes available. The updated model parameters will depend on previous parameters and new data, making adaptive sequential calibration a suitable choice. We introduce a method for optimally tuning the parameter adaptivity when non-linear filters are used for calibration, as well as extending the dynamics of the parameters. The adaptivity is optim

Fathers matter

Becoming a father, especially for the first time, can present changes in men's identity and in the relationship with their partner. Affinity within the family and participation in the whole process of pregnancy, childbirth and the postnatal period are important for fathers' sense of postnatal security. The fathers want to be already prepared before birth for the early postnatal period. Willingness

Higher prevalence of childbirth related fear in foreign born pregnant women - Findings from a community sample in Sweden

Objective: to investigate the prevalence of childbirth related fear (CBRF) in early pregnancy among both Swedish born and foreign born women living in Sweden. Design: a cross sectional prevalence study. Data was collected by a questionnaire, which was available in Swedish and eight other languages. Setting: a university hospital in the middle of Sweden. Participants: the recruitment took place dur

Development of a tool to evaluate fetal movements in full-term pregnancy

Objective: To study women's description of fetal movements in full-term pregnancy. Further to investigate if their descriptions could be sorted with regard to intensity and type of movements, using a matrix under development to be a tool for evaluating fetal movements in clinical praxis. Methods: Data were collected by distributing questionnaires including an open question: "Please describe your p

Initiation and extent of skin-to-skin care at two Swedish neonatal intensive care units

Aim: To describe initiation and extent of parents' application of skin-to-skin care (SSC) with their preterm infants at two Swedish neonatal intensive care units. Methods: The duration of SSC was recorded in 104 infants' medical charts during their hospital stay, and the parents answered a questionnaire. Results: Both parents were involved in the practice of SSC. Three infants experienced SSC dire