

Din sökning på "*" gav 532868 sökträffar

Utveckling av metoder för att hantera transporttemat inom 3D stadsmodeller

Utvecklingen av digitala 3D stadsmodeller i städer har ökat de senaste åren där fokus mestadels varit på byggnader. I den här studien presenteras transportinfrastruktur med olika detaljnivåer (LoD). Det svenska verksamhetssystemet inom transport NVDB samt kommunala trafikdata länkas till en informationsmodell som heter 3CIM. Via digitaliserade ytor i form av trafikområden kopplas väglänks-ID fThe developement of digital 3D city models in cities has increased during recent years with focus on mostly buildings. In this study transport infrastructure is presented with different levels of detail (LoD). The Swedish transportationssystem NVDB and municipality trafficdata are linked to an informationmodel 3CIM. Through digitized trafficareas a road-link id is used to enrich areas with att

Expanding the DNA-probe toolbox for molecular profiling of tissues and their microbiomes

Spatial transcriptomics, a powerful technique that merges sequencing and spatial data, offers unprecedented resolution for studying gene expression within tissues. This study focuses on developing a pipeline to design probes for Multiplexed Error-Robust Fluorescence In Situ Hybridisation (MERFISH) experiments to investigate the spatial distribution of the lung microbiome. Metagenomic data analysis

Beta-Blockers after Myocardial Infarction and Preserved Ejection Fraction

BACKGROUND: Most trials that have shown a benefit of beta-blocker treatment after myocardial infarction included patients with large myocardial infarctions and were conducted in an era before modern biomarker-based diagnosis of myocardial infarction and treatment with percutaneous coronary intervention, antithrombotic agents, high-intensity statins, and renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system antagon

Impact of October 7 Attack and 2024 War in Gaza on Catholic–Jewish Relations

The 2023/2024 war in Gaza is testing Catholic–Jewish relations. It uncovers three layers of tension in the Church’s relationship with the Jewish people and the State of Israel: First, the differences in the Catholic historical interpretation of the Hamas attack and the war in Gaza in respect to the Jewish one. Second, a theological tension between Catholic teachings on Jews and Judaism and the con

Phosphodiesterase 5 and its inhibitors with ischemic heart disease : a Mendelian randomization analysis and a real-world study

BACKGROUND: Accumulating studies reported that several phosphodiesterases (PDEs) inhibitors might have cardiovascular benefits.OBJECTIVES: This study aimed to explore the relationship between genetically-predicted PDEs and ischemia heart disease via drug target Mendelian randomization (MR) approach, and then examine the effect of inhibitors of identified target on the outcomes by using real-world

Memorera eller inte? Att studera in Bach dubbelkonsert för två violiner

I have explored methods of rehearsing pieces in order to play them by heart. I chose to do this study as I wanted to explore if I become more present during my performances if I play by heart. I have read about several methods and tried the ones I found relevant to me which included practice with and without instruments. My choices of methods were visualization, rotating practice schedule and chun

Studenter lär sig sämre på engelska

Lärarna underpresterar och studenternas lärande försämras. Så blir det när undervisningen sker på ett språk som varken är lärarnas eller studenternas modersmål, skriver förläggaren Ola Håkansson och forskaren Peter Svensson.

Ferroelectricity in Ultrathin HfO2-Based Films by Nanosecond Laser Annealing

Nonvolatile memory devices based on ferroelectric HfxZr1-xO2 (HZO) show great promise for back-end integrable storage and for neuromorphic accelerators, but their adoption is held back by the inability to scale down the HZO thickness without violating the strict thermal restrictions of the Si CMOS back end of line. In this work, we overcome this challenge and demonstrate the use of nanosecond puls

United by Music? Exploring identity & diplomacy in a Eurovision Song Contest communication campaign

This thesis explores factors that influence the construction of European identity. Using the theory of cultural diplomacy and social semiotics as a foundation, a thematic analysis using multimodal semiotics was conducted, to examine how the Eurovision Song Contest influences the construction of European identity through the use of multimodal resources such as language, music and symbols. The study

Har du styrkan att ändra myten om värnplikten? En kvalitativ studie av Försvarsmaktens arbete för att attrahera personal

Denna studie ämnar undersöka hur Försvarsmakten, som en offentlig organisation inom militärt försvar, porträtterar sig som arbetsgivare genom sin attraktionskampanj ”Dina styrkor gör oss starkare”. Studien fokuserar på att analysera kampanjen för att förstå hur kulturella symboler används för att stärka deras employer branding. Dessutom undersöks hur kampanjens kommunikation är utformad för att atThis study aims to examine how the Swedish Armed Forces, as a public organization within military defense, portrays itself as an employer through its attraction campaign “Dina styrkor gör oss starkare”. The study focuses on analyzing the campaign to understand how cultural symbols are used to enhance their employer branding. Additionally, it investigates how the campaign´s communication is designe

Asthma and allergy trajectories in children based on combined parental report and register data

Background: Trajectories of asthma and allergy in children are heterogeneous and commonly derived from parental report of disease or clinical records. This study combined parental-reported and register-based dispensed medication data to characterize childhood trajectories of co-existing asthma, allergic rhinitis, and eczema. Methods: From a Swedish population-based birth cohort (N = 5654), survey

Rum för mellanrum

Detta examensarbete är en studie av mellanrum i urban miljö. Mellanrum finns överallt runt omkring oss, men de är rum de flesta av oss sällan tänker på. Genom studier i utvalda urbana områden och konstnärligt utforskande undersöker arbetet hur mellanrum kan definieras, deras betydelse för stadsmiljön och hur vi kan involvera dem i en arkitektonisk process. Projektet syftar till att öka förståelse

Virtual reality facial emotion recognition in social environments : An eye-tracking study

Background: Virtual reality (VR) enables the administration of realistic and dynamic stimuli within a social context for the assessment and training of emotion recognition. We tested a novel VR emotion recognition task by comparing emotion recognition across a VR, video and photo task, investigating covariates of recognition and exploring visual attention in VR. Methods: Healthy individuals (n = 1

Virtual Reality Aggression Prevention Training for People with Mild Intellectual Disabilities : A Feasibility Study

Introduction: Problems with adequately regulating aggression are comon in people with mild to borderline intellectual disabilities (MBID). Learning through experience has been shown to be effective in MBID. Therefore, we adapted an aggression prevention training that uses virtual reality (VR), which was initially made for a forensic psychiatric population. We aimed to assess the feasibility of thi

Dynamic Interactive Social Cognition Training in Virtual Reality (DiSCoVR) versus Virtual Reality Relaxation (VRelax) for People with a Psychotic Disorder : A Single-Blind Multicenter Randomized Controlled Trial

Background and Hypothesis: Social cognition training (SCT), an intervention for social cognition and social functioning, might be improved by using virtual reality (VR), because VR may offer better opportunities to practice in a potentially more realistic environment. To date, no controlled studies have investigated VR-SCT. This study investigated a VR-SCT, "DiSCoVR". We hypothesized that DiSCoVR

Dynamic Interactive Social Cognition Training in Virtual Reality (DiSCoVR) for social cognition and social functioning in people with a psychotic disorder : study protocol for a multicenter randomized controlled trial

BACKGROUND: Problems in social functioning (e.g., unemployment, social isolation), are common in people with a psychotic disorder. Social cognition is a treatment target to improve social functioning, as it is a proximal predictor of social functioning. Social Cognition Training (SCT) improves social cognition, but may not generalize (enduringly) to social functioning, perhaps due to insufficient