

Din sökning på "*" gav 533093 sökträffar

KBT online - kontra - KBT fysisk

Den här uppsatsen baseras på digital vård som utgångspunk och fokuserar på online-vård inom psykologisk behandling. Arbetet begränsades till kognitiv beteendeterapi (KBT) och fokuserade främst på terapeuternas kompetens, upplevda svårigheter och känslor under pågående samtal, men undersökte även behandling preferenser för vanliga besvär inom terapi. Dessa koncept jämfördes mellan fysiska sessionerThis essay was based on digital care and focuses on online care in psychological treatments. This work was limited to cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and focused mainly on the therapists competence, perceived difficulties, and feelings during ongoing conversation, but also investigated preferences for common ailments in therapy. These concepts were compared between physical therapy sessions and

Medias gestaltning av internationell adoption

I denna studie beskrivs och analyseras internationell adoption inom svensk nyhetsmedia. Fokuset har varit på det historiska perspektivet av internationell adoption till Sverige samt hur detta har gestaltats i svenska tidningar genom tidsspannet 1980– 2020. 73 artiklar analyserats från olika tidpunkter under de senaste 40 åren. Metoden som användes för att genomföra detta var en kvalitativ innehåll

Litteraturens roll i gymnasieskolan - En intervjustudie om svensklärares litteraturval

Litteratur är en del av kärnan i svenskämnet. Det fastställs av Skolverkets ämnesplan för svenska (Gy11). Vilken litteratur som ska läsas regleras dock inte och lärare har därmed stort svängrum i valet av litteratur. Jag undersöker hur lärare genomför urvalet och i fokus står teman som litteratursyn och bildning. Studien syftar därmed till att undersöka hur gymnasielärare i ämnet svenska ser på li

Towards a Cooper pair splitter in InAs nanowires with crystal-phase defined quantum dots

Det är intressant att studera om de spinn-sammanflätade elektronerna i ett Cooperpar kan delas upp, eftersom detta förutspås kunna användas när man bygger kvantdatorer. En kvantdator kan lösa vissa problem som vanliga, klassiska datorer inte kan och kan dessutom lösa en del problem snabbare. En ökad kunskap om kvantfenomen på ett fundamentalt plan är en förutsättning för vidare kvantteknologisk utCooper pair splitting (CPS) is a process in which the two spin-entangled electrons of a Cooper pair in a superconductor are split into two spatially separated electrons. If the separated electrons are still entangled, CPS can be studied to increase the knowledge of non-locality in quantum systems. This thesis is a first step towards the realization of CPS in InAs nanowires with crystal-phase defin

Rättsteoretiska studier i anledning av skuldprincipens frånvaro i svensk skadeståndsrätt

Den här uppsatsen är ägnad en studie i rättsligt ansvar på grund av skuld. De två subdisciplinerna skadeståndsrätt respektive straffrätt möts i fråga om ett rättsligt ansvar – en rättslig skyldighet – att ofrivilligt prestera någonting på grund av rättsordningens underkännande av ett visst tillvägagångssätt. Men på vilken grund vilar denna skyldighet? Inom civilrätten talas allt som oftast om skulThis is a study regarding legal liability due to guilt. The two sub-disciplines of tort law and criminal law meet in terms of a legal responsibility – a legal obligation – to involuntarily perform something due to the legal system's disapproval of a certain course of action. But on what basis does this obligation rest? In civil law, the debt is most often spoken of as the obligation that follo

Rörande bruket av mentala verb i japanska

I den här kandidatuppsatsen undersöks bruket av mentala verb bland L2-talare av japanska. Teoridelen behandlar den betydelse som evidentiella markörer och Kamios teori om informationsterritorium har för ämnet. Därefter redogörs för den kvantitativa studie som har utförts i form av en korpusundersökning. Den genomförda studien har hämtat sina data från en inlärarkorpus och försökt identifiera av vi

Bidrar arbetet till någon förändring? En utvärderande fältstudie av projekt mot kvinnlig könsstympning i sydvästra Kenya

This evaluation field study aims to study the LM International/Läkarmissionens and Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) Kenya’s project against Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting (FGM/C) in southwestern Kenya, a crime against human rights and a severe problem in parts of Kenya. The laws against FGM/C have had limited effect in the region, so the groundwork is more important than ever. The

Combining Cross-Validation and Ensemble Creation for Artificial Neural Networks

Artificial neural networks (ANNs) are widely used nowadays, and the research into improving their performances is continually ongoing. One main goal of ANNs is to have a high generalization performance, which can be estimated through validation. Ensembles can be useful to raise the generalization performance, but the validation of ensembles is often computationally costly if the size of the traini

Effekter av prissökningar - En studie av påverkan på byggprojekt i Sverige

De senaste årens volatila marknadsläge har lett till konflikt mellan beställare och entreprenör med avseende på osedvanliga prisökningar och leveransstörningar. Det råder sällan en gemensam bild i projektorganisationen kring hanteringen av dessa vilket kan påverka relationen mellan beställare och entreprenör. Studiens syfte är bidra till en kunskapsutveckling som gynnar aktörerna som påverkats avThe volatile market situation in recent years has led to a conflict between client and contractor with regard to unusual price increases and delivery disruptions. There is rarely a common understanding in the project organization on how to deal with these, which can affect the relationship between the client and the contractor. The aim of the study is to contribute to the development of knowledge

Statistical Analysis of Organized Attacks in Football

This report investigates what defensive and attacking strategies are most efficient in an organized attack situation in football. Defensive shape, defending player synchronizations, number of passes, types of passes and other variables are tested to see which methods statistically generate more and better goal scoring opportunities. Data from the Eredevise (highest Dutch football division) 2021/20

The War on Terror - Terror on the Stock Market?

This paper aims to investigate the effect of the major events of the U.S. War on Terror on the stock market. This is done by replicating an event study by Hudson and Urquhart (2015), which analyzes the effects of World War II events on the stock market returns. We develop a method to determine which major events that were most important in this war and investigate the relationship between the even

Transformative change through local networks - A case study on the ‘Local Roadmap for a Climate Neutral Building & Construction Industry 2030’ in Malmö, Sweden

With rapid urbanization and an increasing share of anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions from cities, low-carbon urban transformations are critical for mitigating climate change. Local climate networks have been recognized for their potential to govern such activities. However, less is known about how such networks are implemented and managed as well as their capacity to accelerate transformative

Can Art in Sustainability Education Challenge Marginalisation? Conversations with Youths and Practitioners in a European Context.

Marginalisation is present in youth education for sustainability. Reducing marginalisation in youth education for sustainability is crucial in the field of human ecology since it strives to understand environmental and social justice. This thesis explores the role of art in European youth education for sustainability and the potential of art to transform dominant Western industrial cultural assump

Normative power, European Union and a Candidate Country: A Critical Discourse Analysis of the Response of Serbian Political Elite to the EU-promoted Environmental Norms

Recognizing the normative power that the European Union projects outside its borders within the environmental field, this thesis seeks to shed light on the norm-importer’s agency in the norm diffusion process. Serbia as a candidate country and its political elite are chosen as the main focus of the empirical analysis. Since Serbia wants to become a member of the EU, it is in its interest to adopt

Fastigheter med både industri- och bostadsändamål - en ovanlig kombination

Syftet med detta arbete har varit att undersöka faktorer som påverkar kombinationen av fastigheter inom detaljplanerat område som är taxerade för både bostadsändamål och industriändamål. Detta har gjorts genom litteraturstudier av relevanta lagar, och förordningar, en kvantitativ undersökning av fastigheter som är taxerade för ändamålen, en intervju med fastighetsvärderare samt en analys. Under pThe purpose of this work has been to investigate properties in Skåne County, Sweden, with detailed development plans with provision that approve both industrial and residential purposes. The majority of the properties had a detailed plan that gained legal force between 1950 and 1987. During the period, industrial and residential purposes were a recommended use in the planning instructions. With t

Conceptualizing the Role of the Financial Industry in Sustainability Transitions in Agriculture

This thesis explores the way that the Multi-Level Perspective (MLP) can be used to understand the role of financial business services in sustainable transitions in agriculture. In doing so this thesis answered the following questions: How could the Multi-Level Perspective be used to understand the role of financial business services in sustainability transitions in agriculture? What questions may

Ungdomsbrottslighet i tidningsmedierna- En diskursanalys av hur unga brottslingar framställs i svensk nyhetsrapportering

The aim of this study was to analyze how young criminals are described and portrayed in Swedish news reporting and to identify discourses. We chose to analyze 19 different articles from four different Swedish newspapers. These newspapers were two morning papers and two evening papers. The criterias for our range of articles were that they needed to contain a description of crime and that the perso

The Future is Familiar - Young Swedes Imagining Work-life Balance in Their Future Adulthood

This thesis explores the imagined futures of young Swedes with a focus on how they envision creating work-life balance and how they aim to divide their time between paid and unpaid work. This is done by analyzing written accounts of 168 upper secondary students from both university preparatory schools (UP) and vocational schools (VO) in a middle-sized town in Sweden. Three top-level strategies for