

Din sökning på "*" gav 533093 sökträffar

Design and Analysis of a hydraulic All-Wheel-Drive-lock system.

The feasibility of implementing a hydraulic load-holding solution in a BorgWarner all-wheel-drive (AWD) coupling was investigated in this work. There exist many sophisticated valve designs intended for load holding applications, but this work focused on simple solenoid valves to reduce cost and complexity. To evaluate the feasibility of the intended load-holding solution, a leakage and pressure dr

Single-cell analysis of myeloid cells in HPV+ tonsillar cancer

The incidence of Human Papillomavirus positive (HPV+) tonsillar cancer has been sharply rising during the last two decades. Myeloid cells represent an appropriate therapeutic target due to their ability to orchestrate antigen-specific immunity within the tonsil, the availability of viral antigens, and the proximity of the tumor and the underlying lymphoid tissue. However, the interrelationship of

Sambandet mellan smärtrelaterad rörelserädsla och utfall vid ländryggssmärta - en litteraturöversikt

Syfte: En psykosocial faktor som misstänks kunna påverka en episod av nLBP är bland annat smärtrelaterad rörelserädsla (PRF). Mycket av den nuvarande forskningen på PRF som en prognostisk faktor för ospecifik ländryggssmärta (nLBP) baseras främst på retrospektiva forskning och är därför i behov av att undersökas i översiktsstudier med prospektiva studier. Primärt syfte med denna litteraturstudie v

On α-synuclein cooperativity in lipidic membranes binding

α-Synuclein is an intrinsically disordered protein implied in still not-well-known healthy function and also found as the main component of aggregates in Lewy bodies and Lewy neurites, hallmarks of the Parkinson’s disease. In both of cases, the interaction with lipid membranes is crucial. In this study we propose the investigation of the interaction between α-Synuclein and model systems made of DO

Marknadsföringens integration med privatlivet

Allt mer information om individer samlas in bland företag och metoderna för att samla in och analysera data blir allt mer effektiva. När allt som går att digitalisera blir digitalt och sådant som kan övervakas blir övervakat så kan man ställa sig frågan om vad det innebär för ens egen personliga integritet. För företag skapar datan potential till att förutse konsumenters behov och kan på detta sät

Neural network training with highly incomplete medical datasets

Neural network training and validation rely on the availability of large high-quality datasets. However, in many cases only incomplete datasets are available, particularly in health care applications, where each patient typically undergoes different clinical procedures or can drop out of a study. Since the data to train the neural networks need to be complete, most studies discard the incomplete d

Arbetstagarnas syn på distansarbetet under COVID-19 pandemin

Samhället genomgår en konstant digital omvandling och utveckling. Detta gör att arbetstagare och deras arbete är i konstant förändring. Denna process har accelererat senaste åren. Samhällets kapacitet att svara på yttre omständigheter kom att testas under Covid-19 Pandemin. Denna uppsats undersöker hur det digitala skiftet under i början av, samt efter pandemin påverkat och mottagits av arbetstaga

Skillnader i resultatet av operativ behandling kontra icke-operativ behandling vid total akillesseneruptur - en semi-systematisk litteraturöversikt

Sammanfattning Total akillesseneruptur drabbar årligen 11-37 per 100 000 individer, och de senaste fyra decennierna har en tydlig ökning i incidens noterats. Skadan drabbar främst idrottare och medelålders motionärer vilka deltar i explosiva idrotter och aktiviteter som innefattar hastiga riktningsförändringar. Även äldre individer är mer benägna att rupturera sin akillessena än yngre individer, d

Fastighetsägarens egenkontroll enligt Miljöbalken

Alla som äger en byggnad som nyttjas av människor är skyldiga att kontrollera så att bygganden inte påverkar människorna som brukar den negativt med avseende på hälsa och miljö. Genom att studera litteratur och lagkrav fås tillräcklig information för att intervjua några få aktörer i branschen för att se om lagkraven uppfylls. Resultatet visar på att egenkontroller sker till vid grad men inte på etEveryone who owns a property that is used frequently by people must have a selfmonitoring system to check every aspect that can harm the environment or people’s health. By studying literature, the law that which regulates self-monitoring, which is Miljöbalken to get the necessary information in the subject and later preforming interviews with people working in this field to see if what is regulate

Hur kan det vara rätt? Moralen bakom brott och straff

This essay explores morality and its connection to the context and historicity of its surrounding in relation to literature. The essay is based on the analysis of Dostoevsky’s book Crime and punishment published in 1866 and is centred around the main character Raskolnikov and his argumentation in defending his morally questionable actions. The essay aims to answer how one can understand the moral

Surface Functionalization of Nanowires Using Silane-PEG Compounds

Introduction: GaP nanowires were functionalized using silane-PEG-NH2 and compared with cellulose acetate, PAcrAm™-g-(PMOXA, amine, silane) and a non-functionalized reference sample. Functionalization would allow strong, covalent anchoring of antibodies instead of adsorption. Aim: The thesis work focused on deciding on, and optimizing, a protocol for nanowire surface modification of the three ment

Mobilizing against Islam on social media: hyperlink networking among European far-right extra-parliamentary Facebook groups

The far right is notoriously effective in its use of digital media to mobilize people and to build a sense of collective identity around oppositional cultures. Yet, while research has begun to explore far-right groups’ social media hyperlinking activities, relatively little is known about the purposes and communicative functions of this form of communication. By combining social network analysis a

No title

This collaborative statement from the International Society for Holter and Noninvasive Electrocardiology/Heart Rhythm Society/European Heart Rhythm Association/Asia Pacific Heart Rhythm Society describes the current status of mobile health (“mHealth”) technologies in arrhythmia management. The range of digital medical tools and heart rhythm disorders that they may be applied to and clinical decisi

Negotiating Identities : Conflict, Conversion, and Consolidation in Early Judaism and Christianity (200 BCE–600 CE

Covering the period from 200 BCE to 600 CE, this book describes important aspects of identity formation processes within early Judaism and Christianity, and shows how negotiations involving issues of ethnicity, stereotyping, purity, commensality, and institution building contributed to the forming of group identities. Over time, some of these Jewish group identities evolved into non-Jewish Christi