

Din sökning på "*" gav 530559 sökträffar

"Djävulsdyrkare", trollkarl eller schaman: det europeiska mötet med buoin hos kanadensiska mi'kmaqindianer

Att kalla vissa historiska ledargestalter hos de kanadensiska mi'kmaqindianerna "schamaner" är inte oproblematiskt. De historiska texterna från 1600-talet nedtecknades av författare som inte behärskade mi'kmaqspråket, inte var intresserade av ursprungskulturen och dessutom skrev sina berättelser i syfte att visa missionens förträfflighet. Frågan är om det är fruktbart att applicera termen på de få

The role of benthic macrofauna in nitrogen cycling in eutrophic lake sediment

This thesis concerns the role of sediment-living macrobenthos in the cycling of nitrogen species and nitrogen transformation in eutrophic freshwater sediments. In my thesis I have, employing 15N-isotope techniques in laboratory experiments, shown the importance of infaunal chironomid larvae and oligochaetes on denitrification in eutrophic lake sediments. Investigated benthic organisms not only ex

Mutual Information of IID complex Gaussian signals on block Rayleigh-faded channels

We present a method to compute, quickly and efficiently, the mutual information achieved by an IID (independent identically distributed) complex Gaussian input on a block Rayleigh-faded channel. The method accommodates both scalar and MIMO (multiple-input multiple-output) settings. Operationally, the mutual information thus computed represents the highest spectral efficiency that can be attained u

Automatic Quality Monitoring in GMA Welding using Signal Processing Methods

An ongoing continuous process of automatization of the production lines is used in industry to reduce production costs. Automatization of quality control should be seen as part of a cost reduction process, as well as of quality control of the welding. Mostly the time-consuming and expensive checking procedure of the weld joint is carried out off-line by an experienced welding operator. The need fo

Clusters PDF in Angle and Time Domain for Geometrically Based Channel Model

Advanced radio system designs have been proposed that are intended to overcome or even take advantage of the radio channel caused by multipath effects in urban environments to achieve even higher performance. We present analytical expressions for the angle-of-arrival power density function (PDF) and general analysis for time of arrival (expressed in terms of distance) respectively, for the channel

A Structuralist Framework for the Logic of Theory Change

Belief revision theory and philosophy of science both aspire to shed light on the dynamics of knowledge – on how our view of the world changes (typically) in the light of new evidence. Yet these two areas of research have long seemed strangely detached from each other, as witnessed by the small number of cross-references and researchers working in both domains. One may speculate as to what has bro

On the packet-switched implementation of a discrete-time CNN

Cellular neural networks are widely used with real-time image processing's applications. Such systems can be efficiently realized using macro enriched field-programmable gate-arrays. This paper explores the benefits of packet switching and discusses its advantages over a current design based on circuit switching. The implementation is performed using Xilinx Virtex-II Pro P30 and handles around 500