

Din sökning på "*" gav 533394 sökträffar

Självförsvar vid överfall - Nödvärn och nödvärnsexcess

Denna uppsats har via en rättsdogmatisk metod undersökt gällande rätt avseende nödvärn och nödvärnsexcess vid överfall. Den faktiska rättstillämpningen i underrätterna har inte berörts. Rätten till försvarsvåld gentemot brottsliga angrepp tillkommer dels den angripne, dels envar som befinner sig på platsen för angreppet. Denna rätt regleras i nödvärnsstadgandet i 24 kap. 1 § BrB. Skulle omfattninThis paper is, using a legal dogmatic method, analyzing established law regarding self-defence and excessive self-defence. The actual application of the laws in this field is not analyzed. The right of defence against violent criminal attacks is granted to the person being attacked, as well as anyone else nearby. This right is prescribed by 24 chapter 1 § Brottsbalken (the Swedish criminal code)

Harmonisering och ömsesidigt erkännande på straffrättens område. En analys av det straffrättsliga EU-samarbetets konsekvenser för straffrättens målsättningar

Summary Within the EU, cooperation in criminal matters has been established and the cooperation could be described as increasingly intensified. Since the Tampere Conclusions of 1999 the cooperation is on its way in the light of the EU’s aim to offer its citizens an area of freedom, security and justice. The cooperation in criminal matters has developed mainly throughout two strategies: mutual reco

Democratizing Nanotechnology Dialogs: From Attitude and Knowledge to Trust and Communication for a Sustainable Development of Nanotechnology

Nanoteknik är ‘big business’. Stora summor pengar står på spel då detta innovativa teknikområde expanderar i snabb takt. Denna undersökning utgår från antagandet att ekonomiska intressen snarare än demokratiska värden och hållbar utveckling styr utvecklingen av nanoteknik i Sverige idag. Detta ses som problematiskt, och det övergripande målet är att föreslå alternativa principer för att styra utveNanotechnology is big business. With rapid innovation and expansion of the field, financial stakes are high. This study is based on the assumption that the development of nanotechnology in Sweden today is controlled by economic interests rather than democratic values and sustainable development. This is considered problematic, and the overall aim with this study is to propose alternative principle

Fairtrade versus Rainforest Alliance

This study is a comparative analysis of Fairtrade and Rainforest Alliance focusing on the effects generated by a minimum price respectively investment support. The framework for this analysis is based on a study of litterateur addressing income support as a way of generating a more stable situation for the farmers as well as an increased income. An important aspect of income support is how it can

The Contribution of Civil Society to Quality of Government as Corruption; A cross-country analysis using civil society divided by service and expressive functions

The contribution of civil society to quality of government is important to evaluate. Civil society is often touted as means to enhance quality of government and parallel to this idea the sector grown has substantially over time. Does civil society actually contribute to quality of government, and does civil society involved in expressive- or service functions differ in this regard? This is a quant

Output-based aid in the urban water sector - Insights from New Institutional Economics

This essay examines if and how output-based aid (OBA) in the urban water sector contributes to long-term and pro-poor development. OBA is a results-based method where contractual agreements stipulate subsidy payments on delivery of outputs, rather than subsidies towards project inputs. To study the characteristics and effects of OBA, the essay adopts a New Institutional Economics perspective, and

Är bredplogen ett effektivt hjälpmedel vid snöröjning?

In the Swedish winter snow removal and de-icing is an important part of the operations and maintenance work on Sweden´s roads. They are short term but necessary measures for accessibility and safety during the winter months. The snow plows used are one in front, one on the right side of the vehicle and sometimes one under the vehicle. On highways and 2+1-ways a wider side plow is used to make a mo

Consent in rape law - A comparison of three models

Våldtäkt kränker internationella mänskliga rättigheter; detta fastslår globala och regionala MR-mekanismer tydligt. Stater har en skyldighet att utreda, åtala och straffa våldtäktsfall. Men när det gäller att definiera vad våldtäkt är, vilka gärningar stater är förpliktigade att beivra, erbjuder de internationella mekanismerna knapp vägledning. Den europeiska domstolen för mänskliga rättigheter tiRape violates international human rights law; global and regional human rights mechanisms clearly establish this. There is an obligation on states to investigate, prosecute and punish instances of rape. When it comes to defining what rape is, which acts states are obliged to prosecute the international mechanisms provide little guidance though. The European Court of Human Rights provides the most

Corporate Management of Environmentally Sustainable Processes

Environmental sustainability is becoming increasingly important – especially for businesses who accounts for 50% of all energy consumption in the world. This thesis examines how companies consider environmental issues and seeks to explain why they take this specific approach. Qualitative case studies of three Danish companies have been applied to outline the companies’ environmental focus and how

Man must conquer earth: three stages of CCP policies resulting in environmental degradation in China and characteristics of contemporary environmental politics

This Bachelor’s thesis follows aspects of environmental degradation stemming from the policies of the Chinese Communist Party over the latter half of the 20th century. These start with The Great Leap Forward in ’58 in which people were exhorted to convert as much land to agriculture as possible, construct dams and implement agricultural techniques that in the long-term proved unsustainable and des

Organisationsstrukturens roll vid proaktiv krishantering

Problem: Today's changing environment gives rise to rapid sequence of events and rapid information dissemination. More attention is given to crisis and how organizations should manage them. Today there is much literature and many approaches to illustrate how an organization can optimize their crisis management, but yet crisis continues to generate problems for organizations. We believe that on

Arbete, utbildning och identitet - unga vuxna kvinnliga akademiker reflekterar över arbetets betydelse för identitetsskapandet

The purpose of this study was to increase the understanding of the importance of work and professional identity to young adult female students’ identity formation. The questions that follow in this thesis were what young adult women think of the importance of their education and expectations about their future work, the importance of the salary and finally the possibility to combine work and famil

Business Models for Video Games

The game industry’s size and growth over the last 25 years has evolved from an almost nonexistent market to a huge industry. Another phenomenon which has also had a huge growth during the last decade is e-commerce, the buying and selling of products and services over the Internet. Video games are naturally connected to computers and the Internet. This together with the fact that they are digital p

Transformative Consumption and Acculturation of Ukrainian Female Consumers in Sweden

The consumption structure, and generally lifestyles in Post-Soviet countries are undergoing drastic changes over the last 20 years of liberalization. The scarcity of consumer goods over the Soviet period, followed by the wide availability of goods and freedom to choose, resulted in the consumption model in countries of Post-communistic Bloc that is significantly different from that in countries wi

Ibruktagandeprocess av signalanläggningar

When a change of a signal installation will be implemented, the process takes the approach of two guiding documents that Trafikverket provides; BVF 544.94001 Teknisk säkerhetsstyrning and BVS 544.92100 Ibruktagandebesiktning av signalanläggningar. The problem with the two documents is that they sometimes treat the same things in the commissioning process, which means that there is a risk of contra

Avskaffande av revisionsplikt -konsekvenser för små aktiebolags kreditgivare

Efter genomförd studie kan vi konstatera följande: Revision anses vara viktig för den finansiella informationens tillförlitlighet. Bankerna kommer även i fortsättning kräva revision av små aktiebolag för att lämna kredit. Leverantörerna kommer dock att lämna kredit även till icke-reviderade små aktiebolag. Slutligen kan konstateras att revisionsplikt inte har någon avgörande betydelse för Skatteve

Is discretionary fiscal policy a mitigating mechanism that counteracts business cycle fluctuations in the European Monetary Union?

The aim of the thesis is to evaluate the reaction in fiscal stance in EMU with the purpose to investigate if there is a need for discretionary fiscal policy as a stabilizing mechanism due to the existence of country-specific disparities in order to counteract business cycle fluctuations in the Monetary Union. The second objective is to analyse the role of discretionary fiscal policy during three d