

Din sökning på "*" gav 533365 sökträffar

Electrophysiological correlates of generation induced forgetting: Manipulating retrieval success

Although memory serves numerous functions, it is often not reflected upon until it fails us. Previous research has shown that both retrieval and generation of information may lead to forgetting of related items sharing the same cues and is referred to as retrieval induced forgetting (Anderson, Bjork & Bjork 1994; Bäuml 2002). The aim of this study was to investigate the electrophysiological co

Intressekonflikter i Investmentbanker

Due to the recent financial turmoil we have noticed how exposed our financial situations are. Not only the financial market has been affected but also major socio-economic crises have risen as a result of the recession. Despite this, there is a willingness to take part in trading on the financial market. Considerable amount of money is involved in the securities market which makes it obvious that Due to the recent financial turmoil we have noticed how exposed our financial situations are. Not only the financial market has been affected but also major socio-economic crises have risen as a result of the recession. Despite this, there is a willingness to take part in trading on the financial market. Considerable amount of money is involved in the securities market which makes it obvious that

Normative Control in Practice, The Case of J&J

The purpose of this thesis was to exemplify how a Credo (i.e. code of conduct) is used in order to exercise normative control. This was done through the development of a theoretical model describing how normative control is practiced in reality. The thesis is a qualitative study of the normative control at Johnson & Johnson. Based on theories of previous researchers we constructed a model sugg

Towards Coherence in International Law: The Right of Everyone to Take Part in Cultural Life and 'Library' Exceptions from Copyright

Sammanfattning In the discussion on the relations between human rights and intellectual property a myriad of human rights are brought up, both directly and remotely connected to IP, but the right to cultural participation, which seems so relevant is, however, mentioned very rarely and even then - only superficially. The present paper is aimed at giving this neglected right a proper attention with

Enterprise 2.0 - Organizational Awareness of the Solutions for Success

During the past years Enterprise 2.0 has become widely spread among organization. However is there not enough awareness in the organizations concerning the necessary organizational changes which companies need to address when planning for the shift to Enterprise 2.0. In this study we aim to indentify solutions for success which affect if an Enterprise 2.0 implementation will succeed or not and how

23 § MBL och den allmänna avtalsrättens betydelse vid dess tillämpning

This paper concerns Sec. 23 the Codetermination at Work Act, and the necessary conditions for when a collective agreement is considered to exist and the relevance of contract of law when it is applied. The idea is to point at areas within contract of law that becomes particularly important at the application. The paper begins with a chapter that, in short terms, describes the background within co

Författaren som varumärke : en studie rörande författarprofiler och hur de framställs i den mediala offentligheten

Avsikten med denna uppsats har varit att undersöka några författares marknadsföring och analysera hur bilden av dem i media uppfattas utifrån ett marknadsföringsperspektiv. Genom deras olika författarroller placeras de i mediala forum där de framställs enligt den förutbestämda och förväntade rollen. Marknadsföring i media bidrar till att en offentlig person skapas, vilket ofta grundar sig i ett ko

Problematiken bakom de kinesiska lånen till Angola - Med långsiktig tillväxt och fattigdomsreducering i fokus

Kinas ekonomiska aktiviteter på den globala marknaden har fått stor uppmärksamhet runt om i världen de senaste åren och inte minst deras aktioner i Afrika. Angola är ett av de länderna som stått i centrum för ett av dessa omfattande samarbeteten där Kina har kunnat erbjuda förmånliga lån i utbyte mot olja. I denna uppsatts undersöker vi hur den kinesiska investeringskulturen påverkar Angolas ekono

Gender and Sexuality Construction in Korean Idol Fan Fiction

My research analysis constitutes the construction of gender and sexuality specifically in the category of Top/Bottom in Korean idol fan fictions. Most of the previous researches focus on the feminization of Bottom that women follow the heterosexual norms through the feminized Bottom although they read and write homoerotic fan fictions. The masculinization of Top is barely problematized. In other w

The Great Leap Forward (1958-1961): Historical events and causes of one of the biggest tragedies in People’s Republic of China’s history

The aim of this work is to analyze the Chinese Great Leap Forward (大跃进Dayuejin) (1958-1961) and the reasons why its economic and social policies caused such a big imbalance and deficit in the Chinese economy. The thesis is divided in four chapters: The first chapter focuses on the Leap’s antecedent period; it begins with a very brief introduction to the key events after the establishment of the Pe

Potentially conflicting interests between Hydropower and the European Unions Water Framework Directive

Many of the water bodies in Europe are in bad ecological condition due to anthropologic impacts. Pollution and morphological changes have had a severe impact of the water environment and flora and fauna associated with such environments. The fact that water courses often cross administrative borders within countries as well as internationally makes the water management that much more difficult. Th

Policy Instruments for Energy Efficient Buildings: Experience of the development of improved insulation levels in Germany and the UK: a case study of mineral wool

Buildings account for 40% of energy use and about one third of CO2 emissions in the EU. The huge energy saving potentials offered by the building sector has been targeted by a large number of policy instruments. To improve policy intervention in this area, more information on the extent to which the applied policy instruments are supporting the development and dissemination of different types of e

Sex Work in the SADC Region: The Importance of Creating a Framework to Protect Sex Workers from HIV and Human Rights Abuses

Sub Saharan Africa is the region most affected by HIV in the world. There is evidence that commercial sex work is a significant factor in many countries and preventing HIV infection amongst those involved in the sex trade has proven to be an instrumental part of many countries’ fight against AIDS. However these preventative measures cannot be implemented effectively with the current lack of legal

Beskattning av bostadsrättsföreningar - med särskild inriktning på klassificeringen av föreningar som äkta respektive oäkta

When it comes to taxation of housing cooperatives there is a difference in the tax law between the cooperatives the tax law regard as true and false respectively. True housing cooperatives have a milder taxation than the false cooperatives. The consequences, depending of which category the cooperative belongs to, will have an effect on the cooperative as well as its shareholders. Because of that,

Reglering av etnisk diskriminering i det svenska mångfaldssamhället

Sverige är idag ett samhälle präglat av etnisk och kulturell mångfald. Detta beror framförallt på att människor från olika delar av världen här sökt en fristad undan konflikter och förtryck. Att på det här sättet kunna hjälpa människor är givetvis en förmån. Det medför dock vissa svårigheter för det svenska samhället att ta emot människor från andra kulturer och samhällen. För att på ett positivt

Intergenerational Transfers of Time and Money in Scandinavian Welfare States

The purpose of this thesis is to study the incidence and size of financial and time transfers across generations in Scandinavia and look for any common determinants of transfer patterns. The study is based on two different theoretical models studying slightly different views on intergenerational transfer behaviour. By using cross-sectional data from the 2nd wave of the SHARE database (2006/2007) b

Export, Import, Productivity and Growth: A theoretical and empirical study of an endogenous relationship

Numerous studies in the international economic literature suggest that foreign trade has a large positive effect on growth. From the theoretical aspects there are several reasons to be¬lieve in both export- and import-led productivity growth as well as productivity-led exports. The empirical results have been mixed, with earlier studies indicating a strong relationship and more recent studies that

Självförsvar vid överfall - Nödvärn och nödvärnsexcess

Denna uppsats har via en rättsdogmatisk metod undersökt gällande rätt avseende nödvärn och nödvärnsexcess vid överfall. Den faktiska rättstillämpningen i underrätterna har inte berörts. Rätten till försvarsvåld gentemot brottsliga angrepp tillkommer dels den angripne, dels envar som befinner sig på platsen för angreppet. Denna rätt regleras i nödvärnsstadgandet i 24 kap. 1 § BrB. Skulle omfattninThis paper is, using a legal dogmatic method, analyzing established law regarding self-defence and excessive self-defence. The actual application of the laws in this field is not analyzed. The right of defence against violent criminal attacks is granted to the person being attacked, as well as anyone else nearby. This right is prescribed by 24 chapter 1 § Brottsbalken (the Swedish criminal code)

Harmonisering och ömsesidigt erkännande på straffrättens område. En analys av det straffrättsliga EU-samarbetets konsekvenser för straffrättens målsättningar

Summary Within the EU, cooperation in criminal matters has been established and the cooperation could be described as increasingly intensified. Since the Tampere Conclusions of 1999 the cooperation is on its way in the light of the EU’s aim to offer its citizens an area of freedom, security and justice. The cooperation in criminal matters has developed mainly throughout two strategies: mutual reco