

Din sökning på "*" gav 534503 sökträffar

Processes Underlying Glycemic Deterioration in Type 2 Diabetes : An IMI DIRECT Study

OBJECTIVE: We investigated the processes underlying glycemic deterioration in type 2 diabetes (T2D). RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: A total of 732 recently diagnosed patients with T2D from the Innovative Medicines Initiative Diabetes Research on Patient Stratification (IMI DIRECT) study were extensively phenotyped over 3 years, including measures of insulin sensitivity (OGIS), β-cell glucose sensiti

The EU and climate-related security risks : a community of practice in the making?

Climate change is increasingly acknowledged as a threat to states and societies, and several international organizations are now seeking to respond to climate-related security risks. The EU’s comprehensive approach to security suggests that the Union is particularly well-suited to respond to such risks, but the EU has not yet developed a coherent policy. This article addresses the gap between disc

EU:s utrikestjänst – en utrikespolitisk aktör i förändring? Förväntningar och farhågor på det nya ledarskapet

Under 2014 har det skett ett antal stora förändringar inom EU. Vissa är av mergenerell betydelse, såsom en ny sammansättning i Europaparlamentet ellertillsättningen av nya kommissionärer, medan andra reformer är av mer strukturellkaraktär i syfte att stärka EU:s ställning inom olika politikområden, däriblandEU:s strukturer för civil krishantering. Syftet med denna studie är dels attbeskriva dessa

Om internationella relationer och energisäkerhet

Att tala om energipolitik är ingen helt enkel uppgift. Beroende på vilkadimensioner av energifrågan som sätts i fokus kan diskussionerna handla omsåväl tillväxtpolitik, miljömål, tekniska innovationer – och säkerhet. För attnärma sig begreppet energisäkerhet krävs en förståelse av å ena sidanenergisystemet, vad det är som ska säkras, och å andra sidan säkerhetspolitik,vilka strategier som fungerar

Regions vulnerable to climate change - findings and methodological considerations

The impacts of climate change will not be evenly spread around the globe. Instead, several studies point to some specific regions that are argued to be particularly vulnerable or prone to climate change-related conflict (‘hotspots’) The overarching aim of this report is to describe these regions and to look at the underlying methodology used by those studies when identifying the regional ‘hotspots

PATZ1 fusions define a novel molecularly distinct neuroepithelial tumor entity with a broad histological spectrum

Large-scale molecular profiling studies in recent years have shown that central nervous system (CNS) tumors display a much greater heterogeneity in terms of molecularly distinct entities, cellular origins and genetic drivers than anticipated from histological assessment. DNA methylation profiling has emerged as a useful tool for robust tumor classification, providing new insights into these hetero

Factor endowments, vent for surplus and involutionary process in rural developing economies

This article seeks to provide a new analytical framework based on factor endowments to understand growth in rural economies without structural transformation. More concretely, it explores the variation in farmers’ ability to respond to new commercial opportunities. To complement the extensive literature on the economic and institutional effects of factor endowments, this paper revisits two influen

Svenskt bokmuseum : "En påle i köttet"

Svenskt bokindustrimuseum initierades av Waldemar Zachrisson vid sekelskiftet 1900 och var kopplat till Svenska Boktryckareföreningen. Artikeln är den tredje i en serie som behandlar museets historia. Artikeln täcker tiden cirka 1920–1990 och behandlar bl a skapandet av boktryckerimuseet Officina Typographica på Skansen.

Towards an efficient use of infrastructure and the built environment : Essays in transport and housing economics

Avhandlingen består av fyra artiklar som alla kretsar kring hur ett effektivt nyttjande av infrastruktur kan uppnås. Tre av artiklarna berör externaliteter i transportsektorn medan den fjärde artikeln rör bostadsmarknaden och hur en skattereform påverkade äldre småhusägares flyttbeteende. Externaliteter uppstår när de beslut som en person (eller företag) tar har effekter även för andra och detta iAll four papers in the thesis share a common theme: how to achieve an efficient use of infrastructure and the built environment. In the presence of externalities, pricing according to the (short-run) marginal cost is one answer on how this can be achieved and the first two papers estimates parts of the marginal cost of traffic. Paper I examines the effect of road and railway noise on property pric

Exploring the combined use of solicited diaries and photography by older patients in their process of self-care with medication packaging

Design has the potential to include or exclude people, depending on how user needs are translated into products. Design exclusion has been vast in design for health care. Medication packaging design is a common example. It does a good job of protecting the product but can result in creating difficulties when used, especially for those who are older. Research in this area lacks an inclusive and use

Introduction : Mobile socialities

This introduction presents an overview of the key concepts discussed in the subsequent chapters of this book. The book focuses on a collective of international scholars who are researching at the intersections of media, mobility and sociality. It explores the divergent vantage points of the interplay between mobilities and socialities, analysing material conditions, situated contexts and the ascri

aYChr-DB : a database of ancient human Y haplogroups

Ancient Y-Chromosomal DNA is an invaluable tool for dating and discerning the origins of migration routes and demographic processes that occurred thousands of years ago. Driven by the adoption of high-throughput sequencing and capture enrichment methods in paleogenomics, the number of published ancient genomes has nearly quadrupled within the last three years (2018-2020). Whereas ancient mtDNA hap

Service quality in social media communication of NPOs : The moderating effect of channel choice

Social media communication is attractive for non-profit organizations (NPOs); however, the channels of social media are not homogeneous; a factor not sufficiently considered by empirical research. We address this gap by looking into the moderating effect of social media channel choice on the impact of brand trust on process and outcome quality. By surveying 174 customers of an Austrian NPO, we ana

Comparing the Clinical Utility and Diagnostic Performance of Cerebrospinal Fluid P-Tau181, P-Tau217 and P-Tau231 Assays

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Phosphorylated tau (P-tau) in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is considered an important biomarker in Alzheimer's disease (AD) and has been incorporated in recent diagnostic criteria. Several variants exist, including P-tau at threonines 181 (P-tau181), 217 (P-tau217) and 231 (P-tau231). However, no studies have compared their diagnostic performance or association to amyloid-β

Steam Pretreatment of Rice Hulls to Release Fermentable Saccharides : An Approach to Improve Recovery of (Hemi)Cellulosic Sugars Through Multivariate Design

The conversion of rice hulls into fermentable saccharides was explored through steam pretreatment employing 2.5% SO2. The interaction between temperature and time was assessed by means of the response surface method to achieve optimum contents of C6-sugars in water-insoluble solids (WIS) and C5-sugars in the liquor. Pretreatment carried out at 218 °C for 2.3 min released liquor containing 55.4 g/L