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Degradation of toxaphene by Bjerkandera sp. strain BOL13 using waste biomass as a cosubstrate
The white-rot fungus Bjerkandera sp. strain BOL13 was capable of degrading toxaphene when supplied with wood chips, wheat husk or cane molasses as cosubstrates in batch culture experiments. Approximately 85% of toxaphene was removed when wheat husk was the main substrate. The production of lignin peroxidase was only stimulated when wheat husk was present in the liquid medium. Although xylanase was
Review of Marcelli, Marcelo Pineto. Ecologia Liquenica nos Manguezias do Sul-Sudeste Brasileiro. Bibliotheca Lichenologica 47.
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On methods for pattern recognition with application to epileptic electroencephalograms
Popular Abstract in Swedish Elektroencefalogrammet (EEG), dvs mätning av potentialer på skalpen, är en relativt enkel och gammal teknik för att studera hjärnans aktivitet. Trots de stora framstegen inom s k brain-mapping-tekniker på senare år (magnetröntgen, PET, SPECT), är EEG fortfarande ett viktigt verktyg för diagnos. En av dess fördelar gentemot andra tekniker är dess fina tidsupplösning. EtThe thesis treats methods for pattern recognition in multichannel electroencephalogram (EEG) signals, for application to diagnostics of epilepsy. Parts I-IV treat methods for feature extraction and clustering of EEG spikes, occurring between epileptic seizures, and part V presents a method for filtering seizure onset EEG signals. In part I, Hermite functions are used for parametric description of
Analythical Capacity Gain Using Waterfilling in Frequency Selective Channels
Endovascular stent-anchored aortic grafts: a comparison between self-expanding and balloon-expandable stents in minipigs
PURPOSE: To study endovascular graft attachment with self-expanding Gianturco Z-stents and balloon-expanded Palmaz stents and the effect of these devices on the renal ostia. METHODS: Ten stent-grafts were constructed, 5 with Gianturco Z-stents and 5 with Palmaz stents. The endografts were implanted under fluoroscopic guidance into the abdominal aorta of 10 pigs so that the uncovered portion of the
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HPV-16 L1 genes with inactivated negative RNA elements induce potent immune responses
Introduction of point mutations in the 5' end of the human papillomavirus type 16 (HPV-16) L1 gene specifically inactivates negative regulatory RNA processing elements. DNA vaccination of C57B1/6 mice with the mutated L1 gene resulted in improved immunogenicity for both neutralizing antibodies as well as for broad cellular immune responses. Previous reports on the activation of L1 by codon optimiz
Ambitiösa amerikanska riktlinjer för riskfaktorkontroll vid diabetes. Har man lagt ribban alltför högt?
Procedures and Strategies: Context-Dependence in Creativity
Recently, it has been suggested that at least somekinds of mental representation are strongly context-dependent. Not only what is represented, but also how, depends on the context and the subject's interaction with it. Theories about situated cognition stress the importance of the subject's bodily presence and physical activity in the environment for representing and thinking. What does this mean
Changing associations between progressive cardiovascular autonomic neuropathy and carotid atherosclerosis with increasing duration of Type 2 diabetes mellitus.
Understanding adherence to official guidelines on statin prescribing in primary health care-a multi-level methodological approach.
Objective: The aim was to investigate the role that municipalities and out-patient health care centres (HCCs) have in understanding adherence to official guidelines on statin prescribing. Our hypothesis was that after guideline publication, adherence to recommended statin prescription would increase and variance among HCCs and municipalities would decrease. Since multi-level regression analysis (M
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Early changes in glomerular size selectivity in young adults with type 1 diabetes and retinopathy. Results from the Diabetes Incidence Study in Sweden.
Objective: To investigate the relationship between early-onset retinopathy and urinary markers of renal dysfunction. Research Design and Methods: The Diabetes Incidence Study in Sweden (DISS) aims to register all new cases of diabetes in young adults (15-34 years). In 1987-1988, 806 patients were reported and later invited to participate in a follow-up study focusing on microvascular complications
Rörelseorganen och den formbara hjärnan
ELDERLY PERSONS LIVING WITH CANCER. Quality of life and lived experience.
Abstract in Danish Denne afhandling handler om livskvalitet hos ældre mennesker med kræft. Risikoen for at få kræft stiger med alderen, og til trods for at de fleste mennesker, der får kræft er ældre, har forskning i hvordan ældre lever med en kræftsygdom været yderst begrænset. Viden om hvordan ældre mennesker oplever det at få en kræftdiagnose og hvordan de lever med sygdommen er en forudsætningOver the coming decades, the numbers of elderly will increase, and through improved lifestyles and better treatment longevity has increased, and with it, the risk of contracting cancer. How elderly people live with cancer has until now attracted limited research. The overall aim of this thesis was to investigate the QoL of elderly persons from the time of a cancer diagnosis through the following s
Managing Natural Language Requirements in Large-Scale Software Development
Popular Abstract in Swedish Allt fler marknads- och teknikdrivna programvarutvecklingsföretag ställs inför utmaningen att hantera tusentals krav som uttrycks i vanlig textuell form. Det stora antalet krav orsakar flaskhalsar i kravhanteringsprocessen vilket påkallar en mer effektiv kravhantering. Denna avhandling presenterar resultaten från empiriska undersökningar av att använda språkvetenskapliAn increasing number of market- and technology-driven software development companies face the challenge of managing several thousands of requirements written in natural language. The large number of requirements causes bottlenecks in the requirements management process and calls for increased efficiency in requirements engineering. This thesis presents results from empirical investigations of usi
Tick prevention in a population living in a highly endemic area
Aims: To describe environmental and personal tick-preventive measures and their predictors, taken by a population living in a highly tick-endemic area. Methods: Owing to the recent confirmation of human tick-borne encephalitis cases, vaccination against tick-borne encephalitis was offered to the population living in the endemic area through the use of leaflets and media campaigns. At the time of t
Efficiency of two-phase methods with focus on a planned population-based case-control study on air pollution and stroke
ABSTRACT: We plan to conduct a case-control study to investigate whether exposure to nitrogen dioxide (NO2) increases the risk of stroke. In case-control studies, selective participation can lead to bias and loss of efficiency. A two-phase design can reduce bias and improve efficiency by combining information on the non-participating subjects with information from the participating subjects. In ou
Hyperproinsulinemia segregates young adult patients with newly diagnosed autoimmune (type 1) and non-autoimmune (type 2) diabetes
Objective. To investigate whether measurements of proinsulin and/or intermediate proinsulin degradation products could be used to differentiate between autoimmune (type 1) and non-autoimmune (type 2) diabetes in young adults. Material and methods. Total proinsulin, intact proinsulin and 32,33 split proinsulin concentrations were measured in 25 patients aged 15-34 years with type 1 diabetes, as def