Din sökning på "*" gav 537579 sökträffar
The micro-physics of mornings
Hur når man fram? Om retoriska strategier i kampen för klimatet
Redan för över ett århundrade sedan, i industrialiseringens vagga, funderade fysiker, kemister och naturvetenskapare på de eventuella konsekvenser de oreglerade utsläppen av fossila bränslen i atmosfären kunde få. Bland annat förutsåg man en framtida global uppvärmning. Nu har det gått många årtionden sedan vi fick svart på vitt att den globala uppvärmningen är ett faktum. Det råder överväldigande
The Future of Christianity in Western and Northern Europe
This article is the concluding essay of the Western and Northern Europe volume of Edinburgh University Press's series on Global Christianity.
Nej - Musks imperium kommer inte hålla
Om techfeodalism.
Leonardo da Vinci
Leonardo da Vinci var en gudabenådad konstnär, en vetenskapsman som levde hundratals år före sin tid och ett universalgeni som fick övriga renässansmänniskor att förblekna. Han tillhör det ringa fåtal individer som alltid har varit föremål för allmän beundran. Samtliga bedömare, från läraren Verrocchio och renässanshärskarna i Milano och Frankrike till nutidens kritiska granskare, har varit rörand
Typography and Ideology
Det som syns i spegeln efter ett beslut från Migrationsverket - Afghanska ensamkommande flyktingbarn i Sverige
This paper aspire to deepen the knowledge and understanding of how Afghan unaccompanied refugees experience their integration process depending on the decision from the Migration agency. The paper is based on four semistructured interviews. In 2015 a large number of Afghan unaccompanied refugees arrived to Sweden to seek asylum in order to protect themselves from the occurrences of their origin co
The Boundaries of Community : Stigma Management and Pluralistic Education in Swedish Upper Secondary Education
The utility of histology in assessing the cause of death in medico-legal autopsies in selected trauma deaths : Suspension-, immersion-, fire-, and traffic-related
The goal of a medico-legal autopsy is primarily to determine the cause and manner of death. To this end, the pathologist often uses auxiliary analyses, including histology. However, the utility of routine histology in all medico-legal autopsies is unknown. Earlier studies on the utility of routine histology have shown inconsistent effects, with some studies recommending it and others rejecting it.
Revisiting the effect of growing up in a recession on attitudes towards redistribution
Giuliano and Spilimbergo (2014) show that individuals who experienced a recession when young are more likely to favor redistribution in the short and long run. We revisit their analysis in three ways. First, we conduct a narrow replication in the General Social Survey and the World Values Survey; we successfully replicate the original results for outcomes that directly measure preferences for redi
The volunteer's dilemma explains the bystander effect
The bystander effect is the phenomenon that people are less likely to help others when they are in a group than when they are alone. The theoretical literature typically explains the bystander effect with the volunteer’s dilemma: if providing help is equivalent to creating a public good, then bystanders could be less likely to help in groups because they free ride on the other bystanders. This pap
HD 191939 revisited : New and refined planet mass determinations, and a new planet in the habitable zone
HD 191939 (TOI-1339) is a nearby (d = 54 pc), bright (V = 9 mag), and inactive Sun-like star (G9 V) known to host a multi-planet transiting system. Ground-based spectroscopic observations confirmed the planetary nature of the three transiting sub-Neptunes (HD 191939 b, c, and d) originally detected by TESS and were used to measure the masses for planets b and c with 3σ precision. These previous
Financial incentives for vaccination do not have negative unintended consequences
Financial incentives to encourage healthy and prosocial behaviours often trigger initial behavioural change, but a large academic literature warns against using them. Critics warn that financial incentives can crowd out prosocial motivations and reduce perceived safety and trust, thereby reducing healthy behaviours when no payments are offered and eroding morals more generally. Here we report find
“Det där var ingen våldtäkt” - En innehållsanalys i hur våldtäktsoffer och förövare
Utvecklingen av internet samt digitaliseringen av samhället har resulterat i att fler och fler vänder sig till olika forum för att diskutera och söka likasinnade. Ett ämne som är väldigt omtalat i olika forum är våldtäkt, där offer och förövare konstrueras genom diskussioner online. Sexualbrott är ett svårdefinierat brott med ett högt mörkertal i antal anmälningar, samt att det sällan leds till en
Benefits of adhering to sleep duration recommendations : Reframing an enduring issue
A cautionary tale about the adoption of medical AI in Sweden
A recent case of a flawed medical AI system that was backed by public funding provides an opportunity to discuss the impact of government policies and regulation in AI.
Desquamated Epithelial Cells of Unstimulated Human Whole Saliva Express Both EGF Transcript and Protein
OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to investigate if desquamated oral epithelial cells (DOECs) express the epidermal growth factor (EGF) and if these cells thereby may contribute to salivary EGF contents.BACKGROUND: DOECs have recently been shown to harbor the antimicrobial peptide LL-37, proposing that they may also store other biologically important salivary peptides/proteins. The EGF peptide
Transformative Collective Action: A Socio-Legal Exploration of Dalit-Led Activism in the US
This thesis focuses on Dalits' lives and experiences in the South Asian diaspora in the United States of America. I explore stories of the Dalit struggle for equality that today transcends national borders as globalisation continues to pave paths for migration. Specifically looking within the vast South Asian diaspora in the US for stories of Dalit-led activism, this thesis begins by bringing
Medförälderskap: känsla av lag eller jag? En kvalitativ studie om mammor till barn med autism kring föräldraskap, medförälderskap och föräldraskapsroller
Den aktuella studien syftade till att undersöka medförälderskapsrelationen och hur denna återspeglas i den enskilda förälderns omvårdnadsrepresentationer hos mammor till barn med autism, samt hur föräldraskapsroller tar sig uttryck i dessa familjer enligt mammors utsagor. Datainsamling skedde genom den standardiserade intervjun Parental Attachment and Caregiving Interview (P-CAI) och självskattninThe aim of the present study was to examine the coparenting relationship and its role in parental caregiving representations as seen in mothers with autistic children, as well as gender roles in these families based on mothers’ perspectives. Data collection was carried out with Parental Attachment and Caregiving Interview (P-CAI) and the self-report measure Coparenting Relationship Scale (CRS). El