

Din sökning på "*" gav 533178 sökträffar

Helpful and challenging aspects of breastfeeding in public for women living in Australia, Ireland and Sweden : a cross-sectional study

BACKGROUND: Breastfeeding in public continues to be contentious with qualitative evidence confirming that women face many challenges. It is therefore important to gain understanding of not only the challenges but also what women perceive is helpful to breastfeed in public.METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted with women living in Australia, Ireland or Sweden currently breastfeeding or hav

#metoo och de fem förtalsdomarna

Berättigad kritik mot rättsväsendet eller okontrollerad pöbeljustis? I kölvattnet av #metoo-rörelsen kvarstår spänningen mellan de sociala mediernas virala rätt och rättsväsendets formella rätt. Rättsvetaren Linnea Wegerstad tar sig här an kärnan i den senaste tidens fem #metoo-relaterade förtalsåtal: konflikten mellan rätten att berätta om sexuellt våld och rätten att inte bli föremål för ryktess

Vägar till en god kultur : Tillit, lärande och etik

När vi försöker minska detaljstyrning och formalism i offentlig sektor blirorganisationskulturen viktigare än någonsin. Goda resultat och en godkultur går hand i hand. I den här boken kan du läsa om vad etttillitsbaserat arbete för en god kultur kan innebära. Författaren förklararhur denna ansats skiljer sig åt från hur många organisationer arbetar idag– en ansats som är starkt påverkad av New Pub

Naked statistical evidence and incentives for lawful conduct

The problem of ‘naked statistical evidence’ is one of the most debated issues in evidence theory. Most evidence scholars agree that it is deeply problematic to base a verdict on naked statistical evidence, but they disagree on why it is problematic, and point to different characteristics of naked statistical evidence as the root of the problem. In this article, the author discusses the merits of dThe problem of ‘naked statistical evidence’ is one of the most debated issues in evidence theory. Most evidence scholars agree that it is deeply problematic to base a verdict on naked statistical evidence, but they disagree on why it is problematic, and point to different characteristics of naked statistical evidence as the root of the problem. In this article, the author discusses the merits of d

Glorifierade gangstrar problem som går igen

Recension av Joe Kraus bok: The kosher Capones : a history of Chicago’s Jewish gangsters. Jämförelser mellan situationen i Chicago under 1900-talet och problemen med gängkriminalitet i dagens Sverige.

Lack of PCSK6 Increases Flow-Mediated Outward Arterial Remodeling in Mice

Proprotein convertases (PCSKs) process matrix metalloproteases and cytokines, but their function in the vasculature is largely unknown. Previously, we demonstrated upregulation of PCSK6 in atherosclerotic plaques from symptomatic patients, localization to smooth muscle cells (SMCs) in the fibrous cap and positive correlations with inflammation, extracellular matrix remodeling and cytokines. Here,

Non-invasive respiratory support for the management of transient tachypnea of the newborn

BACKGROUND: Transient tachypnea of the newborn (TTN) is characterized by tachypnea and signs of respiratory distress. Transient tachypnea typically appears within the first two hours of life in term and late preterm newborns. Supportive management might be sufficient. Non-invasive (i.e. without endotracheal intubation) respiratory support may, however, be administered to reduce respiratory distres

Monitoring European pine sawfly population densities with pheromone traps in young pine plantations

Field trials utilizing pheromone traps were evaluated to develop a population monitoring and predicting system for the European pine sawfly (Neodiprion sertifer). Larval density was censused in a transect across each study site. Three traps per site were baited with 100μg of (2S,3S,7S)-3,7-dimethyl-2-pentadecyl (diprionyl) acetate. During a two-year period traps loaded with 1, 10 and 100 μg of dip

Diprionyl esters attractive to males of the dailing pine sawfly Neodiprion dailingensis Xiao et Zhou (Hym., Diprionidae) in north-eastern China

The attraction of male Neodiprion dailingensis Xiao et Zhou to pheromone substances identified from other Neodiprion species was tested in plantations of Pinus tabulaeformis Carr. in Liaoning Province in north-eastern China. Both the acetate and propionate of (2S,3S,7S)-3,7-dimethyl-2-pentadecanol (diprionol) were highly attractive. An addition of 10% of the (2S,3R,7R)-isomer did not significantly

Energy-Efficient Stable and Balanced Task Scheduling in Data Centers

It is well known that load balancing in data centers can lead to unnecessary energy usage if all servers are kept active. Usingdynamic server provisioning, the number of servers that serve requests can be reduced by turning off idle servers and thereby savingenergy. However, such a scheme, usually increases the risk of instability of server queues. In this work, we analyze the trade-offbetween ene

The dancing bear from Spain : On the eigtheenth-century Swedish reception of Tomás de Iriarte's Fábulas literarias (1782)

The article depicts the intense and at times unpredictable fable transfer in eighteenth-century Europe by tracing the source text of one of the most acclaimed works in Swedish fable history, Anna Maria Lenngren’s “Björndansen” [The dance of the bear]. This verse fable, published in Stockholms Posten in 1799 and bringing questions of literary quality and literary criticism into focus, was classifieThe article depicts the intense and at times unpredictable fable transfer in eighteenth-century Europe by tracing the source text of one of the most acclaimed works in Swedish fable history, Anna Maria Lenngren’s “Björndansen” [The dance of the bear]. This verse fable, published in Stockholms Posten in 1799 and bringing questions of literary quality and literary criticism into focus, was classifie

Don’t do it again! The Swedish experience with negative central bank rates in 2015-2019

Negative interest rates were once seen as impossible outside the realm of economic theory. However, recently several central banks have imposed such rates, with prominent economists supporting this move. This column investigates the actual effects of negative interest rates, taking evidence from the Swedish experience during 2015-2019. It is evident that the policy’s effect on the inflation rate w

Organizing Time Exchanges: Lessons from Matching Markets

This paper considers time exchanges via a common platform (e.g., markets for exchanging time units, positions at education institutions, and tuition waivers). There are several problems associated with such markets, e.g., imbalanced outcomes, coordination problems, and inefficiencies. We model time exchanges as matching markets and construct a non-manipulable mechanism that selects an individually