

Din sökning på "*" gav 534479 sökträffar

Riskabla samtal – en analys av potentiella faror i skolans kvarts- och utvecklingssamtal

I denna avhandling används samtalsanalys (”conversation analysis”) för att studera ”riskstrategier” i samtal mellan lärare, elever och föräldrar i grundskolan. Materialet består av 80 samtal som insamlats vid två olika tidpunkter: 45 st. inspelade 1992–93 (kvartssamtal, eller den mer formella benämningen enskilda samtal) och ytterligare 35 st. inspelade 2004 (utvecklingssamtal, den benämning som gIn this thesis, conversation analysis (CA) is applied to study “risk strategies” in parent-teacher-student conferences in the Swedish nine-year compulsory school. The material consists of 80 conferences collected at two different points in time: 45 from the period 1992–93 (at that time called kvartssamtal, lit. “quarter of an hour conference”) and another 35 collected in 2004 (at the present time,

Strategy framework for sustainable industrial development in sub-Saharan Africa: Systems-evolutionary approach

Popular Abstract in Swedish Ett strategiskt ramverk för hållbar industriell utveckling i Afrika söder om Sahara: En system evolutionär ansats.The principal objectives of this research were: · to develop a conceptual framework on sustainability and sustainable development and · to propose a strategy framework for sustainable industrial development in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). The research was done based on systems evolutionary approach having the following methodological principles as a guide. · The dynamic complexity of environmental an

En barbar i Beirut II

Essän handlar om dagens Libanon och berör de kraftmätningar och konfliktlinjer som skakar landet såväl inifrån som utifrån (regionala och globala intressen). Den är ett slags fortsättning på en artikel om Beiruts förhistoria som tidigare publicerats i Ord & Bild (nr 6/2004) – och kommer att utgöra en del av ett större arbete som publiceras i bokform i början av 2007 på Glänta förlag.

"Distributed proton radiation therapy'' - A new concept for advanced competence support

The increased interest in high precision radiation therapy is to a large extent driven by the potential of modern imaging technology. The aim of this project was to analyse how an expensive proton facility best could support a multi-centre health care system. We have developed a model for distributed expert collaboration where all clinical experts will work close to their patients in regional cent

Photoluminescence spectra of a conjugated polymer: from films and solutions to single molecules

The purpose of this work is to address the issue of applicability of single-molecule spectroscopy (SMS) results for conjugated polymers to "bulk" samples, e.g. conjugated polymer films. Also, some apparent inconsistencies in the literature on SMS regarding the photoluminescence spectral position of conjugated polymers are discussed. We present a series of photoluminescence spectra of thin films of

Can we trust our memories? C. I. Lewiss coherence argument

In this paper we examine C. I. Lewis’s view on the role of coherence – what he calls “congruence” – in the justification of beliefs based on memory or testimony. Lewis has two main theses on the subject. His negative thesis states that coherence of independent items of evidence has no impact on the probability of a conclusion unless each item has some credibility of its own. The positive thesis sa

Analysis and modeling of field data on coastal morphological evolution over yearly and decadal time scales. Part 1: Background and linear techniques

A number of statistical techniques to analyze and model coastal morphological evolution over yearly and decadal (i.e., long-term) time scales based on field data are presented. After a general introduction to long-term morphological modeling, mainly linear methods are discussed, whereas nonlinear methods are treated in a companion paper (SOUTHGATE et al., 2001). The theoretical background to the m

Polymemse chain reaction using mixed primers. Cloning of human monoclonal antibody variable region genes from single hybridoma cells

We describe a general approach to rapidly obtain the DNA sequence encoding the variable region of any immunoglobulin chain using the polymerase chain reaction and a mixture of upstream primers corresponding to the leader sequence, and one downstream primer designed from the conserved nucleotide sequence of the constant region. The approach was applied to five different hybridomas producing human m

The role of phosphodiesterase 3B in energy metabolism

Energy metabolism at the level of any particular tissue is tightly regulated by hormones, neurotransmitters and cytokines in order to maintain overall energy homeostasis. Any dysfunctions in energy metabolism may lead to more or less severe consequences, with obesity and type 2 diabetes being the most prevalent ones. Type 2 diabetes is characterized by defective insulin secretion (?-cell dysfuncti

To trill or not to trill? Territorial response to a heterospecific vocal trait in male collared doves, Streptopelia decaocto

Responding of individuals outside the conspecific range has been largely explained by biases in sensory or cognitive systems toward particular traits or trait values. More recently, it has been shown that such responses might occur if individuals still respond to signal traits that have been lost over time. However, empirical evidence remains scarce. We report a case supporting the latter mechanis