

Din sökning på "*" gav 535076 sökträffar

Perfusion-related parameters in intravoxel incoherent motion MR imaging compared with CBV and CBF measured by dynamic susceptibility-contrast MR technique

OBJECTIVE: Perfusion-related parameters obtained by intravoxel incoherent motion (IVIM) MR imaging (MRI) were compared with cerebral blood volume and flow (CBV and CBF), retrieved by dynamic susceptibility-contrast (DSC) MRI. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Twenty-eight volunteers (average age 68.5 years) were investigated. Spin-echo echo-planar imaging with IVIM-encoding gradients was employed (36 differen

Glucagon-like peptide I increases cytoplasmic calcium in insulin-secreting beta TC3-cells by enhancement of intracellular calcium mobilization

In the insulin-secreting beta-cell line beta TC3, stimulation with 11.2 mmol/l glucose caused a rise in the intracellular free Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i) in only 18% of the tested cells. The number of glucose-responsive cells increased after pretreatment of the cells with glucagon-like peptide I (GLP-I)(7-36)amide and at 10(-11) mol/l; 84% of the cells responded to glucose with a rise in [Ca2+]i

Annotated checklist of fungus gnats from Sweden (Diptera: Bolitophilidae, Diadocidiidae, Ditomyiidae, Keroplatidae and Mycetophilidae).

The first modern Swedish checklist of fungus gnats of the families Bolitophilidae, Diadocidiidae, Ditomyiidae, Keroplatidae and Mycetophilidae is presented. The checklist results from a comprehensive literature research as well as treatment of a considerable determined and undetermined material from Swedish museum collections and recent material from several sources. To get better grounds for judg

Computer-assisted carotid plaque analysis: characteristics of plaques associated with cerebrovascular symptoms and cerebral infarction

OBJECTIVE: to correlate the echostructural characteristics of carotid plaques with neurological symptoms and cerebral infarcts. MATERIALS: one hundred and five plaques were studied in 74 patients by colour-flow duplex ultrasound: 39 were symptomatic and 37 were associated with brain infarction on CT scanning. METHODS: the images were digitalised for computer-assisted image standardisation and divi

The JastAdd system — modular extensible compiler construction

The JastAdd system enables modular specifications of extensible compiler tools and languages. Java has been extended with the Rewritable Circular Reference Attributed Grammars formalism that supports modularization and extensibility through several synergistic mechanisms. Object-orientation and static aspect-oriented programming are combined with declarative attributes and context-dependent rewrit

Self-desiccation and its importance in concrete technology : Proceedings of the second international research seminar in Lund, June 18, 1999.

Papers: - Early age chemical shrinkage and autogenous deformation of cement pastes. - Shrinkage of high-strength concrete at different ambient humidities. - A computer program to calculate drying of and desiccation in concrete. - Aspects of monitoring moisture changes using electrical impedance spectroscopy. - A Nordtest method for verification of self-desiccation in concrete. - Early age autogeno

Ghrelin and CART. Two new islet peptides. Expression, regulation and function.

Popular Abstract in Swedish Denna avhandling redogör för cellulär lokalisation, reglering och funktion av två nya peptider, ghrelin och CART, i pankreas (bukspottskörteln). Pankreas och de Langerhanska öarna: Pankreas består av en exokrin del, som producerar matspjälkningsenzymer till mag-tarm kanalen, och en endokrin del som producerar hormoner som insöndras i blodomloppet. Endokrina pankreas bUntil recently, the islets of Langerhans were thought to harbour four main cell types characterised with respect to principal hormone product. Here we show that the novel hormone ghrelin is expressed in a fifth islet cell type, the islet ghrelin cell, in humans and rodents. The cells are developmentally regulated in that they are numerous around birth and fewer in the adult. The islet ghrelin cell

The Immigrant Experience: Changing Employment and Income Patterns in Sweden, 1970 - 1993.

This thesis explores the changing patterns of employment and income assimilation among male immigrants to Sweden. In brief, the results of this work are that immigrants have been facing an increasingly difficult time integrating into the Swedish economy. This difficulty has not been caused by decreasing “quality” of the newer immigrant cohorts, as has often been the argument in the literature. Rat

Curvature and wrinkling of premixed flame kernels - comparisons of OHPLIF and DNS data

The effects of curvature and wrinkling on the growth of turbulent premixed flame kernels have been investigated using both 2D OH planar laser-induced fluorescence (PLIF) and 3D direct numerical simulation (DNS). Comparisons of results between the two approaches show a high level of agreement, providing confidence in the simplified chemistry treatment employed in the DNS, and indicating that chemis

On adaptive deterministic gossiping in ad hoc radio networks

We study deterministic algorithms for gossiping problem in ad hoc radio networks. The efficiency of communication algorithms in radio networks is very often expressed in terms of: maximum eccentricity D, maximum in-degree Δ, and size (number of nodes) n of underlying graph of connections. The maximum eccentricity D of a network is the maximum of the lengths of shortest directed paths fro

Determination of protein diffusion coefficients in agarose gel with a diffusion cell

A diffusion cell has been used to measure the effective diffusion coefficients of proteins. The method is applied to lysozyme and BSA at different pH and ionic strength. A parameter optimization technique is used to estimate the diffusion coefficients directly from experimental data. The importance and influence of pH and ionic strength on the diffusive properties in an agarose gel have been demon

Postural Control Adaptation during Galvanic Vestibular and Vibratory Proprioceptive Stimulation

he objective for this study was to investigate whether the adaptation of postural control was similar during galvanic vestibular stimulation and during vibratory proprioceptivestimulation of the calf muscles. Healthy subjects were tested during erect stance with eyes open or closed. An analysis method designed to consider the adaptive adjustments was used to evaluate the motion dynamics and the ev

Mechanosensory neurons with bend- and osmo-sensitivity in mouthpart setae from the spiny lobster Panulirus argus

The mouthparts of the spiny lobster Panulirus argus hold primarily two types of setae-simple setae and cuspidate setae. Mechanosensory neurons from these setae were examined by electrophysiological recordings. The population of simple setae contained two types of mechanosensory neurons: displacement-sensitive neurons, which responded to deflection at the setal base; and bend-sensitive neurons, whi

Interaction between phosphofructokinase and aldolase from Saccharomyces cevisiae studied by aqueous two-phase partitioning

Phosphofructokinase (EC and aldolase (EC have been highly purified from Saccharomyces cerevisiae by improved protocols. Partitioning of the enzymes in aqueous polymer two-phase systems was used to detect complex formation. The partition of each enzyme was found to be affected by the presence of the other enzyme. AMP affected the partition of the individual enzymes as well as th

Combustion at the focus: laser diagnostics and control

Fifty years after the foundation of the Combustion Institute and almost 150 years after Michael Faraday's famous lectures on the combustion of a candle, combustion diagnostics have come a long way from visual inspection of a flame to detailed analysis of a combustion process with a multitude of sophisticated techniques, often using lasers. The extended knowledge on combustion phenomena gained by a