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14C Produced by Nuclear Power Reactors - Generation and Characterization of Gaseous, Liquid and Solid Waste
Popular Abstract in Swedish Kärnkraftverk släpper under drift ut små mängder av många olika radioaktiva ämnen. De flesta av dessa ämnen når aldrig människan. Detta beror vanligen på att de hunnit sönderfalla på vägen eller att det saknas upptagsvägar vilket betyder att de är otillgängliga för människan. Ett av undantagen är kol-14 (14C). Detta radioaktiva ämne produceras både naturligt och genom mThis thesis presents the results from studies on carbon-14 produced by nuclear power reactors. Radioactive 14C enters the carbon cycle and can be taken up by humans, where it will constitute a potential health hazard. Therefore, the main focus of this thesis was to provide new data and knowledge necessary for the implementation of appropriate nuclear waste management strategies. Such data have pre
Working ability in relation to disease severity, everyday occupations and well-being in women with limited systemic sclerosis.
Objective. To investigate how women with SSc and varying degrees of working ability differed regarding disease severity, everyday occupations and well-being. Working ability was operationalized according to the degree of sick leave. Methods. Forty-four women of working age with lcSSc were assessed regarding sociodemographic characteristics, disease severity including organ manifestation, perceived
Inledning till den etnometodologiska samtalsanalysen
Ett starkt campus ethos - är detta något för Lunds universitet?
Jag vill diskutera det som den amerikanska pedagogen Adrianna Kezar i en artikel från 2007 kallar campus ethos, där siktet är inställt på att skapa samhörighet mellan enskilda studenter och en institution, fånga upp deras engagemang och att få studenterna att känna sig välkomna och trygga i en ny gemenskap och bli framgångsrika i sina studier. Hon skriver: ”An ethos may be thought of as a life-giv
Nittioett år med film är inte nog: Intervju med Gösta Werner
Byggfuktfri betong fyller tio år
Correlation between the Paleocene-Eocene boundary and the Ilerdian at Campo, Spain
Spectroscopic measurements of streamer filaments in electric breakdown in a dielectric liquid
Emission spectroscopy has been utilized to provide information about the electron density and temperature in streamers and breakdown arcs in transformer oil. Recorded spectra include strongly broadened hydrogen Balmer-alpha lines and vibration/rotation band profiles of the C-2 molecule. The origin of the observed broadening of hydrogen lines is discussed and it is concluded that it arises mainly f
Relationships between occupational engagement and status of and satisfaction with sociodemographic factors in a group of people with schizophrenia.
Abstract The present study is part of a larger project investigating occupational engagement and health in a group of people with schizophrenia. This study was aimed at extending this knowledge base with regard to occupational engagement and sociodemographic factors. Seventy-four outpatients participated in the study. The Profile of Occupational Engagement in People with Schizophrenia, the Lancash
Compact and low profile co-located MIMO antenna structure with polarization diversity and high port isolation
A compact co-located MIMO structure with high port isolation is proposed for 2.4 GHz WLAN application. The antenna structure consists of a proximity-coupled square ring patch antenna, and a probe fed planar inverted F antenna co-located inside. The operating frequency of the two radiators is designed to be at the same frequency, and a high port isolation below 25 dB is achieved with an extremely n
Understanding as experiencing a pattern
Popular Abstract in Swedish Förståelse är ett komplext begrepp. Det används dagligdags utan en motsvarande strikt vetenskaplig definition. Avhandlingen strävar efter att fånga olika aspekter av detta begrepp. Tesen är att förstå handlar om att se ett mönster, i betydelsen att man kan "se" strukturen i en uppgift, en princip eller ett problem. Att se ett mönster innebär också att man uppmärksammar The thesis proposes that understanding is a matter of experiencing a pattern. To experience a pattern involves seeing how a task, principle, or problem space is structured; to attend to the relevant information; and to be able to use that information as it relates to the knowledge domain at hand. The every day concept of understanding, which is a term used in many ways is discussed and it is explo
The lund concept for the treatment of patients with severe traumatic brain injury.
Two different main concepts for the treatment of a severe traumatic brain injury have been established during the last 15 years, namely the more conventional concept recommended in well-established guidelines (eg, U.S. Guideline, European Guideline, Addelbrook's Guideline from Cambridge), on the one hand, and the Lund concept from the University Hospital of Lund, Sweden, on the other. Owing to the
Att skriva filosofihistoria
Specialdestinerade statsbidrag till kommuner ur rättslig synvinkel
Immune Evasion of Moraxella catarrhalis Involves Ubiquitous Surface Protein A-Dependent C3d Binding.
The complement system plays an important role in eliminating invading pathogens. Activation of complement results in C3b deposition (opsonization), phagocytosis, anaphylatoxin (C3a, C5a) release, and consequently cell lysis. Moraxella catarrhalis is a human respiratory pathogen commonly found in children with otitis media and in adults with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. The species has ev
Isotope dependent predissociation in the C-1 Sigma(+) ,v=0 and v=1 states of CO
Rotationally resolved spectral lines in the C-X(1,0) band of carbon monoxide are investigated under high resolution using a coherent vacuum ultraviolet laser source, continuously tunable near 107 nm. Transition frequencies are determined by calibrating against a reference standard of iodine lines, recorded with saturation spectroscopy in the visible range, yielding an absolute accuracy of 0.003 cm