

Din sökning på "*" gav 531169 sökträffar

Förnimmelser av det gudomliga: Om teologins estetiska vändning.

The present article departs from the increased significance ascribed to questions concerning arts and aesthetics in contemporary academic theology as well as in church life. This development is given the designation ‘aesthetical turn’ and the content of the article tries to, in a broad outline, situate this phenomenon in the history of philosophical reflection on aesthetic issues. Originally an En

Apoptosis induced by a human milk protein complex. Cellular and structural studies in tumour cells and bacteria.

Popular Abstract in Swedish Ett bröstmjölksprotein som dödar tumörceller Denna avhandling beskriver den tumörcell- och bakteriedödande effekten av ett proteinkomplex från bröstmjölk. Proteinkomplexet, en veckningsvariant av humant alfa-laktalbumin, inducerar apoptos (programmerad celldöd) i tumörceller och visar sig ha liknande effekter även mot bakterier. Amning förser inte bara barnet med optiHuman milk contains a vast array of bioactive molecules, with nutritional and protective functions. This thesis describes the effects of a human milk protein complex, MAL, on tumour cells and bacteria. During our studies on the anti-adhesive properties of human milk we observed that a milk fraction killed tumour cells. The morphology of the cells indicated apoptotic cell death and this was verifie

Föräldrar i arbete. En könskritisk undersökning av småbarnsföräldrars arbetsrättsliga ställning (Parents at work. A gender-critical study on the position of parents of young children in labour law)

Popular Abstract in Swedish Avhandlingen behandlar förvärvsarbetande småbarnsföräldrars arbetsrättsliga ställning. Utgångspunkten i avhandlingen är att arbetsrättens regler om föräldraskap, trots sitt tämligen starkt formulerade rättighetsskydd, i praktiken har en förhållandevis svag normativ position i arbetslivet och i arbetsrätten. Föräldraskapsreglernas svaga position kan förklaras som ett resThis dissertation deals with the position of working parents in labour legislation and the protection. The starting point for the thesis is that the rules in labour law concerning employees? parenthood, despite the fairly strongly formulated protection of their rights, in practice have a relatively weak normative position in working life and in labour law. The weakness of the rules on parenthood c

Governing the Climate: New Approaches to Rationality, Politics and Power

Despite a growing interest in critical social and political studies of climate change, the field remains fragmented and diffuse. This is the first volume to collect this body of scholarship, providing a key reference point in the growing debate about climate change across the social sciences. The book provides a new set of insights into the ways in which climate change is creating new forms of soc

Growing up with Dyslexia : Cognitive and Psychosocial Impact, and Salutogenic Factors

Popular Abstract in Swedish Avhandlingens delstudier omfattar kvantitativa och kvalitativa data rörande en grupp tonåringar och unga vuxna med dyslexi. Såväl kognitiva som psykosociala faktorer undersöktes. Gruppen bestod av 75 ungdomar mellan 14 och 25 år som fick diagnosen dyslexi någon gång mellan 1994 och 1999. Datainsamlingen genomfördes 2003 - 2004. Intervallet mellan diagnostillfället och uThe studies in this doctoral thesis report aspects of cognitive and socio emotional development in a group of teenagers and young adults with dyslexia. The 75 subjects, between 14 and 25 years of age, had been diagnosed in the latter half of the 1990s, and the collection of quantitative and qualitative data was performed in 2003-04. Study I investigated the stability of intelligence. Earlier rese

Endovascular Treatment Using Predominantly Stent-Assisted Coil Embolization and Antiplatelet and Anticoagulation Management of Ruptured Blood Blister-Like Aneurysms.

BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: BBA is a rare type of intracranial aneurysm that is difficult to treat both surgically and endovascularly and is often associated with a high degree of morbidity/mortality. The aim of this study was to present clinical and angiographic results, as well as antiplatelet/anticoagulation regimens, of endovascular BBA treatment by using predominantly stent-assisted coil emboliza

E.T. - Idealpappan

Kulturartikel om filmen E.T. och förändringen av kärnfamiljen och maskulinitetsidealet.

Plant major intrinsic proteins - functional implications of expression and localisation studies

Popular Abstract in Swedish Vattentransporten i växter är viktig för en mängd olika processer. De flesta fritidsodlare vet att vattentillgången påverkar växternas utveckling i stor utsträckning. För att solros ska kunna gro, växa, vända sig mot solen och bilda nya frön, behöver vatten flöda på ett kontrollerat sätt genom olika celltyper i växten. Växter transporterar vatten på olika sätt. Över lånPlant water channels are members of the very old Major Intrinsic Protein (MIP) family, with representatives in bacteria, fungi, animals, and plants. The genome of the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana contains 35 MIP genes. Based on protein sequence comparisons, the MIP family has been divided in four subfamilies: the PIP (Plasma membrane Intrinsic Protein), the TIP (Tonoplast Intrinsic Protein), t