

Din sökning på "*" gav 528234 sökträffar

China’s Belt and Road Initiative : Pragmatism over Morals?

Is China beating the US and EU through its pragmatic approach towards cooperation under the “Belt and Road” Initiative (“一带一路”倡议) (BRI)? Despite the advent of the US’ “Build Back Better World” (B3W) and the EU’s “Connecting Europe Globally” (CEG), evidence from Sri Lanka suggests that some countries still look to China for support due to the ‘no-strings-attached’ nature of its investments. The sta

Experimental investigation of premixed ammonia combustion at high Karlovitz number conditions

This thesis aims to acquire deep knowledge on turbulent premixed combustion at high Karlovitz (Ka) number conditions with the help of laser-based diagnostic measurements.Considering that ammonia (NH3), as a carbon-free energy carrier, is a promising candidate for replacing conventional fossil fuels in the future, all the investigations in this work were carried out on ammonia/air premixed flames.

Övervakning av fåglarnas populationsutveckling. Årsrapport för 2020.

I denna rapport redovisas populationstrender för 228 svenska fågelarter för olika långa tidsperioder. Vi visar också korttidstrender för 12 arter av större däggdjur. Fåglarna har räknats höst, vinter, vår och sommar enligt strikt standardiserade metoder. Sommar- respektive vinterpunktrutter har räknats sedan 1975, i huvudsak i södra Sverige. Standardrutterna räknas också på sommaren (sedan1996) meWe present the results of the Swedish Bird Survey, run by the Department of Biology, Lund University, as a part of the National Monitoring Programme of the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency. The results for 2020 include data from: 564 winter point counts in 2019/2020 (45th winter), of which 274 were carried out during the Christmas/New Year count, 210 summer point count routes (46th year) an

Nothing human is foreign to me - except some of it : From the semiotic tradition to cognitive semiotic by the way of phenomenology

Cognitive semiotics is understood here to consist in the merger of the two great transdisciplinary endeavours (re)emerging in the middle of the last century, semiotics and cognitive science, the common core of which may consist in the phenomenological perspective, in both Husserl’s and Peirce’s sense of the term. We explore and revise Louis Prieto’s characterization of the semiotic sciences, traci

Approximations to the Genuine Dialectics of the Enlightenment : On Husserl’s Europe, “Social Justice Theory”, and the Ethics of Semiosis

In Krisis, and in many of the preparatory papers for his last published work, Edmund Husserl repeatedly declares his allegiance to the Enlightenment, but, at the same time, always expresses his misgivings about its concrete purport. Like Horkheimer and Adorno, but for somewhat different reasons, he thus succumbs to what Ferrone has termed the philosopher’s conception of the Enlightenment, as opposIn Krisis, and in many of the preparatory papers for his last published work, Edmund Husserl repeatedly declares his allegiance to the Enlightenment, but, at the same time, always expresses his misgivings about its concrete purport. Like Horkheimer and Adorno, but for somewhat different reasons, he thus succumbs to what Ferrone has termed the philosopher’s conception of the Enlightenment, as oppos

Considerations on the subtle art of integrating linguistics (and/or semiotics)

In 1981 appeared my first published paper, with the title, “A plea for integral linguistics”,which summarized the epistemological stance of my 1978 doctoral dissertation. In a lecture given in Bucharest, published only in 2004, Coseriu said that he very belatedly, in 1981, applied the term “integral linguistics” to his conception of linguistics. There is an enormous difference between a young scho

The Impact of Light Pollution on Bats Varies According to Foraging Guild and Habitat Context

We Review How Different Bat Guilds Respond To Artificial Light At Night (Alan) And Assess How The Impacts Can Vary According To Ecological Context. All Studied European Species Respond Negatively To Alan Close To Roosts And Drinking Sites, And The Impacts Occur Across A Wide Range Of Light Colors And Intensities. Most Bat Species Are Sensitive To Alan When Commuting And Foraging. Although Narrow-S

Context-dependent effects of glucocorticoids on the lizard gut microbiome

The vertebrate gut microbiota (bacterial, archaeal and fungal communities of the gastrointestinal tract) can have profound effects on the physiological processes of their hosts. Although relatively stable, changes in microbiome structure and composition occur due to changes in the environment, including exposure to stressors and associated increases in glucocorticoid hormones. Although a growing n

Seeing the world through the eyes of a butterfly : visual ecology of the territorial males of Pararge aegeria (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae)

Combining studies of animal visual systems with exact imaging of their visual environment can get us a step closer to understand how animals see their “Umwelt”. Here, we have combined both methods to better understand how males of the speckled wood butterfly, Pararge aegeria, see the surroundings of their perches. These males are well known to sit and wait for a chance to mate with a passing femal

Gale's Fixed Tax for Exchanging Houses

We consider taxation of exchanges among a set of agents in which each agent owns one object. Agents may have different valuations for the objects, and they need to pay taxes for exchanges. We show that, if a rule satisfies individual rationality, strategy-proofness, constrained efficiency, weak anonymity, and weak consistency, then it is either the no-trade rule or a fixed-tax core rule. For the l

Is there a potential international market for Danish welfare pork? - A consumer survey from Denmark, Sweden, and Germany

This cross-country study investigates the potential to improve pig welfare by exploiting consumer demand, domestically and in export markets, for welfare pork produced in indoor production systems. The analysis is based on questionnaire data collected in 2019 focusing on demand for Danish welfare pork both in Denmark and in two nearby export markets, Sweden and Germany. To reduce hypothetical biasThis cross-country study investigates the potential to improve pig welfare by exploiting consumer demand, domestically and in export markets, for welfare pork produced in indoor production systems. The analysis is based on questionnaire data collected in 2019 focusing on demand for Danish welfare pork both in Denmark and in two nearby export markets, Sweden and Germany. To reduce hypothetical bias

Mapping and Merging Using Sound and Vision : Automatic Calibration and Map Fusion with Statistical Deformations

Over the last couple of years both cameras, audio and radio sensors have become cheaper and more common in our everyday lives. Such sensors can be used to create maps of where the sensors are positioned and the appearance of the surroundings. For sound and radio, the process of estimating the sender and receiver positions from time of arrival (TOA) or time-difference of arrival (TDOA) measurements

Measurement of the production cross section of prompt Ξc0 baryons at midrapidity in pp collisions at √s = 5.02 TeV

The transverse momentum (pT) differential cross section of the charm-strange baryon Ξc0 is measured at midrapidity (|y| < 0.5) via its semileptonic decay into e+Ξ−νe in pp collisions at s = 5.02 TeV with the ALICE detector at the LHC. The ratio of the pT-differential Ξc0-baryon and D0-meson production cross sections is also reported. The measurements are compared with simulations with different tu

Read My Lips : Post-truth Political Discourses, Authenticity and Subtle Violence

"Abstract in Italian": La post-verità dei discorsi politici, esemplificata nella retorica di Trump, non si basa principalmente sui fatti. Ciò che sembra essere importante, quando l’elettorato valuta questi discorsi, è se i politici che parlano sono veritieri o autentici, non se ogni parola pronunciata è ‘vera’. Pertanto, le valutazioni critiche dei discorsi politici populisti dovrebbero iniziare pPost-truth political discourses, exemplified by Trump’s rhetoric, are not primarily based on facts. What appears to be important when the electorate evaluates these discourses is whether the politicians who are speaking are genuine or authentic, not whether every word uttered is ‘true’. Therefore, critical evaluations of populist political discourses should begin by asking questions about what kin

Simply the best? The impact of quality on choice of primary healthcare provider in Sweden

Objective: One of the more important objectives with the patient choice reform, introducing non-price competition in Swedish primary healthcare, was to improve performance and quality of care. However, in order for choice to lead to quality improvements, citizens need to consider quality aspects in their choices of provider. We hypothesize that quality of care influences choice of provider and the

Middle Ordovician Drepanoistodus (Vertebrata, Conodonta) from Baltica, with description of three new species

Drepanoistodus basiovalis (Sergeeva, 1963) is a common conodont species in Middle Ordovician strata of Baltica. For many years it has been widely accepted that the species encompasses a wide range of morphological plasticity. Hence, several different morphotypes that significantly deviate from the holotype have nonetheless been included in the broad species concept. In this study, we performed a d

Enabling creativity : Reflections on the work practices of management at platforms for creative and cultural work

Culture and creativity are often described as central elements in urban and regional development. This paper takes its point of departure in an ongoing research project on the work of professionals at platforms for creative and cultural work in Scania, Sweden. Through narratives of and about the professionals at the different platforms the paper illustrates how creativity and creative work are enc

The cardiorenal syndrome: Structural and functional aspects including associations with the shrunken pore syndrome

Mild to moderate renal impairment affects 10% of the general population. Renal impairment is difficult to detect because of the lack of symptoms, but it can be estimated by calculating the estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) on the basis of plasma creatinine and/or cystatin C concentrations. Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is associated with an increased risk of development of cardiovascular