

Din sökning på "*" gav 533085 sökträffar

Who instigates university–industry collaborations? University scientists versus firm employees

While evidence on the causes and effects of university–industry interaction is abundant, little is known about how, and particularly by whom, such interaction is instigated in the first place and subsequently managed. In this paper, we investigate which mode of collaboration (joint research, contract research, consulting, in-licensing, or informal contacts) is more likely to be initiated and manag

Monomer dimer dynamics and distribution of GPI-anchored uPAR are determined by cell surface protein assemblies

To search for functional links between glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) protein monomer-oligomer exchange and membrane dynamics and confinement, we studied urokinase plasminogen activator (uPA) receptor (uPAR), a GPI receptor involved in the regulation of cell adhesion, migration, and proliferation. Using a functionally active fluorescent protein-uPAR in live cells, we analyzed the effect that e

The Origins and Myths of the Swedish Model of Workplace Democracy

In 1976 Sweden adopted a law on workplace democracy, presented by the Social Democratic government as the ‘reform of the century’. What can the reform tell us about the history of the Swedish Model and how it was revised during the early 1970s under the prime minister, Olof Palme? This article compares four grand narratives of the development of welfare states, viewing dominant narratives of the S

The flicker fusion frequency of budgerigars (Melopsittacus undulatus) revisited

While color vision and spatial resolution have been studied in many bird species, less is known about the temporal aspects of bird vision. High temporal resolution has been described in three species of passerines but it is unknown whether this is specific to passerines, to small actively flying birds, to insectivores or to birds living in bright habitats. Temporal resolution of vision is commonly

Gå julaspög

In Skånska årsfester in 1973, I described a few Christmas pranks from the Scanian Recording Collections. The best covered research, "go Christmas ghost" remained untreated. The custom was known since at least the mid-18th century and appeared in most of Scania and a few parishes in Blekinge until the 1930s. Young people made themselves unrecognizable by girls being dressed in outmoded male clothin

Stödtjänster för hantering av forskningsdata – möjligheter för forskningsbiblioteken

I denna artikel beskriver vi verksamheten inom hantering av forskningsdata på Avdelningen för Vetenskaplig kommunikation vid Universitetsbiblioteket i Lund sedan den startade 2014. Huvuddelen av våra projekt har hittills varit av karaktären utredningar och behovsanalyser på grund av att det saknas policyer eller riktlinjer för forskare såväl nationellt som på lärosätet. Däremot finns förväntningar

Mid-infrared laser-induced thermal grating spectroscopy in flames

For the first time, laser-induced thermal grating spectroscopy (LITGS) in the spectral range around 3. μm is demonstrated as a versatile diagnostic tool. This spectral region is of particular interest in combustion diagnostics as many relevant species such as hydrocarbons and water exhibit fundamental vibrational modes and hence can be probed with high sensitivity. Another benefit of the IR-LITGS

Relatedness as driver of regional diversification : a research agenda

Relatedness as driver of regional diversification: a research agenda. Regional Studies. The regional diversification literature claims that regions diversify in new activities related to their existing activities from which new activities draw on and combine local capabilities. The paper offers a critical assessment and identifies a number of crucial issues for future research. It calls for (1) a

Oxidative stress, inflammation and treatment response in major depression

OBJECTIVE: Increased inflammation and oxidative stress have been shown in Major Depressive Disorder (MDD), although there is significant heterogeneity across studies. Whether markers of inflammation and oxidative stress are associated with antidepressant treatment response in MDD is currently unclear. The goals of the present study are to investigate markers of inflammation and oxidative stress in

Direct Experimental Evidence for Photoinduced Strong-Coupling Polarons in Organolead Halide Perovskite Nanoparticles

Echoing the roaring success of their bulk counterparts, nano-objects built from organolead halide perovskites (OLHP) present bright prospects for surpassing the performances of their conventional organic and inorganic analogues in photodriven technologies. Unraveling the photoinduced charge dynamics is essential for optimizing the optoelectronic functionalities. However, mapping the carrier-lattic

Assessing uncertainties in global cropland futures using a conditional probabilistic modelling framework

We present a modelling framework to simulate probabilistic futures of global cropland areas that are conditional on the SSP (shared socio-economic pathway) scenarios. Simulations are based on the Parsimonious Land Use Model (PLUM) linked with the global dynamic vegetation model LPJ-GUESS (Lund-Potsdam-Jena General Ecosystem Simulator) using socio-economic data from the SSPs and climate data from t

Vibration transmission in lightweight buildings : Numerical prediction models

Ljud från grannar är ett återkommande problem för boende i flerfamiljshus. Problemen är generellt mer omfattande för de som bor i flervåningshus byggda i trä, en byggnadstyp som blir allt vanligare i Sverige. Många av de boende i trähus upplever även att störande vibrationer är vanligt förekommande i trähus. För att designa byggnader med förbättrad boendemiljö avseende ljud och vibrationer behövs

Sedentary Time and Physical Activity Surveillance Through Accelerometer Pooling in Four European Countries

Objective: The objective of this study was to pool, harmonise and re-analyse national accelerometer data from adults in four European countries in order to describe population levels of sedentary time and physical inactivity. Methods: Five cross-sectional studies were included from England, Portugal, Norway and Sweden. ActiGraph accelerometer count data were centrally processed using the same algo

Small Skeletal Kinetic Mechanism for Kerosene Combustion

The development and validation of a new skeletal mechanism for kerosene combustion, suitable for reacting direct-, large-eddy, and Reynolds averaged Navier-Stokes Simulations, are presented. The mechanism consists of 65 irreversible reactions between 22 species and is built on a global fuel breakdown approach to produce a subset of C2 intermediates. A more detailed set of reactions for H/O/C1 chem

Effect of nanoparticle size and magnetic field strength on the displacement signal in magnetomotive ultrasound imaging

Magnetomotive ultrasound imaging is an emerging technique where superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles can be used as an ultrasound contrast agent. A time-varying external magnetic field acts to move tissue embedded particles, and ultrasound is used to detect the resulting tissue movement. In this experimental phantom study we observed a variation in the magnetomotive response in respect to ph