

Din sökning på "*" gav 535060 sökträffar

In vitro metabolism and in vivo pharmacokinetics of quinoline 3-carboxamide derivatives in various species

The metabolism of a group of quinoline 3-carboxamide derivatives was evaluated in liver microsomes from various species. In addition, metabolism data were compared with in vivo pharmacokinetics in the mouse. The studied compounds were metabolized by cytochrome P450 enzymes. Microsomal clearance was low and seemed independent of a substituent in the quinoline moiety, whereas clearance was enhanced

Hepatitis C virus infection with progression to hepatocellular carcinoma: a report of five prospectively followed patients in Sweden

Five Swedish patients with chronic hepatitis C were prospectively followed until hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) developed. Hepatitis C virus (HCV) antibodies were analysed by a second generation anti-HCV ELISA and a recombinant immunoblot assay (RIBA-2) and viraemia by detection of serum HCV RNA by polymerase chain reaction. Four patients had post transfusion hepatitis and in one patient the sourc

Skuld och oskuld : barnamord och barnkvävning i rättslig diskurs och praxis omkring 1680–1800

Syftet med denna avhandling är att analysera hur berättelser om skyldiga och oskyldiga mödrar konstruerades under perioden ca. 1680-1800. De två brottskategorierna barnamord och barnkvävning har undersökts. Källmaterialet har huvudsakligen bestått av protokoll från hovrätten, underrätter och sockenstämmor. Jag har klarlagt vilka omständigheter som utreddes vid brottsutredningarna och fick betydelsThe objective of this thesis is to analyse how judicial texts concerning guilty and innocent mothers were constructed during the period of c. 1680-1800. The two crimes of infanticide and overlaying have been examined. Source materials have primarily consisted of proceedings from the appeals court, courts of first instance, and parish meetings. The aim has been to survey the judicial discourse, tha

Prediction of bone loss using biochemical markers of bone turnover.

The association between baseline levels of eleven bone turnover markers and 5-year rate of bone density change was prospectively studied in a population-based sample of 601 75-year-old women. Several bone formation and resorption markers as well as urinary osteocalcin were modestly correlated to rate of bone density change. Introduction Prediction of bone loss by bone turnover markers (BTMs) has b

Natural killer T cell subsets and regulation of autoimmune diabetes

This thesis is focused on natural killer (NK) T cells. NKT cells recognize lipids and glycolipids, rather than peptides, in the contents of the antigen presenting molecule CD1d. NKT cells have a surface phenotype reminiscent of memory cells, and have been shown to rapidly produce large amounts of cytokines, such as IL-4 and IFN-gamma, upon activation. Because of their rapid response to activation,

Increased photoreactivity of DOC by acidification: Implications for the carbon cycle in humic lakes

Effects of ultraviolet (UV)-B radiation and acidification on pelagic carbon flux in a humic lake (dissolved organic carbon [DOC] similar to15 mg C L-1) were studied in a mesocosm experiment during the summer of 2000. Triplicate tanks (107 liters volume, 1 m high) were exposed to natural solar radiation, a daily extra dose of UV-B radiation, or kept dark. One set of tanks was submitted to a decreas

Religiositet bland migranter : Sverige-chilenares förhållande till religion och samfund

Popular Abstract in Swedish I denna avhandling studeras förändringar i individers religiositet i samband med migration och vad som orsakar sådana förändringar. Det huvudsakliga materialet för studien består av intervjuer med sverige-chilenare boende i Malmö-Lundområdet, vilka berättat om vad som skett med deras religiositet efter ankomsten till Sverige. I arbetet ingår även en brevenkät till sveriThe purpose of this study is to examine changes related to migration in the religiosity of individuals and what lies behind such changes. The study is foremost based on interviews with 23 Swedish-Chileans who have lived in Sweden for an extended period of time and who were adults when they immigrated to Sweden. The interviews are thematic life stories. Each one of the individuals narrates his or h

Few middle-aged women with severe mental symptoms use psychotropic drugs: The women's health in Lund area ( WHILA) study

Aims: In a population of middle-aged women a survey was carried out to ascertain the prevalence of mental symptoms and psychotropic drug use, and further to investigate whether severe mental symptoms are associated with social situation, alcohol consumption, smoking, and physical health. Methods: All women (n510,766) aged 50-59 years and living in the Lund area were invited to the WHILA study, a h

Measurement of inclusive jet production in deep-inelastic scattering at high Q(2) and determination of the strong coupling

Inclusive jet production is studied in neutral current deep-inelastic positron-proton scattering at large four momentum transfer squared Q(2) > 150 GeV2 with the H1 detector at HERA. Single and double differential inclusive jet cross sections are measured as a function of Q(2) and of the transverse energy E-T of the jets in the Breit frame. The measurements are found to be well described by calcul

Motion dependent spatiotemporal smoothing for noise reduction in very dim light image sequences

A new method for noise reduction using spatiotemporal smoothing is presented in this paper. The method is developed especially for reducing the noise that arises when acquiring video sequences with a camera under very dim light conditions. The work is inspired by research on the vision of nocturnal animals and the adaptive spatial and temporal summation that is prevalent in the visual systems of t

Protein complexes of the plant plasma membrane resolved by Blue Native PAGE

With the characterization of the total genomes of Arabidopsis thaliana and Oryza sativa, several putative plasma membrane components have been identified. However, a lack of knowledge at the protein level, especially for hydrophobic proteins, have hampered analyses of physiological changes. To address whether protein complexes may be present in the native membrane, we subjected plasma membranes is

Resistance to phagocytosis in Streptococcus pyogenes

Popular Abstract in Swedish Denna avhandling beskriver studier av de mekanismer varmed bakterien Streptococcus pyogenes undviker komplementdeposition och fagocytos.Phagocytosis of Streptococcus pyogenes is complement dependent. However, the cell wall-associated M protein, which exists in >100 different serotypes (M types), enables the bacteria to evade phagocytosis. To analyze the mechanisms by which M protein confers this ability we used, as model systems, two representative M proteins, the M22 and M5 proteins, which have properties typical for many M prote

On the use of MOS varactors in RF VCOs

This paper presents two 1.8 GHz CMOS voltage-controlled oscillators (VCOs), tuned by an inversion-mode MOS varactor and an accumulation-mode MOS varactor, respectively. Both VCOs show a lower power consumption and a lower phase noise than a reference VCO tuned by a more commonly used diode varactor. The best overall performance is displayed by the accumulation-mode MOS varactor VCO. The VCOs were

Från Rudbeck till Mandelbrot : Identifikation, imitation och komparation i nutidsvetenskap

InledningDet är kväll den 15:e januari 2004. Idag var det den andra dagen i Mijailovic-rättegången i Stockholms tingsrätt. Mijailovic försvarar sig, men inte genom att svara på frågor. Han representerar det moderna. Hans psykos, säger han, fick honom att få panik, höra röster och döda en utrikesminister. Om han fått träffa en läkare skulle allt varit annorlunda. Sedan början av 1800-talet har dett

Bacterial virulence in urinary tract infection

Bacteriuria is associated with acute disease conditions of varying severity.48 and 62 Consequently, the definition of bacterial virulence for the urinary tract depends on the end-point chosen. Acute pyelonephritis is characterized by fever, flank pain, and general malaise. Laboratory findings include pyuria (leukocytes in the urine), elevated acute phase reactants in serum (C reactive protein [CRP