

Din sökning på "*" gav 532841 sökträffar

The Informal Sector Activities within the Information and Communications Technology Industry-A Case Study of the Lagos Computer Village, Nigeria.

The informal sector is often seen as one sector with the potentials to transform the economies of developing countries if well harnessed. This is particularly true in the case of Nigeria where the informal sector creates employment opportunity for a large number of the labor force compared to the formal sector economy. However, it is also pertinent to bear in mind that the informal sector is often

Variation in the implementation in Swedish Municipalities: Social requirements in public procurement

This thesis has attempted to map and explain the vaiation in implementation of social requirements in public procurement. The objects of study are the municipalities of Sweden from which both policy documents and procurement requirement specifications were collected. The thesis developed two models to explain the variation in two implementation types, the implementation into municipal strategic gu

From voluntary to mandatory reception of asylum seeking unaccompanied minors A case study of the 2014 policy change in Sweden

Reception of asylum-seeking minors has recently gained a lot of attention in the EU, due to the dramatic increase of minors fleeing war and conflicts. Since no EU regulation exists regarding how the reception of minors should be conducted, it is up to the member states to legislate domestically on the matter. In 2014, the Swedish parliament approved an amendment to the law on reception of asylum s


The aim of following thesis is to deepen the understanding of the decision to re-inforce border control at Swedish borders in a time referred to as the “refugee crisis”. The situation which prevailed was described as being an issue of safety, a threat to the common order. This is a study of the government’s motives and aims behind the measures, and the consequences which arose from it. Inspired by

Rättvisa visioner? Kommuners visionsarbeten ur ett rättviseperspektiv

Many Swedish municipalities create documents regarding their visions, ambitions and plans for the future. These documents display the strive many municipalities, cities and other areas have on ensuring their noticeability on the map, further enhancing their uniqueness compared to others. In the strive to achieve this, some values might be forgotten; especially those assuring justice and inclusion

Orientalism i Bushadministrationens framställning av Irak : En diskursanalys av George W. Bush och Dick Cheneys uttalanden i samband med den USA-ledda invasionen 2003

The objective of this paper is to examine whether Edward W. Saids’ theory on orientalism exists in the Bush administration’ s description of Iraq in connection with the US-led invasion of Iraq 2003, and if so how it manifest. Orientalism is the thesis’ main theory which concerns how the West considers the “orient” (the Eastern part of the world, in particular the Middle East.) Further, the paper a

UBER - Ren transportverksamhet eller elektronisk informationsförmedling?

I denna uppsats undersöks begreppet tjänst och vad som utgör en tjänst tillhörande informationssamhället samt en tjänst på transportområdet. Utredningen görs med anledning av att en spansk domare fattat beslut om att inhämta ett förhandsavgörande där EU-domstolen ska undersöka huruvida tjänsten Uber utgör en tjänst tillhörande informationssamhället eller istället utgör ren transportverksamhet. FThe main purpose of this thesis is to examine the notion of services and consider what constitutes an information society service and a service in the transport sector. In a preliminary ruling, yet to be decided by the European Court of Justice, a Spanish judge has recently queried whether the service provided by Uber should be considered an “information society service” or merely a transport serv

Approaches for preventing power outages - A case study into Scania

In this paper I examine the approaches taken by actors in Scania to improve power reliability and prevent outages. This means that I study what the relevant actors do in order to detect threats and vulnerabilities to the power supply. I also study the measures they take to reduce these risks and prevent outages. From that I draw a conclusion on their approach to the issue. To categorize the organi

A State’s right of self-defence and the criterion of attribution

The determination of a state’s right of self-defence is a complex process. In order for the use of force to be justifiable as an act of self-defence several criteria have to be fulfilled. According to Article 51 of the Charter of the United Nations a right of self-defence only exists when an armed attack has occurred. This is interesting because it had for a long time been argued, by states and in

Blast-Wave Model Studies in Pb-Pb Collisions at LHC

De första mikrosekunderna efter Big Bang (den stora smällen) tros det ha bildats något som kallas kvark-gluonplasma. Kvark-gluonplasma består av kvarkar och gluoner, som är så kallade elementärpartiklar. Elementärpartiklar är de minsta kända beståndsdelarna. Kvarkarna bygger upp större partiklar som kallas hadroner, exempel på hadroner är protonen och neutronen som atomkärnan består av. Det som håIn high-energy heavy-ion collisions, a state of matter called quark-gluon plasma (QGP) can be created. The production of particles from the QGP can be described by different models, one of these is the blast-wave model. The blast-wave model describes the production of particles from the QGP, not from jets. The model was fitted to the existing transverse momentum spectra (pT) for pions, kaons and p

The relationship between macroeconomic variables and the stock market - Empirical evidence from China

The relationship between macroeconomic variables and the stock market index has been studied by a large number of academics and practitioners over the last two decades. However,even though the stock market in China has been in rapid development, the similar studies concerning China remain relatively insufficient. This study examines the relationship between the China’s stock market and a set of ma

Remittances impact on girl’s education: a critical review

This thesis examines remittances effect on development in less developed counties through human capital attainment, by evaluating the evidence for remittances effect on girls’ primary education. Remittances, the sum of money migrants send back to a household when migrating to work, have potential to contribute to development by directly supplying families with additional income. A major inhibitor

Sex, kärlek och gemenskap - en queerteoretisk analys av svenska sexualundervisningsböcker mellan 1956-1988

Undersökningen syftar till att undersöka vilken bild av sexualitet som har förts ut i svenska sexualundervisningsböcker under 1900-talet eftersom att detta påverkar barn och ungdomars syn på sexualitet. Undersökningens frågeställningar lyder enligt följande: ”hur framställs sexuella identiteter och sexualiteter i svenska sexualundervisningsböcker från 1956-1988?”, samt ”hur framställs kroppen i fö

Voluntary Sector Organisation Public Partnerships (IOPs) - enabling or undermining the democratic voice of voluntary organisations?

Voluntary Sector Organisation Public Partnerships (IOP) are a new collaboration form for voluntary and public organisations aiming to give financial support to a welfare service provided by the voluntary actor. The aim of this study is to examine to what extent a voluntary organisation can be independent in order to be able to advocate as an IOP-participant. The object of study is the Red Cross an

De icke önskvärda

How do decision makers problematize unestablished EU citizens in terms of the Swedish welfare model? By utilizing Carol Bacchi’s critical policy analysis de-scribed as ‘What’s the problem represented to be?’, the aim of this study is partly to identify and map out what problem representations are made by Swedish deci-sion makers, and partly to illustrate how to understand these by means of the wel

De populistiska högerradikala i Europa: En studie om partifamiljens kohesion

The Populist Radical Right party family consists of parties often stigmatized by the political establishment around Europe and is regarded as a rather heterogeneous party family in comparison with other traditional party families in Europe. By comparing Populist Radical Right parties using methods found in the academic literature on party families, this study sets out to test the cohesiveness of t

Ett Schengen i säkerhet och osäkerhet: En fallstudie av Schengenavtalets inverkan på områdets säkerhet och dess framtida säkerhetsutmaningar

Since the year of 2015 to current date we have witnessed border controls being established within the European free movement region - the Schengen area. An intensified threat of terrorism and uncontrolled movement of people in the Schengen area has created skepticism towards the agreement itself. The objective of this case study is to examine the Schengen agreement's impact on the area's s

Integrating Productivity

The cross-border regions of are often described as the heart of European integration, creating a unique platform for integration. Yet, many regions are struggling with economic disparities and low regional productivity. The levels of productivity in a region are closely linked to the size of a market. Could increase integration increase the levels of productivity in European cross-border regions?

Den odemokratiska lobbyingen? - En utvärderande idealtypsanalys om regleringen av lobbying och karantäntid

Sweden has no legislated regulation for lobbying, but there is a huge on going discussion about the benefits and disadvantages with lobbying related to democratic values. This essay is studying parliamentary bills from 2000-2015, which has been raised in the question and the essay is embracing a democratic view where Robert Dahl’s theory about democracy is used as a foundation to the ideal types o