

Din sökning på "*" gav 528102 sökträffar

En fallstudie av personalomsättning på ett Telecomföretag: att stanna eller inte stanna, det är frågan

Hög personalomsättning har varit och är fortfarande ett stort problem inom ett flertal branscher. Tidigare forskning har visat på negativa konsekvenser såsom ekonomiska kostnader och ojämn kvalité i arbetet som utförts. Intressant var därför att undersöka ett företag inom en av branscherna med hög personalomsättning för att se vad konsekvensen innebar för företaget, samt vilka faktorer som påverka

Risk Management in Hvalfjör∂ur Tunnel

This thesis is about how risks in Hvalfjörður Tunnel can or should perhaps be managed. Risk from collisions, vehicle fire and vehicles transporting dangerous goods accidents in the tunnel were quantified by using Probabilistic Risk Analysis (PRA) procedure. Frequencies were estimated using mostly historical data. Models to estimate consequences from these risks were then built by calculating physi

Kring kring

Uppsatsen undersöker hur och varför användandet och den lexikala betydelsen av ordet kring förändrats mellan 1965 och 2008. Den tar avstamp i semantikens teorier om ords betydelser, särskilt den kognitiva lingvistiken med dess tillämpning av våra mentala bilder av omvärlden, inklusive prepositioners betydelse. Teorierna har verktyg för att utforska ords flertydighet, och urskilja de olika betydels

What matters in the regional competitiveness of the tourism in China? A case study of Yunnan & Zhejiang Provinces based on Porter’s diamond model

This research presents a case study of the tourism development in China in Yunnan & Zhejiang Provinces. Yunnan is a typical western under-developed province famous for the minorities’ culture and tourism resources, especially natural subtropical and tropical landscape. While Zhejiang is a well-developed province with less tourism resources but popular tourism destination along the east coast C

Antitrust Damages Actions in the EU; A Real Possibility or Wishful Thinking?

According to traditional economic theory an environment with free competition is seen as the only environment where optimal allocation of resources and thus a maximizing of consumer welfare and economic growth can be achieved. Successful enforcement of Competition law is considered vital for the achievement of its objectives. Throughout the history of the EU the enforcement of Competition law has

trade and poverty: the case of Iran

Abstract: Using the vector error correction model, the relationship between trade and poverty is examined in this thesis. We have run eight models for two measures of poverty and mean per capita expenditure for six groups of expenditure in Iran from 1984 to 2005. The independent variables used in the models are: non-oil GDP, inflation, export share of GDP and import Share of GDP. Also, we have use

Hållbarhet i praktiken - hur miljöarbete blir verkligt i privata och offentliga organisationer

This study sets out to examine how different kinds of organisations work with sustainability issues. It compares one private and one public actor, which are regarded as forerunners in sustainability work, namely Tetra Pak and the municipality of Malmö. Interviews with informants within the organisations form the basis for the analysis. The study uses theories regarding differences between public a

Dubbelt medborgarskap

The aim of this study is to further the understanding of why dual citizenship continues to reappear in Dutch debates while dual citizenship has remained rather uncontested in Sweden for the last decade. Differences in the in which terms dual citizenship is discussed and the way dual citizenship is perceived is put forward as a possible explanation for this difference between the countries. Using L