

Din sökning på "*" gav 533789 sökträffar

Export Performance and Access to Intermediate Inputs : The Case of Rules of Origin Liberalisation

Internationally fragmented production processes have highlighted the need of efficient sourcing from foreign suppliers. This paper aims to investigate how exports of final goods are affected by better access to foreign intermediate inputs. In particular, the paper empirically tests whether expanding the set of available intermediate input suppliers through preferential rules of origin liberalisati

Reconstructing the past: The Late Posterior Negativity (LPN) in episodic memory studies

The late posterior negativity (LPN) is an ERP effect frequently reported in episodic memory tasks. In 2003, we proposed that both non-mnemonic action monitoring processes and reconstructive mnemonic processes contribute to the LPN. Here, we review more recent studies and provide additional evidence that the LPN reflects dissociable (though not mutually exclusive) mnemonic and non-mnemonic processe

Jesus-Oriented Visions of Judaism in Antiquity

This article argues that the Pseudo-Clementine Recognitions 1.27–72, the Pseudo-Clementine Homilies, and the Didascalia Apostolorum – third and fourth century-texts, which combine adherence to Jesus with Jewish law observance – would have made sense to Jews in antiquity as Jewish, although non-rabbinic visions of the history and calling of the people of Israel, and that they ought to be considered

Getting along or ahead: Effects of gender identity threat on communal and agentic self-presentations

When faced with a threat to gender identity, people may try to restore their gender status by acting in a more gender-typical manner. The present research investigated effects of gender identity threat on self-presentations of agentic and communal traits in a Swedish and an Argentine sample (N = 242). Under threat (vs. affirmation), Swedish women deemphasized agentic traits (d [95 % CI] = -0.41 [-

Heparin for the prevention of intraventricular haemorrhage in preterm infants

Background: Preterm birth remains the major risk factor for the development of intraventricular haemorrhage, an injury that occurs in 25% of very low birth weight infants. Intraventricular haemorrhage is thought to be venous in origin and intrinsic thromboses in the germinal matrix are likely to play a triggering role. Heparin activates antithrombin and promotes the inactivation of thrombin and ot

The Communicative State : Political Public Relations and the Rise of the Innovation Hype in Sweden

Government agencies in Sweden are experiencing a communicative turn where notions concerning branding, image and identity have become standardized tools and concerns. Public relations, with its focus on persuasion and creating relations with external actors, is part of this communicative turn. This book is concerned with how government agencies practice political public relations in a more communi

Patients Referred for Bleeding Symptoms of Unknown Cause : Does Evaluation of Thrombin Generation Contribute to Diagnosis?

INTRODUCTION: Patients with mild to moderate bleeding symptoms referred for coagulation investigation sometimes never receive a definitive diagnosis. Bleed assessment tools have been developed and validated to assess the severity of symptoms. Global coagulation assays, e.g., the thrombin generation test (thrombogram) have a potential to identify hemostatic defects that are not detected in specific

From Extensive to Involutionary Growth: A Dialectic Interpretation of the Boom and Busts of Cocoa Production in the Gold Coast

African economic history has undergone impressive revitalization in the past decade. Much of the recent work is, quite naturally, inspired by developments in economic history at large, and increasingly – indirectly or directly – using markets as the organizing principle in understanding how economies evolve over time. More specifically, recent work assumes that markets create the possibility to us

Molecular characterization of alpha-lactalbumin folding variants that induce apoptosis in tumor cells

This study characterized a protein complex in human milk that induces apoptosis in tumor cells but spares healthy cells. The active fraction was purified from casein by anion exchange chromatography. Unlike other casein components the active fraction was retained by the ion exchanger and eluted after a high salt gradient. The active fraction showed N-terminal amino acid sequence identity with huma

Multimeric alpha-lactalbumin from human milk induces apoptosis through a direct effect on cell nuclei

A fraction from human milk containing spf-multimer alpha-lactalbumin (MAL) induces apoptosis in tumor cells and immature cells but spares mature cells. The mechanism of apoptosis induction and the molecular basis for the difference in susceptibility between tumor cells and healthy cells have not been defined. In this study we examined the interaction of MAL with different cellular compartments, us

Theoretical and Experimental Studies of Polymer Adsorption and Polymer Mediated Interactions

Polyelectrolyte adsorption and polymer mediated interactions in different colloidal polymer systems have been studied in this work. Theoretical methods and experimental techniques are combined, in order to obtain more general reliable results, as well as a deep understanding of the molecular mechanisms that are responsible for the observed behaviors. Two different types of highly charged cationic

Bcl-x L blocks mitochondrial multiple conductance channel activation and inhibits 6-OHDA-induced death in SH-SY5Y cells

Apoptosis is an active process that is regulated by different signalling pathways. One of the more important organelles involved in apoptosis regulation is the mitochondrion. Electron chain transport disruption increases free radical production leading to multiple conductance channel opening, release of cytochrome c and caspase activation. This death pathway can be blocked by anti-apoptotic member

Tidstrender för perfluorerade ämnen i plasma från svenska kvinnor 1987-2007

Perfluorerade kemikalier (PFC) är en stor grupp ämnen som är misstänkt hormon- störande. De är svårnedbrytbara och stannar länge i både miljö och människa. De mest kända PFC är PFOS och PFOA. Dessa användes under många år för att im- pregnera textilier, skor, möbler och mattor, i golv- och bilvax och målarfärger, mm. Användningen började minska i början av detta århundrade då PFOS och PFOA ersatte

Biological effects of aminoguanidine : an update

Aminoguanidine (AMG) was prepared more than 100 years ago. During the last 10 years two important effects of AMG have been discovered which have made this molecule attract a lot of interest. Firstly, AMG inhibits, in vitro and in vivo, formation of highly reactive advanced glycosylation end products (AGEs) associated with pathogenesis of secondary complications to diabetes and with cardiovascular

Inhibition of serum diamine oxidase discloses a constitutive putrescine release from cultured vascular smooth muscle cells

OBJECTIVE: To determine if putrescine and the higher polyamines spermidine and spermine are released from cultured vascular smooth muscle cells.MATERIAL: Vascular smooth muscle cell line A7r5.TREATMENT: Cells were treated with aminoguanidine (10 or 100 microM) for 1 to 24 h with or without fetal calf serum (10%) present in the culture medium.METHODS: Cellular and medium concentrations of polyamine

Receptors involved in the nervous system regulation of polyamine metabolism in rat salivary glands

Polyamines are important for protein synthesis and tissue growth. In rat salivary glands, the activity of ornithine decarboxylase (ODC), the enzyme catalysing the formation of putrescine, and the content of putrescine, spermidine, spermine and N1-acetylspermidine were assayed after parasympathetic or sympathetic nerve stimulation in the presence of various autonomic receptor blockers. Increases in