Din sökning på "*" gav 533806 sökträffar
Financial Innovation and Long Cycles in the US: The emergence and changing nature of financial instruments in relation to the technology shift
Financial Innovation: cause or consequence? The recent financial crisis and subsequent investigation into to its causes leads many to propose that the primary suspect of instability is financial innovation itself. This paper introduces an alternative perspective that relates the perennially changing nature of financial innovation to the location of its emergence along the ‘technology shift’. Finan
Ljuset genom ögat: En metod att mäta det ljus som når näthinnan
Perifera seendets rörelsedetektion i trafiksimulator
Genom att konstruera mjukvara till en trafiksimulator möjliggörs studier på perifera seendets rörelsedetektion. Simulationsmiljön, TSim, är uppbyggd så att en testperson (föraren) kör på en landsväg i ett virtuellt landskap. Älgar kommer under simulationens gång att dyka upp och från periferin röra sig mot vägen. Samtidigt loggas tiden från det att älgen dyker upp till att föraren, som har koncent
A simplified user interface for mobile phones
The trend among mobile phones of today is that they are getting smaller at the same time as they are stuffed with more and more functions. As a consequence the phones become more complex and difficult to handle for many users, particularly for people with some kind of physical or cognitive limitation. Still these persons have a need and desire to be able to communicate with their surroundings. The
Anpassning av arbetsfordon - Gräsklippare
Syftet med arbetet har varit att undersöka möjligheterna att via anpassning av arbetsfordon få personal hos Samhall med funktionsnedsättningar att få mer meningsfulla arbetsuppgifter. Detta har förverkligats genom att ett av Samhalls befintliga arbetsfordon har undersökt och sedan via produktutveckling anpassats så att det kan användas även av personal med funktionsnedsättningar. För att få bra ko
The Becoming of a Mask: Elimination of Plurality
This Master Degree Project, presented as a Research Proposal, is critically portraying a couple contemporary Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM) practices belonging to the Performance Management System: i.e. Performance Appraisals and Feedback. The SHRM function is being critically discussed against its’ history of development and secondly how this function acts as a representative of the ‘
The Social Construction of Crisis: Constructed realities of employees at Scandinavian Airlines in they face of organizational change
Abstract Title: The Social Construction of Crisis: constructed realities of employees at Scandinavian Airlines as they face organizational change Seminar Date: 3 June 2008 Course: (BUSM18) Thesis Degree Project, Managing People, Knowledge and Change Authors: Andrew Donham and Abdul Al Mukit Advisor: Tony Huzzard Company: SAS Ground Service of SAS Group AB Five key words: Social Construction, Scand
In China, the reality talent television show Super Girl not only was an unprecedented hit in television history of the country and an economic miracle in the entertainment industry but also raised ebullient debates on democracy and female empowerment. The purpose of this research was to contribute to studies on reality talent television shows by giving an appraisal of the impact Super Girl had on
Sammanbrott - går det att prognostisera i MTFC med hjälp av PDR-listor?
Abstract Author: Christopher Zaar Title: Breakdown – is it possible to prognosticate in MTFC with the help of PDR-lists? Supervisor: Martin Olsson Assessor: Anders Östnäs In Sweden in 2007 10100 children and youth were placed in some kind of twenty-four-hour care. The majority of these placings were in so called family homes and the most common reason for placing a youth in such a home was anti
En individanpassad arbetssituation?
The authors have used a qualitative case study with an inductive approach from which they have analyzed Länsförsäkringar Skåne. Semi-structured interviews with the HR-manager of Länsförsäkringar Skåne, Staffan Hellberg, have been conducted for the data collection. The authors use a framework containing theories regarding what a company needs to do to attract, motivate and keep more individualized
Allt är inte guld som glimmar - en studie i lyxprofilering
Syfte: Syftet är att, utifrån ett historiskt perspektiv, skapa en förståelse för om, och i så fall hur, förhållandet mellan lyxmodeföretagens identitet och profil har förändrats och reflektera över vilka konsekvenser denna utveckling skulle kunna få för lyxmodeföretagen i framtiden. Metod: Vår undersökningsdesign består av jämförande design och surveydesign. Den undersökningsmetod vi valt att anvä
Hoplitarmén och dess utveckling
This paper is about the hoplite army and the men in it who fought for their family and polis. I wanted to write this paper because I think that we get too little information about the ordinary men who fight in wars. We are always told about the great generals and the outcomes of the battles but never about those who have to leave their normal life to maybe get killed. My purpose is to give a broad
Jönköping och järnet
Analyzing Key Factors Affecting the Adoption Intentions of 3G Mobile Services in Turkey
Third generation mobile communication standard (3G) is an incremental innovation which follows the prior developments from 1G to 2,5G and provides several services including intranet/extranet access, customized infotainment, multimedia messaging service, internet access, location-based services and rich voice. This study aims to analyze key factors influencing possible 3G acceptance in Turkey, whe
Läkarstudenters uppfattningar av sjukgymnasten som samarbetspartner.
Drivers and Barriers for a Sustainable Energy Solution
RESEARCH QUESTION: What are the main drivers and barriers affecting the Swedish energy industry and its institutional logic? PURPOSE: The purpose of this study is to examine the drivers and barriers affecting the Swedish energy sector and its institutional logic. THEORETICAL PERSPECTIVE:The theories used for this paper, give the reader an overview of the subject and include: Dominant Logic, Invest
Sugar Subsidies in the European Union - Mechanisms and Effects
For various political and economic reasons European sugar farmers and producers have received large subsidies from the EU. The goal of this thesis is to analyze these sugar subsidies and their effect on world market prices and production level in the EU, using statistical data from the mid 1980’s and onward. The analysis encompasses the mechanisms and consequences of EU sugar subsidies with a part
Beyond the End of History - A Quantitative Study of the Correlation Between Political Globalisation and Democratisation in Developing Countries
The end of history was announced by Francis Fukuyama as a result of the fall of the Berlin wall and the end of the Cold War. These happenings were seen as evidence of the victory of democracy and capitalism. Democracy has however not been as triumphant as expected and this is especially true for the developing countries. At the same time globalisation has become one of the major phenomena of our t
Den postkoloniala paradoxen? En undersökning om eurocentrism och dess förekomst inom postkolonial teori
Is it possible that a theoretical field that is critical to Eurocentrim itself is the bearer of Eurocentric ideas? The main purpose for this thesis is to a answer this question through an analysis of Frantz Fanon, Edward Said, Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak and Homi K Bhabha, all associated to the core of the post-colonial theoretical field. I create a theoretical approach to the term Eurocentrism fro