

Din sökning på "*" gav 532868 sökträffar

Lidar Techniques for Environmental Monitoring

Popular Abstract in Swedish Ljus kan beskrivas som en elektromagnetisk våg och har då en viss våglängd. Färgen på ljuset förändras beroende på våglängden. Av det synliga ljuset har violett ljus den kortaste våglängden och rött ljus den längsta. Det finns även elektromagnetisk strålning utanför det synliga området, från Röntgenstrålning till radiovågor. Det vi kallar det optiska området sträcker siAtoms and molecules absorb and emit light at certain, welldefined wavelengths, and this forms the basis of spectroscopy. The wavelengths are given by the discrete energy levels of the atoms/molecules. When illuminated by light of a suitable wavelength, the light will be absorbed, making it possible to deduce information on the presence and concentration of various elements and compounds. When ato

To be or not to be, unraveling molecular mechanisms for lineage decisions in developing blood cells

All hematopoietic cells originate from hematopoietic stem cells (HSC) residing in the BM. The process of differentiation, through which HSCs generate progenitors and subsequently mature blood cells has been extensively studied but many of the regulatory mechanisms involved remains elusive. The classical model for hematopoiesis has been established based on the identification of common myeloid prec

“Stop Whining and Get on with the Basic Business of Being British”: Notes on Robin Wood, Canada and the Concept of National Film Culture

After emigrating from England to Canada in the late 1970s, Robin Wood gained wide recognition as a major “Canadian” film critic, but he was criticized by some for his luke-warm response to the cinema of his adopted country. That response can be traced, in part, to the influence of the English literary critic F.R. Levis, but also to intellectual trends and cultural preferences Wood shared with othe

Jet structure from dihadron correlations in d+Au collisions at root S-NN=200 GeV

Dihadron correlations at high transverse momentum p(T) in d+Au collisions at root s(NN)=200 GeV at midrapidity are measured by the PHENIX experiment at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider. From these correlations, we extract several structural characteristics of jets: the root-mean-squared transverse momentum of fragmenting hadrons with respect to the jet root < j(T)(2)>, the mean sine-squared of

An ELISA for SGP28/CRISP-3, a cysteine-rich secretory protein in human neutrophils, plasma, and exocrine secretions

Specific granule protein of 28 kDa (SGP28), also termed cysteine-rich secretory protein 3 (CRISP-3), is a glycoprotein that belongs to a family of cysteine-rich secretory proteins (CRISPs). SGP28 was originally discovered in human neutrophils, but transcripts are widely distributed in exocrine glands (salivary glands, pancreas, and prostate) and also found at lower levels in epididymis, ovary, thy

Autonomic and peripheral nerve function in early diabetic neuropathy. Possible influence of a novel aldose reductase inhibitor on autonomic function

Autonomic and peripheral nerve functions as well as the possible short-term effect of a novel aldose reductase inhibitor (ARI) on neuropathy were evaluated in 30 male type I diabetics (age 25-44 years, mean 34; duration of diabetes 10-20 years, mean 34) with neurographic signs of peripheral neuropathy (PN). Autonomic neuropathy (AN) was established by the heart rate reactions to deep breathing (E/

Food sources of carbohydrates in a European cohort of adults.

Objective: To describe the average consumption of carbohydrate-providing food groups among study centres of the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC). Methods: Of the 27 redefined EPIC study centres, 19 contributed subjects of both genders and eight centres female participants only (men, n=13 031; women, n=22 924, after exclusion of subjects under 35 and over 74 years

Improvement of peripheral nerve function after institution of insulin treatment in diabetes mellitus. A case-control study

The influence of improved diabetic control on peripheral nerve function was studied before and 3-4 months after institution of insulin treatment in 22 diabetics unsatisfactorily controlled by oral hypoglycemic agents. After institution of insulin treatment, diabetic control was improved as demonstrated by decreasing levels of HbA1. There was an overall tendency towards improvement of motor and sen

Parameters to characterize biological conditions in marine and coastal waters retrieved from SeaWiFS data

SeaWiFS satellite data were employed to demonstrate how the biological conditions in marine and coastal waters may be characterized using the concentration of chlorophyll-alpha (chl-alpha) and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) as the leading parameters. In marine waters the standard algorithms from the SeaWiFS Data Analysis System (SeaDAS) package were used to derive the concentrations, whereas in co

Increased expression of tumor-associated trypsin inhibitor, TATI, in prostate cancer and in androgen-independent 22Rv1 cells

Objectives: Tumor-associated-trypsin inhibitor (TATI) is frequently coexpressed with trypsinogen in tumors. Recently, we found expression of trypsinogens in prostate cancer. We have now studied whether TATI is also expressed in prostate cancer and if TATI expression is associated with Gleason grade, proliferation, and neuroendocrine differentiation. Methods: Expression of TATI and prostate-specifi

Effects of postural disturbances with fatigued triceps surae muscles or with 20% additional body weight

One of the main issues for balance control is the ability to generate enough forces to execute motions and uphold stability. This study aimed to investigate whether induced fatigue of the triceps surae muscles and decreased muscle force due to temporary additional body weight affected the ability to withstand balance perturbations. Another aim was to examine whether postural control adaptation ove

Soil properties affecting the frost sensitivity of beech bark in southern Sweden

Decline in pH and leakage of base cations have been recorded in beech forest soils in southern Sweden. This study investigated the influence of soil properties on frost sensitivity in beech bark and evaluated the effects on frost sensitivity of soil treatment with lime, wood ash or excessive N fertilization. Beech trees on five experimental sites were studied. The results indicated that beech tree

De hjälper oss till rätta : normaliseringsarbete, självbestämmande och människor med psykisk utvecklingsstörning

For people with learning disabilities care in institutions has been replaced by a life in community settings e.g. group homes, where a number of persons (4-5) are living with staff support. My case-studies cover three elderly and three more lately produced such units as well as a ward in a nursing home. Data were gathered through participant observations and semistructured interviews with staff an