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Trigeneration: Thermodynamic performance and cold expander aerodynamic design in humid air turbines
Improving electrical efficiency has been proposed as the most convenient means of reducing, e.g. CO2 emission from power plants. Increasing fuel utilization through combined heat and power generation is another useful measure for emission reduction. Trigeneration technology for the production of heat, power and cooling is an interesting alternative for further improvement of fuel utilization. Prev
Projekt, projektorganisation och flöde
Rysslands Civilsamhälle
Heme Protein Biogenesis - Catalase in Enterococcus faecalis
Popular Abstract in English Heme is a small red-colored molecule consisting of an iron atom bound to a chemical structure called porphyrin. Heme is essential for many organisms, including humans, because it is a cofactor in a variety of proteins that are needed to sustain metabolism. The probably most famous heme protein is hemoglobin which gives blood its red color. The heme cofactor in hemoglobiHeme proteins form a large and diverse group of proteins which are involved in a variety of biological functions. The heme prosthetic group enables them to carry out redox reactions, transport electrons, bind gaseous molecules, and function as sensors. Despite their importance only little is generally known about heme protein biogenesis. The Gram-positive bacterium Enterococcus faecalis is found i
Chapt. 4. Structural Timber - Variability and Statistical Modelling
På modets bakgård : garderobsrensning som ritual och moderiktig praktik
Den lärda fru Lyche och professor Sjuskägg - Om ett bortglömt akademikerpar från frihetstiden
Biografiskt dubbelporträtt av den danska skaldinnan Lyche Sophia Friis (c:a 1699-1747) och hennes make, sedermera professorn i teologi, Gustaf Ernst von Bildstein (1703-1769).
Swedish Industrialization and the Heckscher-Ohlin Theorem
August Strindberg: Forms of Interaction
The Fusion of Fable and Comedy. Some Remarks Concerning the Danish Reception of Boursault’s First Aesop Play
By examining the reception of Edme Boursault’s first fable comedy, Ésope (1690), the paper discusses the historical prerequisites of an interlacing of fable and comedy. The several 18th century translations of Boursault’s drama often have been taken as a pretext for the success of his genre experiment. The fusion of fable and comedy was, however, not in all respects in line with literary horizons
BIOACTIVE SECONDARY METABOLITES -Isolation Characterization and Synthesis
Nature produces biologically active and chemically intriguing secondary metabolites. To isolate and characterize compounds of novel activity and structure, bioassay-guided fractionations were applied to several plants as well as to a basidiomycete. Our studies resulted in the purification and characterization of a diverse range of compounds displaying activity in a variety of biological assays. Ne
The Effects of Imposed Deformations on the Behaviour of Loaded Concrete Structures
The Role of CCK-A and CCK-B Receptors in the Trophic Control of Pancreas and Oxyntic Mucosa in the Rat.
Popular Abstract in Swedish Cholecystokinin (CCK) och gastrin är två välkända mag-tarmkanals hormoner. CCK namngavs efter sin förmåga att stimulera gallblåsans kontraktion och gastrin visade sig vara involverad i utsöndringen av magsyra. Allt eftersom antalet publikationer gällande dessa hormoner har vuxit har också en mångfald andra funktioner tillskrivits respektive hormon, bland annat har bäggeCholecystokinin (CCK) and the related hormone gastrin have been claimed to exert trophic effects in the pancreas and gastrointestinal tract. Two types of receptors for CCK and gastrin are known to exist, the CCK-A and the CCK-B receptor. They differ in their affinty for CCK and gastrin. The CCK-A receptor has about 500 times higher affinity for sulfated than for non-sulfated CCK and gastrin, while
Fracture characterisation of green glued polyurethane adhesive bonds in Mode I
Land-Surface Atmosphere Interactions
Gamla och nya fabriker
Tingens tingslighet
Anaerobic digestion of crop and waste biomass: Impact of feedstock characteristics on process performance
Popular Abstract in English In an ever energy hungry world and given the concerns about global warming, depleting reserves of fossil fuels and growing fuel prices, there is an urgent need for alternative renewable energy sources. Biogas production through anaerobic digestion in sync with other bio energy production technologies could replace or partially replace fossil fuels and hence curb greenhoAnaerobic digestion provides an array of positive environmental benefits such as reducing greenhouse gas emissions, replacing mineral fertilizers, producing renewable energy and treating waste. However, pitfalls in anaerobic digestion such as poor methane yields, process instability, process failure and regional shortages of feedstock have limited the full exploitation of the anaerobic digestion p