

Din sökning på "*" gav 526352 sökträffar

Switches of Memory. Remarks on historiography

This book studies the technognomies of memory in scripto as in texts, lists, dictionaries and databases and less the technognomies of memory in vivo (as in remembering). There are of course some relations between these two kinds of memories, being memory-in-scripto a development parallel to the development of written language. We notice that the historical presentation is built upon both forms of

Comparison of combustion properties between a synthetic jet fuel and conventional jet A1

Aviation fuel is a petroleum product that fulfills the Standard Specification for Aviation Turbine Fuels. Crude oil has been the raw material for production of aviation fuels for many years. Since the availability of crude oil is predicted to be limited in the future, alternative raw materials for aviation fuels are highly desirable. A Swedish company, Oroboros AB, has developed a novel clean synt

Parental participation in paediatric surgical care. Clinical, ethical and economic considerations.

Popular Abstract in Swedish Föräldradeltagande i barnkirurgisk sjukvård Sjukhusvistelse innebär för många barn och dess föräldrar oro och osäkerhet. Hur vistelsen upplevs och vilka reaktioner denna leder till beror dels på det individuella barnet och föräldrarna dels på mottagandet de får på sjukhuset. Under senare år har stora ansträngningar gjorts för att undvika att barn och föräldrar separeraIn order to deliver optimal paediatric care, we need to know what children and their parents need, expect, and experience. Thus, the general aim of the studies upon which this thesis is based was to elucidate different aspects of parental participation in the care of their child during hospitalisation for paediatric surgery, a specific aim being formulated for each of the four studies. The aim of

Moisture safety in wood frame constructions – What do we know today? – A literature overview

This paper intends to offer an overview of current knowledge in practical moisture safety in wood frame house. Books, journal articles, reports and other documents at different levels regarding moisture and moisture safety in different aspects are summarized. Possible gaps and flaws in existing knowledge, such as, lack of blind verifications of moisture safety calculation tools, the need to separa

Coherence Estimation between EEG signals using Multiple Window Time-Frequency Analysis compared to Gaussian Kernels

It is believed that neural activity evoked by cognitive tasks is spatially correlated in certain frequency bands. The electroencephalogram (EEG) is highly affected by noise of large amplitude which calls for sophisticated time local coherence estimation methods. In this paper we investigate different approaches to estimate time local coherence between two real valued signals. Our results indica

Energy Policy Instruments Perspectives on their Choice, Combination and Evaluation

Abstract The thesis aims at providing a better understanding of public policy instruments used in policy-making within the energy sector, particularly regarding their role in the change towards an increased use of renewable energy sources for generation of electricity. The research was guided by an underlying assumption that a markedly higher proportion of the energy generated from renewable sour

The studying of cultures -- measuring or immersing?

The aim of this chapter is to discuss two different approaches to the studying of cultures – the etic and the emic approaches. The two different approaches reflect not only different views on how cultures ought to be studied, but also to some extent different views on the nature of cultures. The etic approach suggests that it is possible to study cultures from “the outside” and that it is feasible

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Abstract in French Dans cette étude, nous espérons pouvoir dégager certains phénomènes linguistiques qui s’acquièrent mieux en milieu scolaire, avec un enseignement des règles de grammaire etc., et d’autres phènomènes qui s’acquièrent mieux dans une situation d’acquisition non-guidée, avec un input riche et de bonnes occasions de dialogue parlé.

Industrial Societies

The concept of ‘industrial society’ is generally used for a type of social organization based on mass production of commodities. This type of societies began to dominate Western Europe toward the end of the eighteenth century, reflecting a strategy to expand export production in order to appropriate embodied labor and resources from elsewhere in the world-system. Perceived as progress and ‘develop