

Din sökning på "*" gav 526785 sökträffar

European Union Council Presidencies. A comparative approach

This book describes, analyses, explains and compares the role performance of different presidencies. The expert and international authors ask why member states have different approaches and play the role differently, prioritising different functions and using a variety of strategies to realise their aspirations. The book consists of three parts i) describes the functions of the presidency, ii) com

Vortex localization in rotating clouds of bosons and fermions

Finite quantal systems at high angular momenta may exhibit vortex formation and localization. These phenomena occur independent of the statistics of the repulsively interacting particles, which may be of bosonic or fermionic nature. We analyze the relation between vortex localization and formation of stable Wigner molecules at high angular momenta in the view of particle-hole duality. Trial wave f

Brandskyddsvärdering av vårdavdelningar - Ett riskanalysverktyg

I projektet har ett verktyg eller metod för bestämning av risk i vårdavdelningar tagits fram. Verktyget, Brandskyddsvärdering av vårdavdelningar (BSV-vård) kan användas för att bestämma den relativa säkerheten för olika avdelningar vad avser brand. Meningen är att BSV-vård skall kunna användas som ett komplement vid brandsyn. Verktyget kan också tjäna som checklista vid nyproduktion då den också g

It's in The Mix: Configuring Industrial Cool

In recent decades, a transformation of traditional industries has taken place in large parts of the Western world, involving a number of interesting combination processes. One manifestation of Industrial Cool may be referred to as 'recycled factories', whereby different types of cultural institutions have established themselves in industrial premises and touched up the aesthetics of a former indus

Att acceptera det oacceptabla

DU MÅSTE LÄRA DIG att leva med värken, smärtan och tröttheten, är besked som många patienter får i sjukvården. Sällan får de reda på hur det ska gå till. I samband med beskedet upplever många att livet tar slut. Men egentligen är det början på en resa som kan sluta i att livet blir mycket bättre än tidigare. Resan börjar med att man accepterar den situation man har hamnat i. Att acceptera är inte

Collectivity and Circularity

The common claim that the notion of collective action must figure in the content of the attitudes of the parties to a collective action gives rise to a circularity challenge. Standard responses to this challenge are criticized. This article’s solution exploits a notion of collectivity that does not presuppose intention: a purely causal conception that can be explicated in terms of dispositions and

On the nature and etiology of chronic achilles tendinopathy

The present studies included 362 consecutive patients and 147 healthy controls and were conducted to provide a rational basis for treatment and future research. The major lesion was a focal non-inflammatory tendon degeneration (tendinosis). Twenty per cent of the cases were complicated by a secondary partial rupture. The paratenon was normal. A study of tendon blood flow using laser Doppler flow

Investigation method for cascading effects between critical infrastructures

This paper presents an investigation method for studying cascading effects in incidents, which is to some extent lacking in the scientific literature. Several incident investigation methods are reviewed and used to influence the presented method. The usefulness of the method is demonstrated in a case study for a recent event in Sweden, a severe flooding event in the city of Malmö in south of Swede

”Modul 1 Skogsbruk”. Klimatet och skogen – underlag för nationell forskning

Behovet av ny kunskap i anslutning till klimatförändringen är enormt. Det behövs ny kunskap om hur • klimatet kan komma att utvecklas. • skogsekosystemet kan komma att utvecklas. • dessa system interagerar. Detta kunskapsuppbyggande är högst angeläget att påbörja men kommer att ta tid. Många beslut inom skogsbruket måste fattas redan idag utan tillgång till forskningsresultaten. Man tvingas alltså

Genetic variation, clonal diversity and breeding system in sedges (Carex)

In this thesis I investigate genetic variation in clonal plants within the wind-pollinated plant family Cyperaceae and, in particular, in species of Carex. Clonal diversity and the spatial distribution of clones (genets) within populations was investigated in Carex bigelowii (in Iceland and Scandinavia) and C. arenaria (within the species' entire distributional range in W Europe). Both species re