University and Culture: a Phenomenological Analysis of Formal and Informal Discourse on Education and Research at Universities in Sweden and China
I forskningen som presenteras här görs en empirisk undersökning av vetenskap och dess politiska gestaltning, i en analys av vad dessa begrepp betyder i olika sammanhang. Undersökningen är inriktad på en studie av formell och informell diskurs rörande universitet, utbildning och forskning. Den informella diskursen består av 202 skriftliga intervjuer, där elever och personal i båda länderna svarar pIn this research, science and its political appearance are studied through an empirical exploration of their representations in narrative expressions. The field of investigation is allocated to formal and informal discourse on university, education and research in Sweden and China. The analysed expressions were taken from 202 written reports, as students and personnel in both countries answered an