

Din sökning på "*" gav 526628 sökträffar

University and Culture: a Phenomenological Analysis of Formal and Informal Discourse on Education and Research at Universities in Sweden and China

I forskningen som presenteras här görs en empirisk undersökning av vetenskap och dess politiska gestaltning, i en analys av vad dessa begrepp betyder i olika sammanhang. Undersökningen är inriktad på en studie av formell och informell diskurs rörande universitet, utbildning och forskning. Den informella diskursen består av 202 skriftliga intervjuer, där elever och personal i båda länderna svarar pIn this research, science and its political appearance are studied through an empirical exploration of their representations in narrative expressions. The field of investigation is allocated to formal and informal discourse on university, education and research in Sweden and China. The analysed expressions were taken from 202 written reports, as students and personnel in both countries answered an

The effect of forest nutrients status on ectomycorrhizal growth and community structure in response to minerals

Popular Abstract in Swedish Mycorrhiza är en samexistens mellan trädrötter och svampar i jorden. Svampen förser trädet med mineralnäringsämnen från jorden och i utbyte får den socker från trädet. Sockret produceras via fotosyntesen och transporteras sedan ner till rötterna där de förs vidare till svamphyferna. Det har visats att mycorrhizasvampar kan ta upp näringsämnen direkt från mineraler i jEctomycorrhiza are a symbiosis between trees and soil inhabiting fungi. The fungal hyphae ensheath the fine roots creating a mantle and grow in between root cells to create the Hartig net, where the exchange of carbon and mineral nutrients occurs. The ectomycorrhizal fungus is dependent on the host tree to receive the carbon it needs to grow. Trees with different nutrient deficiencies differ in t

Pollen Competition as a Target for Sexual Selection in Plants

Popular Abstract in Swedish Hos djur är det vanligt att hannarna slåss om att få para sig med honorna, medan honorna är mer kräsna i sitt val av partner. Är det möjligt att växter gör på samma sätt? I min avhandling har jag visat hur pollen tävlar om att få befrukta de honliga fröämnena i pistillen hos styvmorsvioler (Viola tricolor). Det ligger även i honans intresse att välja en partner som prodAccording to the theory of sexual selection, traits can evolve because they confer a mating advantage in competition with members from the same sex. In animals, sexual selection is considered as an important evolutionary force. In this thesis I have investigated the potential for sexual selection in plants. I have concentrated on the phase of reproduction that occurs after pollinators have deposit

Studies of Mucociliary Activity and Blood Flow in the Upper Airways, with Special Reference to Endothelins and Nitric Oxide

Popular Abstract in Swedish Slemhinnorna i näsan, bihålorna, nasofarynx (nässvalgrummet), örontrumpeten och främre delen av mellanörat, är beklädda med celler på vars yta det finns flimmerhår (cilier). De ciliebeklädda slemhinnorna är täckta av ett tunt slemskikt som transporteras av ciliernas rörelser. I slemskiktet fastnar inandade partiklar, bakterier och döda celler, och transporteras av cilieThe aim with this thesis was to investigate effects of vasoactive mediators on mucociliary activity and blood flow in rabbit and human experimental models. Mucociliary activity in vivo and ciliary beat frequency (CBF) in vitro were measured with photoelectric techniques. Blood flow was measured with laser Doppler flowmetry. Substance P (SP) and methacholine increased human nasal blood flow. Pretre

Molecular Trees for Collecting Sunshine -Monitoring and Controlling Energy Transfer in Dendrimers

Popular Abstract in Swedish Ett ökade förbrukningen av fossila bränslen kommer att accelerera den globala uppvärmningen med oöverskådlig inverkan på oss och vår miljö. Utvecklingen av alternativa, förnybara och miljömässigt rena energiformer är därför helt essentiell. En möjlig lösning är att skapa artificiell fotosyntes, där solenergi omvandlas till bränsle (till exempel vätgas) i en process där A continuing use of fossil fuels will accelerate global warning and result in severe consequences for the environment and thereby also us. Development of alternative, sustainable and environmentally friendly energy sources is therefore crucial. One approach is to create an artificial photosynthetic system that converts sunshine into fuel (e.g. hydrogen gas) by splitting water molecules. However, i

Sociala dimensioner i hållbar samhällsplanering

Vilka faktorer skall man prioritera i samhällsplanering? Hur skall man analysera dem? Hur hänger olika faktorer samman? Hur skall man arbeta med sociala dimensioner som verktyg i planering? De prioriterade sociala dimensionerna i bostadsplanering har formulerats som allsidig demografisk struktur, rimliga omflyttningstal och attraktiva boendekvaliteter. I skriften analyseras planeringsstrategier kr

Automated Manufacture of Fertilizing Agglomerates from Burnt Wood Ash

In Sweden, extensive research is conducted to find alternative sources of energy that should partly replace the electric power production from nuclear power. With the ambition to create a sustainable system for producing energy, the use of renewable energy is expected to grow further and biofuels are expected to account for a significant part of this increase. However, when biofuels are burned or

A mixed-ordered Logit approach to investigate correlations among different affordances in fire evacuation

The evaluation of the effectiveness of safety installations (such as emergency exits, lighting, etc.) is a key factor to improve the evacuation performance of buildings or transportation systems. In fact, even though an installation is designed to achieve a given design goal, it could happen it does not perform as intended. According to the Theory of Affordances, this could be interpreted in relat

NMR Diffusion Studies of Association in Surfactant Systems Inclusion Complexes, Micellar Solutions and Microemulsions

The aim of this thesis has been to investigate self-diffusion behavior of host-guest complex, microemulsion and polymer solution. Pulsed Field Gradient NMR (PFG-NMR) was shown to provide detailed molecular information in all system studied. The general strategy was to measyre the diffusivities of the species and from there get molecular insight into the aggregation and dynamics of the system.