

Din sökning på "*" gav 528081 sökträffar

Enhancing global constitutionalism: The need for the recognition of civil society’s right to participation in the international law-making process

In an era of globalization, where decision-making transcends national boundaries, it is crucial to recognize the importance of individual participation in shaping the international legal sphere. This recognition becomes even more critical in the 21st century, as we are faced with the need to respond to global challenges and emergencies that demand the collaboration of diverse actors. The inclusive

Scale fragilities in localized consensus dynamics

We consider distributed consensus in networks where the agents have integrator dynamics of order two or higher (n≥2). We assume all feedback to be localized in the sense that each agent has a bounded number of neighbors and consider a scaling of the network through the addition of agents in a modular manner, i.e., without re-tuning controller gains upon addition. We show that standard consensus al

Pretty in Pink: En undersökning av romance-imprints på den svenska bokmarknaden

Syftet med uppsatsen är att belysa utvecklingen av romance-imprints på den samtida bokmarknaden i Sverige, och hur dessa arbetar med värdeförhandling av romancegenren. Detta görs genom att undersöka två imprints – Lovereads och HarperLove – och deras kurering av författarskap, deras marknadsföring och visuella profil, samt vad som kännetecknar deras relation med sina läsare. Uppsatsens frågeställn

Influencers på bokmarknaden

Denna uppsats undersöker influencers roll på den samtida svenska bokmarknaden. Syftet i denna uppsats är att belysa svenska influencers samtida samarbeten på Instagram med Storytel. Diskursen ska föras till ett bredare perspektiv om litteraturens villkor på den svenska bokmarknaden. Frågeställningarna är följande: vad kännetecknar svenska influencers marknadsföring av böcker genom sponsrade instag

Experiences of People with Cardiovascular Disease during COVID-19 in Sweden : A Qualitative Study

Although people with cardiovascular conditions were subjected to more rigorous restrictions during the COVID-19 pandemic, there is limited knowledge of how the restrictions affected their lives and well-being. Thus, the aim of this study was to describe how people with cardiovascular conditions experienced their life situation and physical and mental health during the second wave of the pandemic i

Luxury textile brands and plant-based vegan leather: A qualitative study on Swedish millennials’ perceptions towards the image of luxury textile brands traditionally reliant on animal leather that are offering plant-based vegan leather textile items

Purpose: The purpose of the study is to gain an understanding of how Swedish millennials perceive the image of luxury textile brands that have always relied on animal leather and now are introducing plant-based vegan leather textiles. Methodology/Empirical data: The study is based on the foundation of social constructionism philosophy. A qualitative research design is followed in the present stud

Do Nitrogen and Phosphorus Additions Affect Nitrogen Fixation Associated with Tropical Mosses?

Tropical cloud forests are characterized by abundant and biodiverse mosses which grow epiphytically as well as on the ground. Nitrogen (N)-fixing cyanobacteria live in association with most mosses, and contribute greatly to the N pool via biological nitrogen fixation (BNF). However, the availability of nutrients, especially N and phosphorus (P), can influence BNF rates drastically. To evaluate the

Diasporafilm & populärkultur : en multimodal diskursanalys av filmerna Boy from Heaven och Holy Spider

Uppsatsen ‘Diasporafilm & populärkultur: En multimodal diskursanalys av filmerna Boy from Heaven och Holy Spider’ är skriven av Diana Kasatkina och Elisabet Åberg för fortsättningskursen i Medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap vid Institutionen för kommunikation och medier på Lunds universitet. I denna uppsats analyserar vi filmerna Boy from Heaven (2022) och Holy Spider (2022) med målet att utfo

Slow conformational changes in the rigid and highly stable chymotrypsin inhibitor 2

Slow conformational changes are often directly linked to protein function. It is however less clear how such processes may perturb the overall folding stability of a protein. We previously found that the stabilizing double mutant L49I/I57V in the small protein chymotrypsin inhibitor 2 from barley led to distributed increased nanosecond and faster dynamics. Here we asked what effects the L49I and I

A Model of Froth Flotation with Drainage : Simulations and Comparison with Experiments

The operation of a froth flotation column can be described by a nonlinear convection–diffusion partial differential equation that incorporates the solids–flux and drift–flux theories as well as a model of foam drainage. The resulting model predicts the bubble and (gangue) particle volume fractions as functions of height and time. The steady-state (time-independent) version of the model defines so-

Theory of nuclear motion in RABBITT spectra

Reconstruction of attosecond beating by interference of two-photon transitions (RABBITT) is a powerful photoelectron spectroscopy, offering direct access to internal dynamics of the target. It is being increasingly applied to molecular systems, but a general, computationally tractable theory of RABBITT spectra in molecules has so far been lacking. We show that under quite general assumptions, RABB

European Society of Cardiology quality indicators for the care and outcomes of adults with pulmonary arterial hypertension. Developed in collaboration with the Heart Failure Association of the European Society of Cardiology

Aims: To develop a suite of quality indicators (QIs) for the evaluation of the care and outcomes for adults with pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH). Methods and results: We followed the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) methodology for the development of QIs. This included (i) the identification of key domains of care for the management of PAH, (ii) the proposal of candidate QIs following sy

Nutritional Norms in Long-term Care Analyzed from a Simmelean Perspective.

When goals for assistance to a group are defined from 'the outside', what happens to the group members' own wishes? In the regulations concerning the food for elderly long-term-care patients in Swedish hospitals, the exact vitamins and nutrients which every meal should contain are indicated very precisely. What happens in this situation to the patients' own wishes? The question was actualized when

Review of Using the bodies of the dead: Legal, ethical and organisational dimensions of organ transplantation

Reviews the book, Using the Bodies of the Dead: Legal, Ethical and Organisational Dimensions of Organ Transplantation by Nora Machado (1998). Machado's book is important for impressing this fact on the reader. Machado describes the strains that arise when an individual is reduced from being someone's next of kin, the focus of a private and above all family-oriented situation, to being a body, and