

Din sökning på "*" gav 528304 sökträffar

A Pulse Technique for Control of Fed-batch Fermentations

A strategy for control of substrate feed rate in fed-batch fermentations is presented. The main idea is to make pulses in the feed rate and to evaluate the response in the dissolved oxygen signal. This gives an indirect measurement of the substrate demand that is used for feedback control of the feed rate. Experimental data is used to develop a model of a fermentation process. The model is used to

Growth of Semiconductor Nanowires for Solar Cell Applications

Nanowires have the ability to absorb light much more efficient than conventional thin film layers. This makes them candidates for the development of new types of solar cells that have higher efficiency and lower material usage than current technologies. In this thesis fabrication of nanowires with techniques suitable for large area applications are investigated. The nanowires are grown by either M

Remissvar: Slutbetänkandet Genetik, integritet och etik (SOU 2004:20)

Syftet med förslagen är att säkra att genetisk information inte missbrukas eller används i diskriminerande syfte, men utredningsuppdraget täcker även grundläggande etiska frågeställningar i samband med den framväxande genteknologin. Fakultetsstyrelsen har i tidigare remissvar understrukit behovet av att de etiska frågeställningarna i anslutning till genteknologin blir föremål för en djupgående och

Creation of a Nanometer-Scale Toolbox for Molecular Motor Transport-Circuits

This thesis presents studies of molecular motors in interaction with nm-scale structures, as well as the development of a set of tools that can be used for the construction of custom-designed nano-transportation systems. In our studies, we have used the latest nanoscale technology and combined this with advanced results from chemistry and biomedical sciences. We have succeeded in transferring bio

Dynamic speed adaptation based on information technology

In order to define critical situations in which speed adaptation is unsatisfactory a number of traffic safety researchers from 20 countries were asked to rate the seriousness of various situations. The proportion of injury accidents in the different situations were also considered. Expert judgements, the high proportion of injury accidents and the increased accident risks compared to "normal" cond

Prototyping Methods for Augmented Reality Interaction

The age of wearable technology devices is upon us. These devices are available in many different form factors including head-mounted displays (HMDs), smartwatches and wristbands. They enable access to information at a glance. They are intended to always be ‘‘on’’, to always be acting and to always be sensing the surrounding environment in order to offer a better interface to the real world. A tech

Aerosol-Cloud-Precipitation Interactions - Studied using combinations of remote sensing and in-situ data

Popular Abstract in Swedish Den här avhandlingen handlar om hur moln påverkas av luftburna partiklar, så kallade aerosolpartiklar. Moln bildas i atmosfären när vatten övergår från gasfas till vätskefas, det vill säga när vattenånga kondenserar. För att molndroppar ska kunna bildas krävs dock aerosolpartiklar, som vattenångan kan kondensera på. Antalet partiklar i luften kan därigenom påverka hur mCloud droplets never form in the atmosphere without a seed in the form of an aerosol particle. Changes in number concentrations of aerosol particles in the atmosphere can therefore affect the number of droplets in a cloud. Higher concentrations of aerosol particles in the atmosphere lead to clouds with more droplets and if the amount of liquid water in the clouds stay the same, the droplets become

Kvantfysik i vardagen

Abstract in Danish I anledning af 100 året for Bohrs postulater udgives hermed en række artikler skrevet af personer der på en eller anden måde har haft berøring med Niels Bohr, Bohrs Institut eller Bohrs atommodel fra 1913.