

Din sökning på "*" gav 533093 sökträffar

Cardiovascular changes in patients with mild-to-moderate chronic kidney disease compared with healthy subjects : a 5-year follow-up study

Background: There is limited knowledge about how cardiovascular parameters change over time in patients with mild-to-moderate chronic kidney disease (CKD). We studied several cardiovascular biomarkers over a 5-year period in patients with mild-to-moderate CKD and in healthy controls. Methods: Fifty-four patients with CKD stages 2–3 and 54 controls were included. The CKD patients were closely monit

Continuum Damage Mechanics—Modelling and Simulation

Continuum damage mechanics elaborates the continuum mechanics-based modelling and simulation of mechanical degradation effects. The objective of this contribution is to briefly review different aspects of continuum damage mechanics of solid continua with a focus on general modelling concepts and application to isotropic as well as anisotropic damage approaches on the one hand, and to discuss possi

Mining the Proteome Associated with Rheumatic and Autoimmune Diseases

A steady increase in the incidence of osteoarthritis and other rheumatic diseases has been observed in recent decades, including autoimmune conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, spondyloarthropathies, systemic lupus erythematosus, systemic sclerosis, and Sjögren's syndrome. Rheumatic and autoimmune diseases (RADs) are characterized by the inflammation of joints, muscles, or other connective tis

Topicality in Icelandic : Null arguments and Narrative Inversion

This paper discusses topicality in Icelandic grammar as realized in severalphenomena: referential third person pro drop in Old Icelandic, diverse typesof topic drop in Old and Modern Icelandic, and Narrative Inversion (declarativeVS clauses), also in both Old and Modern Icelandic. These phenomena all involveaboutness topics, given topics or both, thus showing that distinct types of topicality are This paper discusses topicality in Icelandic grammar as realized in several phenomena: referential third person pro drop in Old Icelandic, diverse types of topic drop in Old and Modern Icelandic, and Narrative Inversion (declarative VS clauses), also in both Old and Modern Icelandic. These phenomena all involve aboutness topics, given topics or both, thus showing that distinct types of topicality

Changes in alcohol consumption after treatment for depression : A secondary analysis of the Swedish randomised controlled study REGASSA

Objectives Mental health problems and hazardous alcohol consumption often co-exist. Hazardous drinking could have a negative impact on different aspects of health and also negatively influence the effect of mental health treatment. The aims of this study were to examine if alcohol consumption patterns changed after treatment for depression and if the changes differed by treatment arm and patient s

Exploration of Physiological and Pathophysiological Implications of miRNA-143 and miRNA-145 in Cerebral Arteries

Subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) is a type of hemorrhagic stroke with a high short-term mortality rate which leads to cognitive impairments that reduce the quality of life of the majority of patients. The miRNA-143/145 cluster is highly expressed in vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMC) and has been shown to be necessary for differentiation and function, as well as an important determinant for phenotyp

Gender and age differences in symptoms and health-related quality of life in patients with atrial fibrillation referred for catheter ablation

Background: Primary indication for catheter ablation of atrial fibrillation (AF) is to reduce symptoms and improve health-related quality of life (HRQoL). There are data showing differences between the genders and between younger and older patients. To evaluate this, we studied a large Scandinavian cohort of patients referred for catheter ablation of AF. Methods: Consecutive patients filled out th

Importance of the stakeholders' interaction : Comparative, longitudinal study of two city logistics initiatives

The main purpose of the paper is to explore the importance of stakeholders' interaction in the different stages of the implementation process of city logistics initiatives and to assess the extent to which interaction may vary between two apparently similar initiatives. A comparative, longitudinal study, with data from two Swedish city logistics initiatives is conducted. The findings highlight the

Transforming development and disaster risk

This article focuses on the complex relationship between development and disaster risk. Development and disaster risk are closely linked as the people and assets exposed to risk, as well as their vulnerability and capacity, are largely determined by development processes. Transformation is key to moving from current development patterns that increase, create or unfairly distribute risks, to forms

The contribution of sense of place to social-ecological systems research : A review and research agenda

To develop and apply goals for future sustainability, we must consider what people care about and what motivates them to engage in solving sustainability issues. Sense of place theory and methods provide a rich source of insights that, like the social-ecological systems perspective, assume an interconnected social and biophysical reality. However, these fields of research are only recently beginni

Avian thermoregulation across age and seasons

Vilda djur påverkas ständigt av omgivningens temperatur som, tillsammans med ytterligare faktorer, styr många av de mönster och beteenden vi ser hos djur i naturen. Förändringar i temperatur kan till exempel påverka hur populationer och individer rör sig över tid och rum, när de väljer att fortplanta sig samt hur mycket föda som finns att tillgå. För jämnvarma djur, fåglar och däggdjur, som producAnimals constantly need to relate to prevailing environmental conditions and regulate their body temperature accordingly. Body temperature regulation in birds and mammals is inherently linked to energy expenditure and, thus, thermoregulation is a physiological mechanism that could trade-off with other costly processes, with potential long-term fitness consequences. In this thesis, I studied ecolog

No excess harms from sustained-release morphine : A randomised placebo-controlled trial in chronic breathlessness

Objectives: We aimed to identify and evaluate: (1) treatment-emergent adverse events (TEAE (worse or new since baseline)) and the subgroup of severe TEAEs in a placebo-controlled 7-day randomised trial of regular, low-dose, sustained-release oral morphine for chronic breathlessness and (2) clinical characteristics associated with TEAE. Methods: Safety analysis of trial data. Adults with chronic br

Following Protein Dynamics in Real Time during Crystallization

The process of protein crystallization from aqueous protein solutions is still insufficiently understood. During macroscopic crystal formation, occurring often on time scales from a few hours to several days, protein dynamics evolves on the molecular level. Here, we present a proof of concept and a framework to observe this evolving diffusive dynamics on the pico- to nanosecond time scale, associa

An osteopontin-derived peptide inhibits human hair growth at least in part by decreasing fibroblast growth factor-7 production in outer root sheath keratinocytes

Background: Given that unwanted hair growth (hirsutism, hypertrichosis) can cause major psychological distress, new pharmacological treatment strategies with safe and effective hair growth inhibitors that do not destroy the hair follicle (HF) and its stem cells need to be developed. Objectives: To establish if osteopontin-derived fragments may modulate human hair growth given that human HFs expres

Politics and place in the making of heritage plants

The potato onion ‘Leksand’, the soapwort ‘Kvinnsgröta’, and the geranium ‘Drottningminne’ are since a few years officially authorized Swedish heritage plants. They are all named after places; a small town in Dalecarlia, a village on the island Öland and a farmstead in the northern region Jämtland. This presentation will discuss how heritage plants are made, in processes which comprise social and p