Din sökning på "*" gav 526784 sökträffar
The Production of a Memorial Place: Materialising Expressions of Grief
This chapter will look at why, how and in what way a spontaneous memorial may develop: from an immediate act to a more planned place of grief and remembrance (Clark and Franzmann 2006, Nieminen Kristofersson 2006, Klaasens, Groote and Huigen 2009). Of special importance for this investigation are the noticeable differences in attitudes to and growths of roadside memorials revealed by data gleaned
Function of contractile and cytoskeletal proteins in smooth muscle: Effects of hypertrophy and age and desmin removal in a transgenic animal.
Popular Abstract in Swedish I människokroppen finns tre typer av muskulatur, skelettmuskel, hjärtmuskel och glatt muskulatur. Skelettmuskulatur kan styras med tanken, och vi kan använda den när vi t.ex. skall lyfta tekoppen på morgonen. Hjärtmuskel finns i hjärtat och slår oavbrutet så länge vi lever. Glatt muskulatur är ej viljestyrd och finns i de flesta inre organ, t.ex. blodkärlens väggar, lufIn man, the urinary bladder responds to an urinary outflow obstruction with a pronounced dilatation and growth of the bladder wall. This clinical situation can be mimicked in rat by creation of a partial urinary outflow obstruction and the papers included in the present thesis use this animal model to address questions regarding the adaptive changes in the smooth muscle of the growing bladder. In
Den juridiska litteraturen
Simulators for Modelling of WWTP
Pengar, politik och paragrafer : hinder mot demokratisk IT-användning. Delrapport till justitiedepartementet inom ramen för uppdrag till Örebro universitet att utreda användningen av informationsteknik i demokratiska beslutsprocesser.
Speciell förvaltningsrätt, 19 uppl
Cognitive semantics and image schemas with embodied forces
Legal stagings. The visualization, medialization and ritualization of law in language, literature, media, art and architecture
In tandem with contemporary modern society becoming increasingly dependent upon visuality, new trends have emerged in cultural studies discussing how visual representations influence our perception of society and its institutions. This is an important observation concerning central elements of law and legal thinking, which to a large extent have been shaped and informed by a text-based tradition:
Winston Churchill på film
Study of three films and TV-series about Winston Spencer Churchill.
Adaptive dual control
The paper discusses the solution to the optimal adaptive control problem over an extended time horizon. This leads to a controller that have dual features, i.e., tt uses control actions as well as probing actions. The solution of the optimal dual control problem is intractable from a computational point of view. Approximations to obtain simpler suboptimal dual controllers are thus important. There
Structural and functional studies of factor V in health and disease
Popular Abstract in Swedish När folk frågat mig vad det är egentligen jag håller på med på labbet, brukar jag lite slarvigt svara att jag jobbar med blod. Jag tänkte här lite närmare gå igenom vad det är jag egentligen gjorde på labbet för Er som undrat. Jag har studerat ett protein i blodkoagulationen som heter faktor V (läs 5). För att man ska förstå varför detta protein är viktigt, måste man noThe homologous blood coagulation factors V (FV) and factor VIII (FVIII) are important at sites of vascular injury for the amplification of the clotting cascade. Activated FV (FVa) serves as a cofactor to the enzyme activated factor X (FXa) in the activation of prothrombin. This complex is called the prothrombinase complex. FVIII functions as a cofactor to the enzyme activated factor IX (FIXa) in t
Fabrication of Low-Dimensional Structures in III-V Semiconductors
The thesis presents studies on the processing technology and the characterization of nanometer-sized and low-dimensional structures in III-V semiconductors. Two major approaches are described: 1) the combination of aerosol technology and plasma etching for the fabrication of quantum dots (QDs) in InP-based materials and 2) the use of high-resolution electron beam lithography and plasma or wet che
Changes in bone mass and skeletal structure in the postmenopausal period.
Popular Abstract in Swedish Benskörhet (osteoporos) är en sjukdom som karaktäriseras av minskad mängd benmassa och försämrad benkvalitet. Benskörhet leder till en ökad risk för frakturer. Förekomsten av benskörhet har fördubblats under de senaste decennierna. Upp till en tiondel av alla män och en fjärdedel av alla kvinnor lider av sjukdomen. Ökningen av benskörhet i samhället kan delvis förklarasThe aim of this thesis was to evaluate long-term changes in bone mass and skeletal structure in the forearm in the peri- and postmenopausal period. 156 premenopausal women, at baseline aged 48 years, not taking medications and without disease processes known to interfere with bone metabolism, were followed through menopause by measurements of bone mass and skeletal structure at the cortical site o