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Säkerhetsrådresolutioner i svensk rätt
Numerical study of swirling impinging jets with heat-transfer
This paper deals with numerical simulations of circular impinging jets with heat transfer, by means of Large Eddy Simulation (LES). The LES code uses higher order finite-differences on staggered Cartesian non-uniform grids. The current LES have the potential of dealing with transition as well as providing data on details of larger scale structures, statistical correlations and turbulent spectral c
Low Complexity Real-Time Feature Extraction Using Image Projections
In this paper it is shown how low complexity image projections can be used to replace the much more memory demanding functions morphology and labeling. The image projections are intended to be used in an automatic real-time surveillance system to detect objects and extract features. The projection unit operates directly on the binary motion mask from the segmentation unit and can extract location,
Coulomb Excitation of the N=50 nuclues 80Zn
Språkliga svårigheter hos skolbarn
Detection of cell-cyclic elements in mis-sampled gene expression data using a robust Capon estimator
We present a method for the estimation of possible cell-cyclic elements in mis-sampled microarray data. Accurate assessment of the frequency content of microarray data gives insight into genes which could be cell-cycle regulated. Cell-cycle regulation is one component of the complex network of genetic regulatory processes and is especially relevant to the study of cancer. As cDNA microarray experi
Applying the viable system model in an MCS: Addressing relationships between ERP and budgeting
We apply the viable system model (VSM) in the management control system (MCS) area in order to address the multifariousrelationships between enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems and budgeting through the introduction of five researchcriteria: ERP system, budgeting, informal control, organizational hierarchy and the relationships among them. The researchquestion discussed is: How can we devel
Preferences for colours on buildings
Status of the MAX IV Storage Rings
In 2009 the MAX IV facility was granted funding by Swedish authorities. Construction of the facility will begin this summer and user operation is expected by 2015. MAX IV will consist of a 3.4 GeV linac as a driver for a short-pulse radiation facility (with planned upgrade to a seeded/cascaded FEL) as well as an injector for two storage rings at different energies serving user communities in separ
Om Lilja 4-ever - en svensk film
Modern asatro : att konstruera etnisk och kulturell identitet
The purpose of the study is to examine contemporary followers of Asatru in Sweden. Central to the study is the way Asatru today can be seen as an ethnic religion. Due to this will the ideas about Asatru as a folk religion among followers and the idea of Asatru as a form of “sed”, a term that can roughly be translated as a form of custom, be explored. Related to the idea of ethnic identity and Asat
The packaging selection practice a case study
Purpose of this paper The purpose of this paper is to present a comparative case study of the procedures and guiding principles in the packaging selection practice of two international companies. Design/methodology/approach A qualitative case study with an inductive approach was conducted. The data was collected through semi-structured interviews, documentation, and field visits. Findings Th
Matrix-exponential distributions
Vowel quantity in West Swedish - the villain of the piece?
Back to the future of dying vernacular past
Sohlberg och surdegen : sociala relationer på Kosta glasbruk 1820-1880
Popular Abstract in Swedish I avhandlingens fokus står förhållandena på Kosta glasbruk under perioden 1820-1880. Glasbruket som grundades år 1742 är en av de många mindre svenska bruksbildningarna. Under hela undersökningsperioden måste glasbruket ses som förhållandevis litet med som mest ett 80-tal hushåll direkt knutna till glasbrukets industriproduktion. Glasbruket hade liksom flertalet svenskaThis thesis focuses on the circumstances at the glassworks of Kosta during the years 1820-1880. The glassworks founded there in 1742 was but one of many small Swedish rural works. Throughout the period in question, the glassworks can be seen as a small-scale factory with about 80 households directly engaged in industrial production. Like the rest of the glass industry, the glassworks at Kosta deve
Registered partnerships and EC law
Sexuell exploatering av barn och ungdomar. Sammanställning av aktuell kunskap och forskning 2004-2008
Reptricket. Förord till Lars Gustafsson: Mot noll
Introduction to a collection of philosophical essays by Swedish author Lars Gustafsson (b. 1936).