

Din sökning på "*" gav 533093 sökträffar

Marchantiana asserigena comb. nov., a possible European immigrant from Australia

Caloplaca asserigena is known to have a secondary compound different from other species of Teloschistaceae in the Northern Hemisphere. Studies of the secondary chemistry of the Australian Teloschistaceae have revealed the same compound to be present in Marchantiana michelagoensis and Caloplaca marchantiorum. Subsequent molecular studies based on three genes support the affinity of C. asserigena an

Association Between Self-Reported Sleep Duration and Body Composition in Middle-Aged and Older Adults

STUDY OBJECTIVES: The current study sought to examine whether self-reported sleep duration is linked to an adverse body composition in 19,709 adults aged 45 to 75 years. METHODS: All variables used in the current study were derived from the Swedish EpiHealth cohort study. Habitual sleep duration was measured by questionnaires. Body composition was assessed by bioimpedance. The main outcome variabl

Synthesis of polypyrrole microspheres by Streptomyces spp.

The present paper shows a green method for the formation of polypyrrole by two different MIUG 12p and MIUG 4.88 strains of Streptomyces spp. bacteria. According to our knowledge, such method has never been proposed before for pyrrole oxidation. For this experiment pyrrole monomer was added into bacterial medium after 6 days of incubation and after 4 days polypyrrole (PPy) based 10–25 μm microspher

Raman and infrared spectroscopic studies of structure and stability of 1,1,2,2-tetrachloro-1,3-disilacyclopentane

Raman spectra of liquid, and infrared spectra of gaseous as well as matrix isolated 1,1,2,2-tetrachloro-1,3-disilacyclopentane were recorded and analyzed with the aid of DFT calculations. Complete assignment of the experimental vibrational spectral bands is made. Experimental results and DFT calculations confirm that 1,1,2,2-tetrachloro-1,3-disilacyclopentane exists as single twist conformer in ga

Application of infrared spectroscopic imaging in specular reflection mode for determination of distribution of chemical components in urinary stones

Distribution of chemical components in the mixed oxalatic, phosphatic and uratic urinary stones was analysed by means of infrared microspectroscopy. The specular reflection from the surface of the cross-sectioned stones was used for the infrared spectroscopic imaging. It was found that the reflection spectra consist from specular and diffuse reflection components and the former one exhibit Reststr

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The critical reception should not underestimate the readers, nor overestimate them, but approximate the correct intellectual level. We hear so often the pathetic slogan: "We are the elite"! During modernism, it was known who the elite was; in postmodernism, the elite was sprawled and distributed in honeycombs: even tv anchors perceive themselves as an elite (which the other elites do not know). Na

Transforming urban water governance through social (triple-loop) learning

The sustainable development of cities is threatened by a worldwide water crisis. Improved social learning is urgently needed to transform urban water governance and make it more integrated and adaptive. However, empirical studies remain few and fragmented. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to analyse how social learning has supported or inhibited sustainable transformations in urban water govern

Estimating faults modes in ball bearing machinery using a sparse reconstruction framework

In this work, we present a computationally efficient algorithm for estimating fault modes in ball bearing systems. The presented method generalizes and improves upon earlier developed sparse reconstruction techniques, allowing for detecting multiple fault modes. The measured signal is corrupted with additive and multiplicative noise, yielding a signal that is highly erratic. Fortunately, the damag

Är vi åter vid Volgas stränder? : En jämförelse mellan Maksim Gorkijs noveller och Kristian Lundbergs Yarden

I kapitlet diskuteras vilka litteraturhistoriska föreställningar om arbetarlitteratur som styr dagens svenska arbetarlitteratur. Dagens varianter skildrar i stor utsträckning samhällets trasproletariat och tycks därmed ha mer gemensamt med exempelvis Maksim Gorkijs noveller från 1890-talet än med trettiotalets klassisk-kanoniska svenska arbetarskildringar. Hur kan det komma sig? Vad säger denna li

Limitations on Control System Performance

Abstract in Undetermined This paper deals with limitations on control system performance due to load disturbances, measurement noise, actuator saturation and system dynamics. Simple problems which capture the essence of the problem are formulated and solved. The results make it possible to quickly explore a design problem for preliminary assessment before attempting to do massive computations. TheThis paper deals with limitations on control system performance due to load disturbances, measurement noise, actuator saturation and system dynamics. Simple problems which capture the essence of the problem are formulated and solved. The results make it possible to quickly explore a design problem for preliminary assessment before attempting to do massive computations. They are also useful ingredi

Dynamic modelling of weathering rates - The benefit over steady-state modelling

Weathering rates are of considerable importance in estimating the acidification sensitivity and recovery capacity of soil and are thus important in the assessment of the sustainability of forestry in a time of changing climate and growing demands for forestry products. In this study, we modelled rates of weathering in mineral soil at two forested sites in southern Sweden included in a monitoring n

Production of high energy photons with in vacuum wigglers : From SOLEIL wiggler to MAXIV wiggler

Small gap wigglers become more and more attractive to produce high photon fluxes in the hard X-ray photon range. They use magnet blocks of high magnetization which resists much better to heating (baking, synchrotron radiation) than in the past, produce high magnetic field with numerous periods and are very compact. They also are a very good alternative to superconducting technology which requires