

Din sökning på "*" gav 535097 sökträffar

Associative Self-Organizing Map

We present a study of a novel variant of the Self-Organizing Map (SOM) called the Associative Self-Organizing Map (A-SOM). The A-SOM is similar to the SOM and thus develops a representation of its input space, but in addition it also learns to associate its activity with the activity of one or several external SOMs. The A-SOM has relevance in e.g. the modelling of expectations in one modality due

Generationsväxling - en utmanande balansakt

Syftet med föreliggande rapport är att ge en orienterande bild över den kom-munaltekniska sektorns faktiska situation med avseende på pensionsavgångar och den framtida försörjningen av kompetens. Studien har föregåtts av ett idé-seminarium där projektets referensgrupp tillsammans med en personalkonsult (se bilaga 1) genererade en karta över de frågeställningar och problemområden som kommande pensi

Etik och genteknik. Filosofiska och religiösa perspektiv på genterapi, stamcellsforskning och kloning

Boken är producerad inom Etikforskningsprogrammet i anslutning till Swegene och Wallenberg Consortium North (WCN). Birgitta Forsman skriver om sekulära perspektiv på människan och gentekniken. Tre olika religiösa förhållningssätt beskrivs och analyseras: judiska (Karin Hedner Zetterholm), kristna (Axel Carlberg), och muslimska (Jonas Svensson). Ställningstagandena till de aktuella bioetiska frågor

Towards Edinburgh 2010: centenary of the first World Missionary Conference

A critical and evaluative study of the eight Commissions of the Edinburgh 1910 World Missionary Conference, including papers commissioned from leading Third World theologians, with substantive Introduction and Conclusion by editors. The book represents a major contribution to the preparation of the 2010 international centenary conference, also to be held in Edinburgh.

Network economy in service- and context-aware next generation mobile networks

The Internet, mobile telephony and portable computers let today's user meet novel applications provided by the service developers, who are motivated by the popular customer trends in technology. However, the supply-demand chain observed in telecommunications causes the complexity of both the user devices as well as the network to increase. The complexity is caused by the need to support quality of

Victimhood, Forgiveness and Reconciliation: in Stories of Bosnian War Survivors

In this analysis of the retold experiences of 27 survivors of the war in northwestern Bosnia, the aim is to describe the informants’ portrayal of “victimhood”, “forgiveness” and “reconciliation” as a social phenomenon as well as analyzing the discursive patterns that contribute to constructing the category “victim” and “perpetrator”. When, after the war, different categories claim a “victim” statu