

Din sökning på "*" gav 533127 sökträffar

In vivo gene delivery to proliferating cells in the striatum generated in response to a 6-hydroxydopamine lesion of the nigro-striatal dopamine pathway

The degeneration of neurons in the mammalian brain is commonly associated with the division of cells located in the damaged area. The aim of the present study has been to characterise the phenotype of newly born cells in the striatum of adult rats following 6-hydroxydopamine lesion of the nigro-striatal pathway. Newborn cells were identified through labelling with either bromodeoxyuridine or retro

Npas4, a novel helix-loop-helix PAS domain protein, is regulated in response to cerebral ischemia

Basic helix-loop-helix PAS domain proteins form a growing family of transcription factors. These proteins are involved in the process of adaptation to cellular stresses and environmental factors such as a change in oxygen concentration. We describe the identification and characterization of a recently cloned PAS domain protein termed Npas4 in ischemic rat brain. Using gene expression profiling fol

Exercise during growth and bone mineral density and fractures in old age

If exercise is to be recommended during growth, benefits in bone mineral density (BMD) must be maintained in old age and shown to prevent fractures. Our cross-sectional study of soccer players suggests that a high BMD is no longer recorded after retirement and fracture frequency is no less than predicted in old age.

Om inte om hade varit

Recension av Dennis E. Showalter & Harold C. Deutsch (red.); Om Tyskland segrat – 53 alternativa scenarier.

Circulating proteoglycans and glycosaminoglycans during critical illness

Popular Abstract in Swedish Blodförgiftning är en spridd och svår infektion och har en hög dödlighet. Skador på blodkärlen är en viktig del i sjukdomsutvecklingen. Glykosaminoglykaner (GAG) är negativt laddade kolhydrater som bland annat förekommer på blodkärlens insida och här utgör gränsskiktet mot blodbanan. På denna plats är GAG betydelsefullt för blodkärlens blodproppshämmande effekt, för traThe endothelial glycocalyx is the carbohydrate rich inner layer of the blood vessels. Important components of the glycocalyx are the proteoglycans with their attached glycosaminoglycans. At this location these molecules contribute to the adhesion and transport of leucocytes to inflamed tissue, the anticoagulation as well as the transport of fluid across the vessel wall. All these functions are dis

Cognitive function after cardiac arest and targeted temperature management

This thesis focuses on cognitive impairment in Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest (OHCA) survivors with the main aim to evaluate possible effects by targeted temperature management. Secondary aims are to describe the prevalence of cognitive impairment in a large group of OHCA-survivors, the related symptoms of psychological distress and the actual effect of cognitive impairment for the patient’s abili

Latent resande hos grupper med mobilitetsrestriktioner. Översikt och kunskapsbehov.

Forskningsprogrammet Bisek2 skall bidra med kunskap och andra resultat, som ger stöd till en effektiv avvägning av mobiliteten med bil i relation till andra mål och värden. Denna rapporten behandlar en översikt över latent mobilitet och restriktioner för personer med nedsatt funktionell förmåga. Den identifierar behov av fortsatt forskning inom området.

Exkludering, assimilering eller utrotning? : "Tattarfrågan" i svensk politik 1880-1955

Hösten 1943 genomförde Socialstyrelsen rasbiologiska mätningar av mer än hundra svenskar som myndigheten ansåg var ”tattare”, däribland flera barn. Genom att mäta längden på näsor, armar och pannor ville myndigheten få fram ett objektivt sätt att avgöra vilka svenskar som borde kategoriseras på detta sätt. Målet var att skapa särskilda politiska åtgärder mot gruppen, som länge givits skulden för eSince the 16th Century, there has been Travelling families in Sweden, earning their living by itinerant trades such as horse-trading, scrap-metal-dealing and tinplating. The authorities often labelled these families “tattare”. They suffered from severe discrimination, and authorities as well as scientists claimed that they were a threat against society. These claims were often made with a racializ

Ribosomal History Reveals Origins of Modern Protein Synthesis

The origin and evolution of the ribosome is central to our understanding of the cellular world. Most hypotheses posit that the ribosome originated in the peptidyl transferase center of the large ribosomal subunit. However, these proposals do not link protein synthesis to RNA recognition and do not use a phylogenetic comparative framework to study ribosomal evolution. Here we infer evolution of the

Investigation of laminar flame speeds of typical syngas using laser based Bunsen method and kinetic simulation

Synthetic gas (syngas) fuels are promising energy sources in the future. In the current work, laminar flame speeds of typical syngas with different H-2 contents were studied using both experimental measurements and kinetic simulations. Measurements were carried out using the Bunsen method with the flame area derived from the OH planar laser-induced fluorescence (OH-PLIF) images; while kinetic simu

Investigation of lead concentrations in whole blood, plasma and urine as biomarkers for biological monitoring of lead exposure

Lead in blood is a major concept in biomonitoring of exposure but investigations of its alternatives are scarce. The aim of the study was to describe different lead biomarkers' variances, day-to-day and between individuals, estimating their fraction of the total variance. Repeated sampling of whole blood, plasma and urine were conducted for 48 lead-exposed men and 20 individuals under normal envir

Relation between smoking history and gene expression profiles in lung adenocarcinomas

Background: Lung cancer is the worldwide leading cause of death from cancer. Tobacco usage is the major pathogenic factor, but all lung cancers are not attributable to smoking. Specifically, lung cancer in never-smokers has been suggested to represent a distinct disease entity compared to lung cancer arising in smokers due to differences in etiology, natural history and response to specific treatm

Fighting for control in an unpredictable life - a qualitative study of older persons' experiences of living with chronic dizziness.

Dizziness in older people is associated with disability and reduced quality of life. Few studies have investigated how daily life is affected from the older person's perspective. Identifying barriers and resources in daily life could guide health care in how to direct efficient interventions. The aim of this study was to explore older persons' experiences of living with chronic dizziness.

A review of the biology of calcium phosphate sequestration with special reference to milk.

In milk, a stable fluid is formed in which sequestered nanoclusters of calcium phosphate are substructures in casein micelles. As a result, calcium and phosphate concentrations in milk can be far in excess of their solubility. Variations of calcium, phosphate and casein concentrations in milks, both within and among species, are mainly due to the formation of the nanocluster complexes. Caseins evo

Tomographic methods in endovascular aortoiliac treatment

Endovascular treatment had developed rapidly and the procedures have increased in complexity. The demand of imaging excellence is imperative to perform these interventions. However both pre and postoperative investigations are performed by the use of advanced three-dimensional imaging, while the treatment itself relies on two-dimensional imaging. With the use of Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT